Thanks for the feedback.

It's for all our plateforme, and nothing change, network really fine and if we launch the poller manually evrything is done in 55 sec~.

For exemple :
INFO: worker Thread-2 finished device 44 in 4 seconds
INFO: poller-wrapper polled 59 devices in 36 seconds with 4 workers

But we are pretty sure is due after an svn update and after maybe a fail discover.php run for update db, after that all ports "2014-05-09 20:50:25 Interface was marked as DELETED" at the same time.
Really strange.

Thanks for your help or ideas

On 19 May 2014 22:04, Adam Armstrong <> wrote:
Interfaces will be deleted if they're not present in the walk of ifTable.

This usually happens when the snmpwalk times out, usually because of poor network connectivity. This issue occurs most in the ports module because it's walk is usually 50-70% of the entire poller time.


On 2014-05-19 03:49, Falco Schmutz wrote:
Hello All !

After a several update of our observium, it's appear that all
interface is marked delete, and disappear.

Do you know why ? 

Thanks for your help





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