CE currently incompatible with php-7.2
Pro edition - compatible. Please wait for next CE for Ubuntu 18.04, or use Pro ;)
Adam Armstrong mailto:adama@memetic.org 31 May 2018 at 22:27 Look in the apache error_log.
You'll likely see an error when you try to load a page. It'll tell you what's wrong. It's probably some code that's incompatible with PHP 7.2
Roland Hill mailto:roland.lists@hillnet.co.nz 31 May 2018 at 11:24 Hi list,
Simple problem statement, as per the subject, I get no pages once I log into Observium.
More Background.
I'm running CE 17.9 edition and have done sucessfully since it's release. I have however update my OS to Ubuntu 18.04 and PHP-7.2.
In searching I saw http://jira.observium.org/browse/OBS-2537 and assume my CE issue is a PHP7.2 related one.
Is there anyway I can confirm this is a PHP7.2 issue? This is just on my home network (because I can), so nothing urgent and if the fix is "wait until the next release" then I'm good with that.