We are running unbound as two instances on our servers, one is a auth with a custom backend and one that is just caching. I have made a copy of all the files and updated names accordingly so they are unbound_auth* and unbound_cache*. Ive looked at the instructions on http://www.observium.org/docs/developing/add_app/ and have made all those changes as well.
Under the main apps page how do I get a 2nd link to show up for the unbound app metrics im collecting? Ideally id have one that is Unbound-Auth and one that is Unbound-Cache. When I go under the properties for a server and then applications it shows nothing know as the "unbound" namespace is missing and is either unbound_auth or the unbound_cache (or unbound-auth and unbound-cache in those places).
Ive looked around in various files and grep'd everywhere that I can think but can't find where this is at. Also I don't see anything in the database, so not sure what im missing.