OK, not a debug, but note down at the bottom, CHANGES 51 added.   And after a period of time, they go away.


root@observium:/opt/observium# ./discovery.php -h 11 -m neighbours


  ___   _                              _

/ _ \ | |__   ___   ___  _ __ __   __(_) _   _  _ __ ___

| | | || '_ \ / __| / _ \| '__|\ \ / /| || | | || '_ ` _ \

| |_| || |_) |\__ \|  __/| |    \ V / | || |_| || | | | | |

\___/ |_.__/ |___/ \___||_|     \_/  |_| \__,_||_| |_| |_|

                         Observium Professional



#####  Starting discovery run at 2016-01-08 08:39:57  #####


#####  dbllc-c7609.xxxxxxxx.xxx [11]  #####


o OS Type              ios

o OS Group             cisco

o SNMP Version         v2c

o Last discovery       2016-01-08 08:28:30

o Last duration        0.00 seconds


#####  Module Start: neighbours  #####


Neighbours discovery:  LLDP-MIB  CISCO-CDP-MIB  o Try discovering host cache28 through CDP

o Try discovering host cache29 through CDP

o Try discovering host SEP0021553DB3BD through CDP

o Try discovering host AP3502-DBLLC through CDP

o Try discovering host AP1142N-DistrictClerk through CDP

o Try discovering host cache30 through CDP



| Protocol | ifName            | Remote: hostname  | port              | platform          | version              |


| CDP      | GigabitEthernet3/ | roof-3550t.xxxxxx | GigabitEthernet0/ | Cisco WS-C3550-12 | Cisco IOS Software,  |

|          | 2                 | xxxxx.xxx         | 12                | T                 | C3550 Software (C... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet3/ | hospital-3750g-12 | GigabitEthernet1/ | cisco WS-C3750G-1 | Cisco IOS Software,  |

|          | 13                | s.xxx.xx.xxxxx.xx | 0/12              | 2S                | C3750 Software (C... |

|          |                   | .xx               |                   |                   |                      |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet8/ | db2950-1-vmh.xxxx | vmnic1            | VMware ESX        | Releasebuild-1682698 |

|          | 1                 | xxxxxxx.xxx       |                   |                   |                      |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet8/ | border-7206g1.xxx | FastEthernet0/0   | Cisco 7206VXR     | Cisco IOS Software,  |

|          | 3                 | xxxxxxxx.xxx      |                   |                   | 7200 Software (C7... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet8/ | cache28           |                   | CE566             | Application and Cont |

|          | 13                |                   |                   |                   | ent Networking Sy... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet8/ | cache28           |                   | CE566             | Application and Cont |

|          | 14                |                   |                   |                   | ent Networking Sy... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet8/ | cache28           |                   | CE566             | Application and Cont |

|          | 14                |                   |                   |                   | ent Networking Sy... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet8/ | cache29           |                   | CE566             | Application and Cont |

|          | 15                |                   |                   |                   | ent Networking Sy... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet8/ | cache29           |                   | CE566             | Application and Cont |

|          | 16                |                   |                   |                   | ent Networking Sy... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet8/ | cache29           |                   | CE566             | Application and Cont |

|          | 16                |                   |                   |                   | ent Networking Sy... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet9/ | voip-gw.xxxxxxxxx | FastEthernet0/0   | Cisco 3660        | Cisco IOS Software,  |

|          | 1                 | xx.xxx            |                   |                   | 3600 Software (C3... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet9/ | rjm-voip-gw2811.x | FastEthernet0/0   | Cisco 2811        | Cisco IOS Software,  |

|          | 2                 | xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx   |                   |                   | 2800 Software (C2... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet9/ | backup-7206g1.xxx | FastEthernet0/0   | Cisco 7206VXR     | Cisco IOS Software,  |

|          | 13                | xxxxxxxx.net      |                   |                   | 7200 Software (C7... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet9/ | border-7206g1.xxx | GigabitEthernet0/ | Cisco 7206VXR     | Cisco IOS Software,  |

|          | 23                | xxxxxxxx.net      | 1                 |                   | 7200 Software (C7... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet9/ | border-7206g1.xxx | GigabitEthernet0/ | Cisco 7206VXR     | Cisco IOS Software,  |

