Confirmed my issue gone J Thanks


From: observium [] On Behalf Of Mike Stupalov
Sent: onsdag 25. mai 2016 15.38
To: Observium Network Observation System <>
Subject: Re: [Observium] BGP peers updated


Try with latest revision (r7888),
after ./discovery.php -u
both issues should be gone.

On 25.05.16 16:15, Arnaud Launay wrote:

Le Wed, May 25, 2016 at 03:09:50PM +0300, Mike Stupalov a écrit:
 please do other debug:
 ./discovery.php -d -m bgp-peers -h <device>
and sent (attach os pastebin) this output.
/P.S. Make sure that you have updated observium (svn up)./
Just upped it: Observium
Discovery results enclosed.
I confirm that eventlog noted the message at the discovery:
8s edge.dc2 edge.dc2.dom.tld Bgp-peers: 6 updated, 49 unchanged.

observium mailing list



Mike Stupalov
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