Use attributes as attributes.
You probably don't want to create permanent alert table entries just for this, and it's not time critical.
Using attributes to match these non-valid descriptions, an alert table entry would only be created when it's necessary, and then you can just use an unrealistic metric condition to make it always trigger.
------ Original Message ------ From: "Klimek, Denis" To: "''" Sent: 2018-07-26 15:01:55 Subject: [Observium] ifAlias Description notmatches multiple wildcard issue
Hi all,
I would like to setup a alert checker which checks configured Ethernet ports if there is a “valid” Observium port description configured. I tried it with following conditions “ifAlias notmatches *:*[*Gbit]*{*}*(*)*:*:” but it’s reporting any port as “OK”. The “::” got added by us for internal purposes.
B: POP102-TBA [20Gbit] {} () ::-> get’s reported as “OK” which is correct
CERRZ2R_C_X670-> get’s reported also as “OK” but this is wrong
Attached a screenshot of the complete rule set.
Any ideas are welcome how to solve this J
Mit freundlichem Gruß
Stadtwerke Norderstedt
Denis Klimek
Professional Network Engineer
Tel: 040 / 521 04 – 1049
Mobil: 0151 / 652 219 06