|          | 24                | xxxxxxxx.net      | 2                 |                   | 7200 Software (C7... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet9/ | db2950-1-vmh.xxxx | vmnic0            | VMware ESX        | Releasebuild-1682698 |

|          | 26                | xxxxxxx.net       |                   |                   |                      |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet9/ | border-7206g1.xxx | GigabitEthernet0/ | Cisco 7206VXR     | Cisco IOS Software,  |

|          | 28                | xxxxxxxx.net      | 3                 |                   | 7200 Software (C7... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet9/ | DB-N1000V.directb | Ethernet3/3       | Nexus1000V        | Cisco Nexus Operatin |

|          | 29                | ytes.net          |                   |                   | g System (NX-OS) ... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet9/ | db1955-3030-ul.xx | GigabitEthernet0/ | cisco WS-CBS3030- | Cisco IOS Software,  |

|          | 30                | xxxxxxxxx.net     | 12                | DEL               | CBS30X0 Software ... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet9/ | db2950-1-vmh.xxxx | vmnic5            | VMware ESX        | Releasebuild-1682698 |

|          | 32                | xxxxxxx.net       |                   |                   |                      |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet9/ | db1955-3030-ur.xx | GigabitEthernet0/ | cisco WS-CBS3030- | Cisco IOS Software,  |

|          | 33                | xxxxxxxxx.net     | 12                | DEL               | CBS30X0 Software ... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet9/ | db1955-3030-ll.xx | GigabitEthernet0/ | cisco WS-CBS3030- | Cisco IOS Software,  |

|          | 34                | xxxxxxxxx.net     | 11                | DEL               | CBS30X0 Software ... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet9/ | VCENTER2950       | Broadcom BCM5708C | Windows 6.1       | Intel64 Family 6 Mod |

|          | 35                |                   |  NetXtreme I      |                   | el 15 Stepping 11... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet9/ | VCENTER2950       | BASP Virtual Adap | Windows 6.1       | Intel64 Family 6 Mod |

|          | 35                |                   | ter               |                   | el 15 Stepping 11... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet9/ | db1955-3030-lr.xx | GigabitEthernet0/ | cisco WS-CBS3030- | Cisco IOS Software,  |

|          | 36                | xxxxxxxxx.net     | 11                | DEL               | CBS30X0 Software ... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet9/ | db2950-1-vmh.xxxx | vmnic4            | VMware ESX        | Releasebuild-1682698 |

|          | 37                | xxxxxxx.net       |                   |                   |                      |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet9/ | vpn2851.xxxxxxxxx | GigabitEthernet0/ | Cisco 2851        | Cisco IOS Software,  |

|          | 47                | xx.net            | 0                 |                   | 2800 Software (C2... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet9/ | vpn2851.xxxxxxxxx | GigabitEthernet0/ | Cisco 2851        | Cisco IOS Software,  |

|          | 48                | xx.net            | 1                 |                   | 2800 Software (C2... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet1/ | SEP0021553DB3BD   |                   | CP-7921G          | CP7921G-1.3.3.LOADS  |

|          | 3                 |                   |                   |                   |                      |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet2/ | AP3502-DBLLC      |                   | cisco AIR-CAP3502 | Cisco IOS Software,  |

|          | 2                 |                   |                   | ...               | C3500 Software (A... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet2/ | AP1142N-DistrictC |                   | cisco AIR-LAP1142 | Cisco IOS Software,  |

|          | 4                 | lerk              |                   | ...               | C1140 Software (C... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet2/ | SEP001EF7C3C703   |                   | Cisco IP Phone 79 | SCCP70.8-4-4S        |

|          | 17                |                   |                   | 70                |                      |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet2/ | SEP001956D66EF9   |                   | Cisco IP Phone 79 | SCCP70.8-4-4S        |

|          | 21                |                   |                   | 70                |                      |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet2/ | SEP000ED710A1C4   |                   | Cisco IP Phone 79 | P00308000700         |

|          | 24                |                   |                   | 60                |                      |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet2/ | SEP000F23F994EE   |                   | Cisco IP Phone 79 | P00308000700         |

