I had the same issue with CE, after debugging it a bit I found that the values from config.php don't get properly loaded when alerts are processed. This might be a problem with my apache/php configuration or a bug in Observium (missing require somewhere or something).
As I didn't have too much time to spend on debugging this I just hardcoded the 1 day value in includes/alerts.inc.php, I replaced the following line:
if ((time() - $entry['last_alerted']) < $config['alerts']['interval'] && !isset($GLOBALS['spam'])) { $entry['suppress_alert'] = TRUE; }
if ((time() - $entry['last_alerted']) < 86400 && !isset($GLOBALS['spam'])) { $entry['suppress_alert'] = TRUE; }
After that it just works as expected for me.
On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 3:58 PM, Laszlo Nemeth laszlo.nemeth@emarsys.com wrote:
Hi All,
Some week ago i wrote a mail because we found an alert bug and we got lot of mails (in every 5. minutes) instead of just 1 in 24 hours.
This Observium was an updated from the 2015.07 CE to the latest (CE. We thougth that the problem was because of the upgrade process and the alert function was new and something went bad....
Now i made a clear install of the latest Observium CE from .tgz. I added only one host, add the same alert, and i’m receiving again the alerts mail in every 5. minutes. I didn’t touch any file just the config.php because of the SQL access of the Observium!
I added a host (emaussw01). It is a Cisco Nexus device with 7 FEX modules. I see the temperatures of FEXs (4 values from every FEX) all is under 50C but not one module. This module are the "FEX-111 Module-1 Die-1". This is over 50C.
I add an alert, export is this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<templates> <template type="alert" description="Autogenerated observium template" version="0.91" created="Thu, 10 Mar 2016 15:29:04 +0100" observium="" id="73249fd2b23ef5f715d749ce2e98be41"> <entity_type>sensor</entity_type> <name>emaussw01 temp check</name> <message>Temp alarm!</message> <severity>crit</severity> <suppress_recovery>0</suppress_recovery> <delay>0</delay> <conditions_and>1</conditions_and> <conditions>sensor_value gt 50</conditions> <conditions_complex>sensor_value gt 50</conditions_complex> <associations> <device>hostname eq emaussw01</device> <entity>sensor_class is temperature</entity> </associations> </template> </templates>
I associated one user for this check via email alert.
Alert history is:
Date Device Alert Check Entity Message Status 2016-03-10 15:38:26 emaussw01 emaUSSW01 temp check Fex-111 Module-1 Die-1 Alert notification sent ALERT_NOTIFY 2016-03-10 15:34:15 emaussw01 emaUSSW01 temp check Fex-111 Module-1 Die-1 Alert notification sent ALERT_NOTIFY 2016-03-10 15:29:12 emaussw01 emaUSSW01 temp check Fex-111 Module-1 Die-1 Alert notification sent ALERT_NOTIFY 2016-03-10 15:24:06 emaussw01 emaUSSW01 temp check Fex-111 Module-1 Die-1 Alert notification sent ALERT_NOTIFY 2016-03-10 15:18:29 emaussw01 emaUSSW01 temp check Fex-111 Module-1 Die-1 Alert notification sent ALERT_NOTIFY 2016-03-10 15:14:07 emaussw01 emaUSSW01 temp check Fex-111 Module-1 Die-1 Alert notification sent ALERT_NOTIFY 2016-03-10 15:08:29 emaussw01 emaUSSW01 temp check Fex-111 Module-1 Die-1 Alert notification sent ALERT_NOTIFY 2016-03-10 15:03:51 emaussw01 emaUSSW01 temp check Fex-111 Module-1 Die-1 Alert notification sent ALERT_NOTIFY
And i got email allways (1 minutes earlier) when ALERT_NOTIFY is present in the log:
# grep -i "Date: Thu” /var/spool/mail/obstestuser Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 15:02:50 +0100 Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 15:07:28 +0100 Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 15:13:07 +0100 Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 15:17:28 +0100 Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 15:23:06 +0100 Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 15:28:11 +0100 Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 15:33:14 +0100 Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 15:37:26 +0100
What can i debug for resolve this problem?
Regards Laszlo _______________________________________________ observium mailing list observium@observium.org http://postman.memetic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/observium