Hi Sujith,
You're correct. You can upgrade seemelessly from CE to subscription, and alerting/groups/billing currently only exists in the subscription edition.
There is upgrade information here : http://www.observium.org/wiki/Upgrading
It's just a few commands :)
Thanks, adam.
On 16/07/2015 06:48:53, Samarasinghe, Sujith sujith.samarasinghe@squarepoint-capital.com wrote: Hi , I am trying out Observium for our network monitoring software. One of the option I have seen is alerts are not working on CE version . Do we need to purchase Professional membership to enable that function? I believe its GBK 150 per year . After we purchase professional version do we receive the path the receive the new installation repo and can the current testing CE version update to professional version seamlessly? Thanks, Sujith.