I have read the Unix Agent troubleshooting section.
The Observium-wide FAQ didn't provide any guidance either.
I set this up within the past week.
Running Community Edition, Debian Wheezy.
I got one box (CentOS) setup with the Unix Agent and at least one polling worked as it's now populated with different packages, MySQL information (that's one of the scripts it setup). It hasn't worked since the first polling or two. It isn't pulling in any new scripts on the monitored box and the information it does have appears to be stale.
I can telnet from the Observium box to the monitored box via FQDN on port 36602 and get a bunch of stuff back.
However, the observium.log and my router shows requests going to the FQDN at ports 1 and 6556 that are refused. I don't show anything in netstat listening on those ports on the monitored box.
What's my next step?
----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com