What I am looking to do, is when an alert notifies my webhook contact, be able to have it also grab the message_graphs blob (if one exists for the notification), so that my custom coded contact also has the graph that caused the alert, along with the alert details; thinking of jitter and RTT SLAs as the use case...
So far I have worked out that the alert makes the post call to the notification queue, and the notification queue posts to the contact webhook.
In the JSON payload posted to the contact, I don’t see a way to accurately identify which row I would need to select in the notification queue, to grab the message_graphs blob.
There is a alert_table_id, but the message_graphs are in the notifications_queue, and since there isn’t a FK relationship between the two tables, not sure if I could accurately identify the right row in notifications_queue.
Anyone ever try something like this and/or have advice? Am I overthinking this and rather than grab the blob, is a way to just remake the graph on the fly using the alert details that are posted to the contact webhook?
Thanks for any of your thoughts...