Hi Tom,
Thanks for your explanation, and after reading it I too want to take it slowly on this task. So my next question would be:
Could you help me with the correct code for using the php script, and thinking of using it only on the spikes that matter could you make the code as if I would execute it on one single rdd spike.
Met vriendelijke groet,
[B4ict_Logo_Only]Danny op de Dijk | B4ICT W: www.b4ict.nlhttp://www.b4ict.nl @: helpdesk@b4ict.nlmailto:helpdesk@b4ict.nl T: 035-678 06 65
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Van: observium [mailto:observium-bounces@observium.org] Namens Tom Laermans Verzonden: donderdag 24 maart 2016 18:20 Aan: Observium Network Observation System observium@observium.org Onderwerp: Re: [Observium] Problem with RRD spikes
Hi Danny,
chmod +x scripts/removespikes.pl could fix that for you, or add "perl" in between "do" and "scripts" (for i in rrd/*/*.rrd; do perl scripts/removespikes.pl $i; done;).
Apparently the .pl version is indeed not marked as executable in our repository.
I would not recommend simply running that script on all RRD files Observium has, rather find the offending RRD file and run it on that one only to not risk damaging data that is not actually spiked.
Also, for me the .php version works a lot better, but whatever works :-)
Tom On 03/24/2016 04:30 PM, Danny op de Dijk wrote: Dear readers, As of a couple of months now we are the happy users of Observium. And after a lot of tweaking and tunning we have a great tool monitoring our network and all of its devices. Still there are some issues we still can’t work out or find any information about on the net. I’ll describe as best as I can wat I want to fix. On the Observium site there is a section called Miscellaneous with a need trick to irradicate those RDD spikes. The code to use on the command line is as follow: for i in rrd/*/*.rrd; do scripts/removespikes.pl $i; done;
And when I execute this code on de command line of Observium (Via Putty) I’m only getting an error message saying: -bash: scripts/removespikes.pl: Permission denied And this message a couple of times over and over again. After a short whil it stopes and nothing has been done to the spikes on the tables of Observium. So natuarly my question is what am I doing wrong, or better what file or folder hasn’t got the right rights for me to execute this command. It would be very helpful if these kind of information or any kind of information was availible on the Observium website, but it isn’t. And I’m very doudfull it will ever happen. So if anyone has somekind of solution it would be very helpfull. Kind regards, [B4ict_Logo_Only]Danny op de Dijk | B4ICT W: www.b4ict.nlhttp://www.b4ict.nl @: helpdesk@b4ict.nlmailto:helpdesk@b4ict.nl T: 035-678 06 65
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