Hi Niklas,

 really thanks for this
research. I really missed this warning on session_regenerate_id() description :)


Currently, session_regenerate_id does not handle an unstable network well, e.g. Mobile and WiFi network. Therefore, you may experience a lost session by calling session_regenerate_id.


While we not have troubles with network connections, we never seen this trouble :D
I’m studying your changes, probably I’ll change something, but in general you have found the right solution.

Niklas Larsson via observium wrote on 15/10/2019 16:04:

I spent some time figuring out why I got randomly logged out from the webpage and submitted a patch to https://jira.observium.org/browse/OBS-3132

Basically it was the session_regenerate_id() call that caused it, so I adopted the https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.session-regenerate-id.php suggested way.

Well it works for me, try it out if you have the same issue.

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Mike Stupalov
Observium Limited, http://observium.org