
You have someone or something intercepting your SSL traffic to the Observium server (and probably the rest of the internet as well).
If you resolve that, you should get the actual observium.org Lets Encrypt certificate instead.


On 2022-01-06 08:09, Hubacek, Ondrej via observium wrote:

Hello, i have problem with updating Observium professional subscription via svn update.


I got following message from server.


root@otobsrvx:/opt/observium# svn update
Updating '.':
Error validating server certificate for 'https://svn.observium.org:443':
- The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. Use the
fingerprint to validate the certificate manually!
Certificate information:
- Hostname: svn.observium.org
- Valid: from Dec 3 20:01:51 2021 GMT until Mar 3 20:01:50 2022 GMT
- Issuer: sia.conti.de, GF FCLIT CIT IN OP CS IAS, Continental AG, Frankfurt, Hessen, DE
- Fingerprint: EF:F9:E2:5F:F9:31:10:02:6A:AD:8C:B9:8F:14:6F:F6:80:8D:D3:DB
(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? p
Authentication realm: https://svn.observium.org:443 Observium Professional Repository
Password for 'Barum-9395738': ********


Authentication realm: https://svn.observium.org:443 Observium Professional Repository
Username: ^Csvn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'https://svn.observium.org/svn/observium/branches/stable'
svn: E200015: The operation was interrupted




Do you have any advice how to resolve it?


Thank you



Hezký den / Best regards,

Bc. Ondřej Hubáček

IT Network Specialist

Continental Tire Plant Otrokovice


Visitor’s address/Billing address:
Continental Barum s.r.o.
Objízdná 1628, 765 02 Otrokovice, Czech Republic

Phone:                        +420 577 512 765
Cell-phone:                 +420 739 604 074

Web:                           www.continental.cz



Continental Barum s.r.o., Objízdná 1628, 765 02 Otrokovice, The Czech Republic.

Executive heads: Ing Libor Láznička, Ph.D., Ing. Jan Černošek, Ing. Pavol Červenák.

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