On 14 Apr 2013, at 18:58, Adam Armstrong wrote:
A hosts/ports-based licensing scheme, where you get a certain number free, and any more than that requires a license.
By per-host, do you mean the hosts polled or hosts doing the polling? I like the former better than the latter.
A feature-based licensing scheme, where higher-value features such as load balancers, netapp, mac accounting, vpn tracking, etc require a license.
You mean the kinds of licenses we pressure our sales critter to remove when buying hardware?
Licensing for customer-access, where allowing customers access to the web interface requires a license.
What pricing models do you think would work?
How about early access to new features/bug fixes? Let the paid version lead by 3-6 months, maybe a full year for bespoke features. Critical security fixes should still be available immediately in both versions.
Options for the ent/pro version include using the honour system, maintaining a separate password-protected SVN repository or distributing an ioncube-protected version.
I had not heard of ionCube until now--it looks interesting, but I prefer the honor system.