What he said. And make sure your devices see all of the neighboring devices via LLDP if you want Obervium to auto discover. That and proper DNS are key.
The link Darren posted is pretty clear after you've been through the process. What wasn't clear to me the first time through was which processes, like LLDP, were handled by the devices and what Observium ned from that versus what it goes
_____________________________ Adam Koczarski P.E., S.E. IT Director Magnusson Klemencic Associates 1301 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3200 Seattle, WA 98101-2699 United States Direct: +1 206 215 8365 Main: +1 206 292 1200
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________________________________ From: observium observium-bounces@observium.org on behalf of Storer, Darren via observium observium@observium.org Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2019 8:13:09 PM To: Observium Cc: Storer, Darren Subject: Re: [Observium] AUTO DISCOVERY
On Sat, 18 May 2019 at 14:33, HARESH KHANNA via observium <observium@observium.orgmailto:observium@observium.org> wrote: Please guide for auto discovery process from web .
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