Thanks! I managed to get it working. Not perfect but returns the 2 temp sensors I need. There is no internal humidity sensor on the 4E so may remove the humidity code as well.
For reference I modified the definitions/ roomalert os to use the 4E mib. I then coped the 24E sensor .php and modified it to use the 4E mibs and had to change the OID from 5 to 6 (the different product code) otherwise the mibs are almost the same up until the extra sensors that are available in the 24E.
I guess my final question is will all the changes I made stick through SVN updates? 
> AVTech uses a different MIB for each product, unfortunately. So it needs 
> some coding to be done...
> Tom
> On 08/28/2014 03:41 PM, Adam Armstrong wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>> You need to write code to discover the objects in the new MIB.
>> You can look at the old ones as an example, you'll find them in 
>> includes/discovery/sensors/
>> adam.
>> On 2014-08-28 14:33, Scott Benninger wrote:
>>> I have been trying to get our Room Alert 4E working to record
>>> temperature and alert if needed. On the latest svn build(5770). I see
>>> on the website that the 24E is the only one supported currently since
>>> they have different MIBS. (FYI they no longer sell the 24E in NA).
>>> I have been able to get it to discover as and AVtech device but I had
>>> to modify the roomalert discovery and poller php files to add a space
>>> to RoomAlert as the sysDescr on the 4E is "Room Alert 4E v3.1.1".
>>> I see the 4E mibs are there as well but the temp is not getting 
>>> polled properly.
>>> Is it possible for me to make modifications to get the temp polling
>>> properly? If so where should I be looking to get the 4E MIBS working
>>> properly? I am not sure where the mappings are done etc. Is this
>>> difficult to do?
>>> Otherwise how would I go about getting the working properly?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Scott