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Ah, latest in 13.x train...
Question - what are your polling times like for your 96s? Do you have any stacks with > 2 members?
I really like Juniper but I don't trust any vendor on stacking technology. There is always something wrong during upgrade / services issue.So I don't have any stack in production and I will not !
96s are pretty fast. I'm only doing layer3 and mpls raw interfaces on my qfx, no layer 2 ( layer2 is bad :) )
On a previous release I had a nice bug. I was able to snmp read if-out and if-in traffic and I was able to see the traffic locally with monitor interfaces but snmp-get was polling a value of zero. I had to upgrade.
I had to upgrade to the latest 14.x train because of mpls bugs and feature I needed that was only available in 14.x at that time ( mostly mpls ).
So I don't have any experience on 13.x train since the bug I had :)
Our QFXs are marginally better, but our ex4550's and 4200's with > 2 members all take over 300s to poll.
Still no stack but bugs.
For some reason, some ex4550 ( I have 12 in production ) don't send any if information. I have the exact same release / same firewall filter and one ex is showing his interfaces and the other one have his interfaces popping up and down on Observium.
I upgraded to the latest 12.3R11 and still the same issue.
I don't have time to debug it, but there is weird things ^^
The only equipment reporting bugs like that are juniper ex
We have a few hundred 3300's deployed as well, which we've written off as a lost cause for bulk polling. :)
Same here. A nice feature will be to have 2 pokers or 2 method.
Bulk once every like 12 hours and poll snmp stats when you want. This will help a lot because bulk is really killing the cpu ^^