Hello all,
Moving forward with our POC, and almost everything is perfect...the one thing that's still nagging us is the long polling times for our Juniper switch stacks. Our newest QFX 5k 96s 2-member stacks are now down under 300 seconds after upping max-requests to 70 (~230 seconds now), but our older EX stacks are still taking longer than the polling interval (~330 seconds) to complete.
I realize it's the length of time that the Junipers take to handle the snmpbulkwalk of IfEntry and IfEntryX, but has anyone come up with a workaround to date? Obviously stripping OIDs out of the standard MIBs is not a solution because it could break other devices, but is there a possibility I could create an "IfEntry-lite" version that would be exclusive to the EX platform? Or even a custom poller that uses JunoScript instead of snmp? I'm looking for any reasonable solution, even if it takes some work to implement.