Firstly, I have to say how impressed I am with the clean,
purposeful implementation of Observium.
One of the main reasons I was looking for such an SNMP
network manager was to monitor my four apple airport base
Whilst Observium recognises such devices, and graphs the wirelessNumber from
the AIRPORT-BASESTATION-3-MIB if does not graph
the corresponding physicalInterfacesTable traffic. Whilst the ifTable is graphed
this doesn't actually include the wireless connections. This
information would be very useful to determine how many packets
are being passed on the wireless interface and at what speed.
I've yet to dig into the structure of the code much, but
presumably the physicalInterfacesTable could be logged/graphed
using code very similar to that used for the ifTable.
Something that would also be very useful, would be to list
the currently attached clients which could be reported in a
similar manner to the ARP/NDP Table using information sourced
from the wirelessClientsTable to
display MAC address and speed/signal strength/noise. This
information could be instantaneous rather than logged as the
airport base stations appear not to actually return the number
of packets passed despite the MIB supporting this. This looks
like the simpler task.
Finally, some might be interested in the DHCP allocations,
but as I run all my base stations in bridged mode that wouldn't
be of interest to be.
So, before I start looking at the code, I thought I should
ask if anybody is already looking into this?
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