Which graph is showing error? can you attach a screenshot? and maybe do a ./discovery -h <device> -m sensors -d and save the output in a textfile or pastebin or something
2015-07-29 13:44 GMT+02:00 chott@praha1.net chott@praha1.net:
After upgrade SVN switch Erroring drawing graph in Overview tab,
probably after add Stack port to inventory
Hardware Cisco 3750G
2015-07-28 18:48:35 Switch 1 stacking role http://dohled.praha1.net/device/device=1/tab=health/metric=status/id=115/ Status added: cisco-stackwise-member-state cswSwitchRole.1001 Switch 1 stacking role
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*Tomas Chott technický ředitel*
chott@praha1.net Phone:
- +420 245 004 005 <%2B420%20245%20004%20005> *Mobile:* +420 604 930 119
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