I've set this up per what I can find in the docs. Master server has RRDcached running, MySQL and web server. I have another server acting as poller server. I go to that server and add hosts, the host add find. All the graphs are failing and on the local server i t shows nothing in the RRD dir (which is right I would think), on the remote hosts it shows RRD files but when I do a debug I see "file already exists" and it does on the remote server.
Looking at the rrd.journal file I see updates being issued and see no errors.
On the polling server I have added: $config['rrdcached'] = "x.x.x.x:42217"; $config['rrd']['no_local'] = TRUE;
And updated cron to: */5 * * * * observium /opt/observium/observium-wrapper -i 1 -n 0 discovery --host new >> /dev/null 2>&1 # Run multithreaded poller wrapper every 5 minutes */5 * * * * observium /opt/observium/observium-wrapper -i 1 -n 0 poller >> /dev/null 2>&1
As I have one poller server and this is the first one.
I see no other errors in other logs but all graphs show "error drawing graph". Is there something else in my config I am missing to make this work?