
That works!

It was a permisson problem.

But now I have explore why only with RB750s.

Thanks again!


El 3/3/20 a las 15:50, Mike Stupalov escribió:
Ok, polling fine.

Probably your cron user (from which observium poller process
are launched)
not have permission to rrdcached socket?..

 $ ps aux|grep rrdcached
 $ ls -l /var/run/rrdcached.sock
 $ ls -l /opt/observium/rrd/ | grep magnolias.unnoba.local

Tecnologia Charne.Net wrote on 03.03.2020 19:58:
Thanks in advance!

I attached a file with the command output.

Thanks for your time.


El 3/3/20 a las 13:28, Mike Stupalov escribió:

 please attach poller debug:

./poller.php -d -h <device>

Mike Stupalov
Observium Limited,