But won't there be any issues with the RRD files being read by rsync at some arbitrary moment when they are in an inconsistent state? The poller constantly updates them. Just thinking... :)
On 2015-09-15 14:41, Tom Laermans wrote:
Hi Varun,
I believe what you are looking for is rsync and mysqldump? :-)
We don't do any sort of master/slave set up but for backup purposes you just need to copy the rrd directory and mysql database to another host.
Make sure the version of Observium installed on there is identical though, or it won't understand the other guy's database structure. (or just rsync the entire /opt/observium directory).
On 2015-09-15 14:37, Varun Nair (Tech-OPS) wrote:
Hey All,
Firstly, a big kudos to observium and for making the life of a n/w engineer tad better. :)
Now to my query,
I have a Subscription Edition installed. Was wondering if there is a way to setup two instances say master/slave where the master polls the data and sends a periodic snapshot to the slave. This is basically for backups.
Any pointers in this regard would be much appreciated.
Feel free to revert if any questions.
Varun Nair
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