Thank you Adam, I hope that URL gets updated in the stable version soon again, as it is a critical page for our monitoring team.
For the second issue, I agree with completely disabling the groups for non-global users, if a better solution is not available so easily.
Thank you for your help!
________________________________ From: observium observium-bounces@observium.org on behalf of Adam Armstrong adama@memetic.org Sent: 30 June 2015 20:19 To: observium@observium.org Subject: Re: [Observium] The failed port filter is broken after update to 6535
Hi Marco,
The first issue was just a missing field in the URL.
The second issue is more complex. I think we should perhaps just block the entire group/alert system from non-global users.
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On 30/06/2015 18:21:31, Marco Spicuglia marco.spicuglia@reasonnet.com wrote:
Hello there,
after I upgraded to 6535, I noticed that the "ports down" filter doesn't work anymore.
I have a couple of ports down at the moment, in the status box. But if I click on that red 2, then I get all ports down in the network, including the ignored ones.
But I actually have a second issue too.
I also noticed that if I make an account for a customer, with restricted access to their ports only, observium will still show them the global regex for the alerting systems, but also forbidden menu items, such as the groups, which give the normal users access to too sensitive information.
It looks like the permission filtering in the alerts box is not really working the same way as in the status box on the left, same happens in the menus on top.
I had to remove the groups in order to preserve our customers privacy, even though I found them very useful.
Is there an available solution for the above already?
Thanks a lot in advance for your help.