
attached is the patch for the implementation of SNMPv3. I've been testing it on my system and devices, and it seems to be working properly.
Since it's a core function of the soft, I guess it would be good that other people give it a try before it is committed.

I use NET-SNMP version: 5.4.3.

Be careful that a few files use direct calls to net-snmp instead of calling observium library functions. It means that those calls will not work with an snmpv3 device.

includes/discovery/cisco-mac-accounting.inc.php:  $datas = shell_exec($config['snmpbulkwalk'] . " -M ".$config['mibdir']." -m CISCO-IP-STAT-MIB -Oqn -".$device['snmpver']." -c ".$device['community']." ".$device['hostname']." cipMacSwitchedBytes");
includes/discovery/cisco-pw.inc.php:  $oids = shell_exec($config['snmpwalk'] . " -M " . $config['mibdir'] . " -m CISCO-IETF-PW-MIB -CI -Ln -Osqn -" . $device['snmpver'] . " -c " . $device['community'] . " " . $device['hostname'].":".$device['port'] . " cpwVcID");
includes/discovery/cisco-pw.inc.php:        list($cpw_remote_id) = explode(":", shell_exec($config['snmpget'] . " -M " . $config['mibdir'] . " -m CISCO-IETF-PW-MPLS-MIB -Ln -Osqnv -" . $device['snmpver'] . " -c " . $device['community'] . " " . $device['hostname'].":".$device['port'] . " cpwVcMplsPeerLdpID." . $cpwOid));
includes/discovery/cisco-pw.inc.php:        $interface_descr = trim(shell_exec($config['snmpwalk'] . " -M " . $config['mibdir'] . " -m CISCO-IETF-PW-MIB -Oqvn -" . $device['snmpver'] . " -c " . $device['community'] . " " . $device['hostname'].":".$device['port'] . " cpwVcName." . $cpwOid));
includes/discovery/temperatures/adva.inc.php:    $temperature_chassis = trim(shell_exec($config['snmpget'] . " -M " . $config['mibdir'] . " -O qv -$snmpver -c $community $hostname:$port $oid_chassis"));
includes/discovery/temperatures/adva.inc.php:    $temperature_stm16 = trim(shell_exec($config['snmpget'] . " -M " . $config['mibdir'] . " -O qv -$snmpver -c $community $hostname:$port $oid_stm16"));
includes/discovery/temperatures/adva.inc.php:    $temperature_hss1 = trim(shell_exec($config['snmpget'] . " -M " . $config['mibdir'] . " -O qv -$snmpver -c $community $hostname:$port $oid_hss1"));
includes/discovery/temperatures/adva.inc.php:    $temperature_hss2 = trim(shell_exec($config['snmpget'] . " -M " . $config['mibdir'] . " -O qv -$snmpver -c $community $hostname:$port $oid_hss2"));
includes/discovery/cisco-vrf.inc.php:        $vrf['name'] = trim(shell_exec($config['snmpget'] . " -M " . $config['mibdir'] . " -m MPLS-VPN-MIB -Ln -Osq -" . $device['snmpver'] . " -c " . $device['community'] . " " . $device['hostname'].":".$device['port'] . " mplsVpnVrfRouteDistinguisher.".$vrf['oid']));
includes/discovery/cisco-vrf.inc.php:        $vrf['mplsVpnVrfDescription'] = trim(shell_exec($config['snmpget'] . " -M " . $config['mibdir'] . " -m MPLS-VPN-MIB -Ln -Osqvn -" . $device['snmpver'] . " -c " . $device['community'] . " " . $device['hostname'].":".$device['port'] . " mplsVpnVrfDescription.".$vrf['oid']));
includes/discovery/cisco-vrf.inc.php:        $ports = shell_exec($config['snmpwalk'] . " -M " . $config['mibdir'] . " -m MPLS-VPN-MIB -CI -Ln -Osqn -" . $device['snmpver'] . " -c " . $device['community'] . " " . $device['hostname'].":".$device['port'] . " $ports_oid");
includes/polling/os/ironware.inc.php:$hardware = trim(exec($config['snmpget'] . " -M ".$config['mibdir'] . " -O vqs -m FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB:FOUNDRY-SN-ROOT-MIB -" . $device['snmpver'] . " -c " . $device['community'] . " " .
includes/polling/os/ironware.inc.php:$version = trim(exec($config['snmpget'] . " -M ".$config['mibdir'] . " -O vqs -m FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB:FOUNDRY-SN-ROOT-MIB -" . $device['snmpver'] . " -c " . $device['community'] . " " .
includes/polling/os/speedtouch.inc.php:$loop = shell_exec($config['snmpget'] . " -M ".$config['mibdir'] . ' -Ovq -v1 -c '.$device['community'].' '.$device['hostname'].' ifDescr.101');

I will send a patch to fix cisco-vrf after this mail, but the other files will still be incompatible with snmpv3 (keep your devices in SNMPv2 if you use any of the incompatible calls).
