
The "last" as in, you sorted by date in the query?

The time is received from the host itself... something may be off?


On 20/12/2012 11:19, Stefan Milo wrote:
I've got syslog working like a charm... My devices are logging to my observium installation and the /syslog page are displaying everything nicely. But today something weird happened.
The time is now 11:18 on december the 20th. But on the syslog page it says:
Recent Syslog Messages
20th Dec 23:59:55 fw10 FILTERDNS : host_dns: failed looking up "CBB": hostname nor servname provided, or not known 
If i take a look in the database, the last syslog message is this one:
7  1  4  4  filterdns:  2012-12-20 11:15:03  FILTERDNS  host_dns: failed looking up "TMP": hostname nor s...  1987
What's going on? :)
Stefan Milo

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