On 2013-11-15 14:50, Kevin Cackler wrote:
I would like to run an alert for disk space usage on all of our machines, but want to not alert on our /backup drives (They get alerted at 90%). What do I need to put in the entity field to achieve this? I see theexample in the wiki for mempool_descr match *processor for your example memory check, but it's unclear where mempool_descr comes from. What would be the equivalent for the disk mount point?
The reason I wrote the alert association system was so that it could be done in this way.
mempool_descr, storage_descr and processor_descr are defined during discovery based on the data available in the MIB being polled.
In terms of mempool_descr, the example is using Cisco IOS, which has nice descriptions and names for entities, so we take the data from there.
For storage entities on Linux, the data comes from HOST-RESOURCES-MIB, which on Linux gives the mount point (on BSD it tends to give a CSV of mountpoint, block device and filesystem)