Add the conditions:


storage_descr notmatch /media*

storage_descr notmatch /mnt*



You may need to escape the “/” but it may just work like that.


Spencer J. Ryan| Manager, Technology and Infrastructure
Miller Canfield
T +1.313.496.7979 | F +1.313.496.7500 


From: Michael via observium <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2022 9:03 AM
Cc: Michael <>
Subject: [Observium] Help with Alert Checker / excluding mountpoint


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Hey List,


we´ve the following problem with our Observium Alert Checkers ...

I defined a "Storage exceeds 90%" Check with

Device Match "*" and

Entity match "storage_type equals hrStorageFixedDisk" ...

the Condition are "storage_perc ge 85"


Now, when for example somebody mounted in his RHEL System an iso-Image under /media, I´ll get an Alert-Mail, that Storage /media exceeds 90% of disk


... but this isn´t interesting for me, because it is only temporarily.


Now what we need, is the condition ..." check if greater or equal 85, but check not /media and /mnt 


Can somebody help here?


Thanks in advance.





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