Hi mike,
You can either pick through the SQL updates to work out which one failed to apply, or you can kill off your database and recreate it.
Trying to reapply the schema updates would likely cause even more broken things.
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On Mar 7, 2016, 18:15, at 18:15, Mike Driscoll mike.driscoll@oracle.com wrote:
After upgrade, all seemed well until my disk filled up. db.log contains countless entries about unknown columns. A couple examples are below.
I completed the schema update and full discovery at the end of the upgrade process per: http://www.observium.org/docs/updating/ http://www.observium.org/docs/updating/.
Rerunning discovery.php -u says my schema is up to date. But something isn’t right. Is there a way to force the schema update to run again? Perhaps that will install all the missing columns?
[2016/03/07 18:01:22 +0000] poller.php(9947): Failed dbQuery (#1054 - Unknown column 'port_label_short' in 'field list'), Query: UPDATE `ports` set `port_label` ='Vlan1',`port_label_short` ='Vlan1',`ifLastChange` ='2016-03-04 22:27:35' WHERE `port_id` = '2412'
[2016/03/07 16:16:10 +0000] poller.php(23363): Failed dbQuery (#1054 - Unknown column 'entity_id' in 'field list'), Query: INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('78','42018','port',NOW(),'6','Interface changed: [port_label] '' -> 'xe-0/1/1'; [port_label_short] '' -> 'xe-0/1/1'; [ifLastChange] '2015-04-27 15:45:11' -> '2015-04-27 22:47:09'')
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