Sorry, disregard, I see that patch did make it in. Works nicely.

Thanks for the tip on the RRD path, perhaps that should be made more clear on the wiki page regarding smokeping to avoid future people like me! :3


On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 1:02 AM, Morgan Mclean <> wrote:
But more importantly, regarding the character constraints? I guess I could hack my local copy to str replace . for _, but its not clean.


Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 20, 2012, at 10:52 PM, Memetic <> wrote:

We don't use the PNG files, we use the rrd files.

Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Morgan McLean <> wrote:

I have a machine named techops01, I have a directory /opt/smokeping/ that is running smokeping. cache/ has the png files etc. I've tried pointing to both, readding the host, rediscovering, nothing.

Additionally, smokeping does not allow "." in the host name. I saw somebody had a patch for observium to add conversion of '_' to '.' , did this ever make it into code? I haven't seen a flag

### smokeping testing
$config['smokeping']['dir']     = "/opt/smokeping/cache/";

also tried

### smokeping testing
$config['smokeping']['dir']     = "/opt/smokeping/";

Its not a permissions issue, its 777 now for testing purposes.

Thank you!
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