

Since the auto SVN / discover at 06:00 (BST) today, several of our servers are logging repeated events as follows:


2013-08-29 09:10:25  System     kernel -> 2.6.32-71.18.1.el6-0.20.smp.gcc4.1.x86_64


It appears to be occurring on every 5 minute poll:



This is only affecting machines which run pre-configured (static, non-updating) software such as OpenFiler which is the target in the example above.


Also at the first poll after 06:00 today, most of the other linux boxes logged events similar to the above, but, they logged it just once and then stopped.


I’ve got no idea why / how this would be logged continuously, especially as the result is identical each poll, so any pointers welcome :)



Robert Williams
Custodian Data Centre
Email: Robert@CustodianDC.com