Open one of the graph URLs in a separate window and add &debug=1 to the end of the URL.
Picked one at random - a whole lot of SQL … and the only “red” errors:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ports` WHERE `pagpGroupIfIndex` = '2' and `device_id` = '274'
Error in query: (Unknown column 'pagpGroupIfIndex' in 'where clause') 1054
Not sure if that helps.
This has been dropped from the table ports - update 297.sql
update/297.sql:ALTER TABLE `ports` DROP `pagpOperationMode` ,DROP `pagpPortState` ,DROP `pagpPartnerDeviceId` ,DROP `pagpPartnerLearnMethod` ,DROP `pagpPartnerIfIndex` ,DROP `pagpPartnerGroupIfIndex` ,DROP `pagpPartnerDeviceName` ,DROP `pagpEthcOperationMode` ,DROP `pagpDeviceId` ,DROP `pagpGroupIfIndex` ;
Not sure where else to check?
Also have this !
Also, please don't hijack existing list threads
Sorry ;(