We have an instance of Observium running on Ubuntu 16.04. I would like to bring this OS somewhat current, say to 20.04 or maybe even 22.04.
At the same time, our Observium version on this is 20.1.10233.
Would there be an issue upgrading the OS with the current version of Observium running on them? I know a fresh install would be best, but then what is the migration procedure? Are all alerts and configurations moved in the migration (I would assume so,
but want to understand this as it is a lot of work to recreate all of this).
Is there an issue going in one jump from 20.1.10233 to latest, or should this be done in stages?
Should Observium or the OS be dealt with first (concerned about php/mysql versions matching Observium versions, etc)?
We are a Pro subscriber if it matters.