The most likely causes of this are poller not running and permissions.
You can check the first one by seeing if non-graph data is being update, and if the device has poll/discovery entries in its pollerlog.
The latter one you just need to check permissions on the rrd folder and contents to make sure they’re writeable by the user the poller runs as.
Sent from my iPhone
On 24 Jan 2022, at 11:59, Richard Waardijk via observium wrote:
I did not notice it earlier but somehow all graphs stopped on Jan 1st 00:00 ?
Doesn’t matter for which device I look or at what type of graph. The graphs look like this:
Does anyone have seen this before? I haven’t made changes to the Observium installation recently. I only updated the OS where Observium is running (was running on an old Ubuntu 16.02 version and is now upgrades to Ubuntu 20.04). But that was done in week 50 (the week of Dec 13th) and after that the graphs still worked.
So strange that it exactly stopped at midnight of the new year?
If anybody got tips how to get this working again please let me know.
Thank you, Richard
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