I completed the schema update and full discovery at the end of the upgrade process per:
Rerunning discovery.php -u says my schema is up to date. But something isn’t right. Is there a way to force the schema update to run again? Perhaps that will install all the missing columns?
[2016/03/07 18:01:22 +0000] poller.php(9947): Failed dbQuery (#1054 - Unknown column 'port_label_short' in 'field list'), Query: UPDATE `ports` set `port_label` ='Vlan1',`port_label_short` ='Vlan1',`ifLastChange` ='2016-03-04 22:27:35' WHERE `port_id` = '2412'
[2016/03/07 16:16:10 +0000] poller.php(23363): Failed dbQuery (#1054 - Unknown column 'entity_id' in 'field list'), Query: INSERT INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`entity_id`,`entity_type`,`timestamp`,`severity`,`message`) VALUES ('78','42018','port',NOW(),'6','Interface changed: [port_label] \'\' -> \'xe-0/1/1\'; [port_label_short] \'\' -> \'xe-0/1/1\'; [ifLastChange] \'2015-04-27 15:45:11\' -> \'2015-04-27 22:47:09\'')