

It’s only occasional that we use these particular graphs, so I can’t say when it stopped working unfortunately :(


As far as I can see, every ‘Prefix Count’ graphs is broken / non-existent for every platform we have (IOS + IOS-XR).






However, all the ‘Update Counters’ graphs are OK, for exactly the same neighbours:




A quick check of the RRDs in the device folders shows that anything starting with “cbgp-” appears to contain the neighbour and address-family, rather than a ‘numeric’ name:



So maybe it should be looking at those? Rather than cbgp-3176.rrd for example?


We have recently completed a round of IOS-XR upgrades so I’m not entirely confident this is caused by an issue on the Observium side to be honest!



Robert Williams
Custodian Data Centres