
Thank you for reply.

so overall seems procedure like that:

1) copy config.php from old to new
2) copy the rrd folder from /opt/observium/rrd to new machine
3) on the old machine: mysqldump -p observium > observium_old.sql
3.1) import that file to new machine and do the mysql use observium; source observium_old.sql.
4) copy the weathermap directory: /opt/observium/html/weathermap to new machine.
4.1) add weathermap cron

Any thing more ? Thanks:)

On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 2:31 PM, Markus Klock <markus@best-practice.se> wrote:
You need to move 3 things,
1. config.php
2. the rrd-directory
3. the MySQL-database

so make a database dump, import it in the new machine and copy the rrd-directory and config.php
That should be all for Observium itself.
For weathermap I guess you only need the images and the config-files?


2017-10-20 13:14 GMT+02:00 Edvinas K <edvinas.email@gmail.com>:


we're using subscription version of Observium. Time has come to move the Observium from old to new mashine, do is't possible to to just copy /opt/observium from old mashine to new and make it work with all the history of graphs saved. ? Also we're using weathermap, is it possible by doing this way (just moving Observium)  to save weathermap interface numbers ? 


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