I just installed Observium following the instructions on
http://www.observium.org/wiki/Ubuntu_SVN_Installation and it all went on with no problems. When I go to the url
http://localhost I get the logon for Observium. When I log on, I get the page showing the world map and everything looks good. However, when I click on any link I get a 404 saying it doesn’t exist. Ex. when I click on Add User,
I get a 404 saying /adduser/ was not found. I look in the filesystem and don’t see those directories in /opt/observium or /opt/observium/html. Did it not get all the directories and files from the svc? I did that part three times to make sure. I even look
in the svc (http://www.observium.org/svn/observer/trunk) from a web browser and can’t find those directories.
Luke Reagor
Network Administrator
Stephenville ISD
“I am not a teacher
only a fellow traveller of whom you asked the way.
I pointed ahead
ahead of myself as well as of you.”
-George Bernard Shaw