You can answer this question yourself by walking the tables in CISCO-BGP4-MIB. Are they present?
VRF monitorability was ruined by practically every vendor refusing to make new MIBs to handle it. Context hacks are too slow to be feasible.
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On 18 Mar 2022, at 10:44, Sandoiu Mihai via observium wrote:
Hi I am evaluating Observium for reading the number of received bgp routes on ASR9000 routers. I have successfully discovered one of our testrouters and I can see the bgp peers in the liste. However it only detects the vpnv4/vpnv6 bgp peers. It does not detect the bgp peers inside vrfs. Is there any possibility to do so? Apparently they should be read in CISCO-BGP4-MIB Regards Mihai _______________________________________________ observium mailing list