Well, I read "old interfaces etc", so... :-)
But yes, we have ignore functions, they already contain(ed?) some of the silly Windows ports, but you can just add new descriptions to the array to make them go away.
On 27/03/2014 00:43, Johnathon Voegeli wrote:
Tom that would work normally I think, but on a windows box it adds all sorta of nonsense ports on it that rarely are used which cannot be deleted on the OS. I believe this is what he means.
On Mar 26, 2014, at 19:41, "Tom Laermans" <tom.laermans@powersource.cx> wrote:_______________________________________________
On 26/03/2014 21:35, John Poznicek wrote:Possibly. Or you just delete them on the machine itself?
I have looked and looked and can not find how to delete ports. There are many ports that are added when pointing to my windows machine for example, old interfaces, etc. tunnels that are not listed ipconfig /all, etc.
How do you delete them? Do you have to edit the
$config['bad_if'] to include the names of the interfaces you dont want?
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