|          | 25                |                   |                   | 60                |                      |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet2/ | DBLLC-NOC-WIN10   | Broadcom NetXtrem | Windows 6.2       | Intel64 Family 6 Mod |

|          | 26                |                   | e 57xx Gigab      |                   | el 26 Stepping 5,... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet2/ | SEP001B2A8988BF   |                   | Cisco IP Phone 79 | SCCP41.8-4-3S        |

|          | 27                |                   |                   | 61                |                      |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet8/ | cache30           |                   | CE566             | Application and Cont |

|          | 17                |                   |                   |                   | ent Networking Sy... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet8/ | cache30           |                   | CE566             | Application and Cont |

|          | 17                |                   |                   |                   | ent Networking Sy... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet8/ | cache30           |                   | CE566             | Application and Cont |

|          | 18                |                   |                   |                   | ent Networking Sy... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet8/ | cache30           |                   | CE566             | Application and Cont |

|          | 18                |                   |                   |                   | ent Networking Sy... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet8/ | DB-N1000V.xxxxxxx | Ethernet3/4       | Nexus1000V        | Cisco Nexus Operatin |

|          | 29                | xxxx.net          |                   |                   | g System (NX-OS) ... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet8/ | db1955-3030-ul.xx | GigabitEthernet0/ | cisco WS-CBS3030- | Cisco IOS Software,  |

|          | 30                | xxxxxxxxx.net     | 11                | DEL               | CBS30X0 Software ... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet8/ | db2950-1-vmh.xxxx | vmnic6            | VMware ESX        | Releasebuild-1682698 |

|          | 32                | xxxxxxx.net       |                   |                   |                      |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet8/ | db1955-3030-ur.xx | GigabitEthernet0/ | cisco WS-CBS3030- | Cisco IOS Software,  |

|          | 33                | xxxxxxxxx.net     | 11                | DEL               | CBS30X0 Software ... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet8/ | db1955-3030-ll.xx | GigabitEthernet0/ | cisco WS-CBS3030- | Cisco IOS Software,  |

|          | 34                | xxxxxxxxx.net     | 12                | DEL               | CBS30X0 Software ... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet8/ | VCENTER2950       | Broadcom BCM5708C | Windows 6.1       | Intel64 Family 6 Mod |

|          | 35                |                   |  NetXtreme I      |                   | el 15 Stepping 11... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet8/ | VCENTER2950       | BASP Virtual Adap | Windows 6.1       | Intel64 Family 6 Mod |

|          | 35                |                   | ter               |                   | el 15 Stepping 11... |

| CDP      | GigabitEthernet8/ | db1955-3030-lr.xx | GigabitEthernet0/ | cisco WS-CBS3030- | Cisco IOS Software,  |

|          | 36                | xxxxxxxxx.net     | 12                | DEL               | CBS30X0 Software ... |

| CDP      | TenGigabitEtherne | core6509.xx.xxxxx | TenGigabitEtherne | cisco WS-C6509    | Cisco IOS Software,  |

|          | t4/1              | .xx.xx            | t3/1              |                   | s72033_rp Softwar... |

| CDP      | TenGigabitEtherne | core6509.xx.xxxxx | TenGigabitEtherne | cisco WS-C6509    | Cisco IOS Software,  |

|          | t4/2              | .xx.xx            | t3/2              |                   | s72033_rp Softwar... |





o Changes              51 added

o Duration             1.0231s


#####  dbllc-c7609.xxxxxxxx.xxx [11] completed poller modules at 2016-01-08 08:39:58  #####


o Discovery time       1.026 seconds


#####  Finished discovery run at 2016-01-08 08:39:58  #####


o Devices Discovered   1

o Discovery Time       1.055 secs

o Memory usage         8MB (peak: 8MB)

o MySQL Usage          Cell[60/0.016s] Row[210/0.052s] Rows[20/0.008s] Column[0/0s] Update[1/0.001s] Insert[54/0.071s] Delete[0/0s]

o RRDTool Usage



Further stuff of note… going to the device event log and searching for just “Neighbours”, I get the following back:


                2016-01-08 08:39:58        dbllc-c7609.xxxxxxxx.xxx             Neighbours: 51 added.

