Hi Observium Community,
Hopefully someone can help me here. I'm using Observium Professional Edition.
I'm struggling creating a check on sensors of type dBm which only has measured up state.
When i go to Health -> dBm i see al my ports power levels. I can filter there on sensor event "critical". Then i'm getting a nice overview of ports which are below threshold. But most of these ports are down. So many of them are false positives and i'm not interested in them.
Then we have the option "Measured State". Over there i can select "Measured Up" and then i'm getting the exact list i want.
So i would like to create a check based on this. But when creating a check and assigning associations i'm not able to match based on the "Measured UP" state. In the groups section i'm also having this limitation.
Am i overlooking something or is this not possible of hopefully i need to do this another way.
Many thanks!
Kind Regards,
Nick Derksen,
Previder B.V