
 write to vendor.. this device return empty counters (and not for all indexes):

ifHCInOctets.1 = 0
ifHCInOctets.2 = 0
ifHCInOctets.3 = 0
ifHCInOctets.4 = 0
ifHCInOctets.5 = 0

ifHCOutOctets.1 = 0
ifHCOutOctets.2 = 0
ifHCOutOctets.3 = 0
ifHCOutOctets.4 = 0

but some ports still return non-HC counters:
ifInOctets.6 = 1133938806
ifInOctets.7 = 555769688

ifOutOctets.1 = 595141390
ifOutOctets.2 = 708574072
ifOutOctets.3 = 4019307600
ifOutOctets.4 = 0
ifOutOctets.5 = 0
ifOutOctets.6 = 1351693276
ifOutOctets.7 = 1926878970

but anyway - we prefer HC counters,
and randomly empty counters seems as device or firmware broken.

Adam Armstrong via observium wrote on 22.01.19 15:04:
Walk ifInOctets and ifOutOctets and see if those ports' counters are changing over time.


On 2019-01-22 10:25:46, Simon Mousey Smith via observium <observium@observium.org> wrote:

Hi All,

Im trying to work out if the is something wrong with my switch or observium?

Observium detects all the ports fine, vlans fine,

But its not showing any traffic on the ports?

And when I run the -dd in the poller.php the output shows that the is traffic on the ports?

Attached is the debug and a screenshot showing the ports in observium


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Mike Stupalov
Observium Limited, http://observium.org