Hi Adam and all

as promised, here an update.
Yes, the "get_http_request() exit with timeout" depend by the geocoding module.
Many thanks again for the hint.
Trying to disable it:
$config['geocoding']['enable']          = false;
It completely disappears... but...
unfortunately also disappears the correct device positioning on the main map,
even if the devices has fixed coord. (lat/lon) defined with the gui.
That's an unwanted drawback, the positioning function is appreciable.
So I tryed to "corrupt" the geoloc. request to inhibit it, instead of the module, removing the parameter:
$config['geocoding']['api']             = 'yahoo';
and also using unsupported values (es. random strings), but the http_request still goes on.
(I was also not able to capture it with wireshark, I'm curious to understand the request ...)

Any other idea ?
Thanks a lot

Da: "Ivan Biasi" <ivan.biasi@trentinonetwork.it>
A: "Observium Network Observation System" <observium@observium.org>
Inviato: Lunedì, 7 marzo 2016 16:38:44
Oggetto: Re: [Observium] Poller-wrapper - get_http_request() exit        with        timeout

Hi Adam

the reported error is a little bit foggy, but I wasn't able to find other details on it.

Many thanks for your hint, it could be the target.
I'll investigate on it and keep the list informed.


Da: "Adam Armstrong" <adama@memetic.org>
A: "Observium Network Observation System" <observium@observium.org>
Cc: "Observium Network Observation System" <observium@observium.org>
Inviato: Lunedì, 7 marzo 2016 15:58:09
Oggetto: Re: [Observium] Poller-wrapper - get_http_request() exit with        timeout

I'm not exactly sure what http request it's whinging about in the poller, probably device geolocation.

You can probably ignore it if the devices not having correct geolocations isn't important to you.


Sent from BlueMail

On Mar 7, 2016, at 14:43, Ivan Biasi <ivan.biasi@trentinonetwork.it> wrote:
Hi all

does anyone ever met the following timeout error message during the polling cycle ?
Any idea on what's the impact and how to solve ?

Here following a section of the log file made by the output of:
*/5 * * * * root /opt/observium/poller-wrapper.py 5 >> /opt/observium/logs/poller-wrapper.log 2>&1

[2016/03/07 15:15:34 +0100] poller.php(29544): /opt/observium/poller.php: <hostname...> - 1 devices polled in 1.546 secs
[2016/03/07 15:15:38 +0100] poller.php(29402): /opt/observium/poller.php: <hostname...> - 1 devices polled in 6.969 secs
[2016/03/07 15:15:39 +0100] poller-wrapper.py(27564): /opt/observium/poller-wrapper.py: polled 25 devices in 37 seconds with 5 workers
[2016/03/07 15:20:05 +0100] poller.php(29849): get_http_request() exit with timeout. Access to outside localnet is blocked by firewall or network problems. Check pr
oxy settings.
[2016/03/07 15:20:50 +0100] poller-wrapper.py(29826): /opt/observium/poller-wrapper.py: polled 25 devices in 47 seconds with 5 workers
[2016/03/07 15:25:02 +0100] poller.php(816): get_http_request() exit with timeout. Access to outside localnet is blocked by firewall or network problems. Check proxy settings.

The system is apparently collecting data but, being a new test/evaluation activation, I don't known if something is missing.

Thanks a lot, regards

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