                2016-01-06 13:40:15        dbllc-c7609.xxxxxxxx.xxx             Neighbours: 51 deleted.

                2016-01-06 07:39:18        dbllc-c7609.xxxxxxxx.xxx             Neighbours: 51 added.

                2016-01-05 00:40:54        dbllc-c7609.xxxxxxxx.xxx             Neighbours: 52 deleted.

                2016-01-04 21:50:57        dbllc-c7609.xxxxxxxx.xxx             Neighbours: 52 added.

                2016-01-03 12:33:57        dbllc-c7609.xxxxxxxx.xxx             Neighbours: 50 deleted.

                2016-01-03 10:29:09        dbllc-c7609.xxxxxxxx.xxx             Neighbours: 4 added, 1 deleted, 46 unchanged.

                2016-01-03 09:25:31        dbllc-c7609.xxxxxxxx.xxx             Neighbours: 47 added.

                2016-01-01 01:22:25        dbllc-c7609.xxxxxxxx.xxx             Neighbours: 48 deleted.

                2015-12-31 19:24:42        dbllc-c7609.xxxxxxxx.xxx             Neighbours: 48 added.

                2015-12-31 19:22:59        dbllc-c7609.xxxxxxxx.xxx             Neighbours: 48 deleted.

                2015-12-31 16:06:54        dbllc-c7609.xxxxxxxx.xxx             Neighbours: 48 added.

                2015-12-31 00:34:01        dbllc-c7609.xxxxxxxx.xxx             Neighbours: 47 deleted.

                2015-12-30 22:28:37        dbllc-c7609.xxxxxxxx.xxx             Neighbours: 5 added, 1 deleted, 42 unchanged.

                2015-12-30 22:23:06        dbllc-c7609.xxxxxxxx.xxx             Neighbours: 47 added, 4 deleted.


From: observium [mailto:observium-bounces@observium.org] On Behalf Of Ron Marosko
Sent: Friday, January 08, 2016 8:39 AM
To: 'Observium Network Observation System'
Subject: Re: [Observium] Map / Neighbours on cisco 6500 ports menu.


Well crap. Ignore those debugs. Apparently I couldn’t type “neighbours” correctly. Let’s try that again.



From: observium [mailto:observium-bounces@observium.org] On Behalf Of Ron Marosko
Sent: Friday, January 08, 2016 8:37 AM
To: 'Observium Network Observation System'
Subject: Re: [Observium] Map / Neighbours on cisco 6500 ports menu.


Tom, I’m tracking a problem right now with a 6509 and a 7609 that my system is polling….

I can go in and look at the specific device, ports screen, my ports menu bar will show:





    ARP/NDP Table

    FDB Table




    Quick Filters


Notice no neighbors or maps.


Sometimes I can manually force a neighbors discovery (./discovery.php –h whatever –m neighbours), and the system will immediately populate… but it looks like something has been recently broken, as watching a debug run of that process doesn’t even show the server even attempt to make a query against the chassis. I even ran that against a Nexus 5548 that does currently show neighbours in the ports menu bar:





    ARP/NDP Table

    FDB Table







Sanitized debugs attached.




From: observium [mailto:observium-bounces@observium.org] On Behalf Of Tom Laermans
Sent: Friday, January 08, 2016 7:35 AM
To: Observium Network Observation System
Subject: Re: [Observium] Map / Neighbours on cisco 6500 ports menu.


Code for CDP/LLDP/mapping hasn't changed in ages; likely the 6509 is not providing CDP information...


On 2016-01-08 14:23, Spencer Ryan wrote:

Looks fine on our 6506 and 6509's. We're running pretty close to trunk though (r7405)

Spencer Ryan
| Senior Systems Administrator | sryan@arbor.net

Arbor Networks

+1.734.794.5033 (d) | +1.734.846.2053 (m)


On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 8:21 AM, Svensson Fredrik A <fredrik.a.svensson@rjl.se> wrote:

Hi there!

On our  cisco catalyst 6509 I cant see Map and Neighbours under the Ports information, any Idea why?


I really like this feature, my hope is that I can be able to have a total network-map with all my switches one day, is there any plan to develope this further?





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