On 2014-02-23 14:50, Steve Evans wrote:
One challenge, if graphing the wirelessClientsTable, would be the fact that as the clients came and went their corresponding entries in the tables would come and go. There would therefore be gaps in the recording of packets associated with these nodes. That's a fairly simple concept, but how would you manage roaming whereby a client hops between base stations? Would you try to tie these together so that a trace of traffic associated with such a client, irrespective of base station would be available? I think that decision might shape any framework; ie would it be base station or client centric? Of course more than one view may be desirable.
And you see why no one has written any software to do this before...
I try to stay away from recording any history for transient things, we'll store a count and sometimes a snapshot of the state, but more than that usually not.
Though, it depends how useful it would be in the end. We do store history for MAC accounting, and this is vaguely similar.