Hello there,
I followed the installation
guide on the website and I was able to install observium on Ubuntu 12.04
with no issues but I don't see any graphs at all.
I followed all the possible fixes and it still didn't fix the problem.
Following are the fixes that I have done so far.
(Updated the rrdtool to 1.472)
(changed the permissions on RRD to root as the owner and the group)
Below is part of the details when I ran "./poller.php -h all -d"
this is only part of the logs or the message and I couldn't copy and
paste the whole thing because it's so big ... Please let me know if
there's any important info that I should copy and paste ... Thanks for
your help in advance)
SQL[INSERT INTO `mempools-state` (`mempool_id`) VALUES ('10')]
`mempools-state` set `mempool_polled` ='1388264435',`mempool_used`
='5425987584',`mempool_perc` ='16.08',`mempool_free`
='28314968064',`mempool_total` ='33740955648',`mempool_largestfree` ='',`mempool_lowestfree` ='' WHERE `mempool_id` = '10']
Checking alerts
[mempool_perc] => 16.08
Mempool Virtual memory: Cached!7.97% RRD[cmd[update /opt/observium/rrd/hdc-ceres-101.firstnutri.corp/mempool-hrstorage-3.rrd N:5425987584:62670508032]
SQL[INSERT INTO `mempools-state` (`mempool_id`) VALUES ('11')]
`mempools-state` set `mempool_polled` ='1388264435',`mempool_used`
='5425987584',`mempool_perc` ='7.97',`mempool_free`
='62670508032',`mempool_total` ='68096495616',`mempool_largestfree` ='',`mempool_lowestfree` ='' WHERE `mempool_id` = '11']
Checking alerts
[mempool_perc] => 7.97
Mempool Swap space: Cached!0% RRD[cmd[update /opt/observium/rrd/hdc-ceres-101.firstnutri.corp/mempool-hrstorage-10.rrd N:0:34355539968]
SQL[INSERT INTO `mempools-state` (`mempool_id`) VALUES ('12')]
`mempools-state` set `mempool_polled` ='1388264435',`mempool_used`
='0',`mempool_perc` ='0',`mempool_free` ='34355539968',`mempool_total`
='34355539968',`mempool_largestfree` ='',`mempool_lowestfree` ='' WHERE `mempool_id` = '12']
Checking alerts
[mempool_perc] => 0
Module time: 0.0473sincluding: includes/polling/storage.inc.php
`storage`.*, `storage-state`.storage_polled FROM `storage` LEFT JOIN
`storage-state` ON `storage`.storage_id = `storage-state`.storage_id
WHERE `device_id` = '11']
Storage /: DEBUG: SNMP Auth options = -v2c -c 'secret'
/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c 'secret' -OQUs -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'hdc-ceres-101.firstnutri.corp':'161' hrStorageEntry
hrStorageIndex.1 = 1
hrStorageIndex.3 = 3
hrStorageIndex.6 = 6
hrStorageIndex.7 = 7
hrStorageIndex.8 = 8
hrStorageIndex.10 = 10
hrStorageIndex.31 = 31
hrStorageIndex.32 = 32
hrStorageIndex.33 = 33
hrStorageIndex.34 = 34
hrStorageType.1 = hrStorageRam
hrStorageType.3 = hrStorageVirtualMemory
hrStorageType.6 = hrStorageOther
hrStorageType.7 = hrStorageOther
hrStorageType.8 = hrStorageOther
hrStorageType.10 = hrStorageVirtualMemory
hrStorageType.31 = hrStorageFixedDisk
hrStorageType.32 = hrStorageFixedDisk
hrStorageType.33 = hrStorageFixedDisk
hrStorageType.34 = hrStorageFixedDisk
hrStorageDescr.1 = Physical memory
hrStorageDescr.3 = Virtual memory
hrStorageDescr.6 = Memory buffers
hrStorageDescr.7 = Cached memory
hrStorageDescr.8 = Shared memory
hrStorageDescr.10 = Swap space
hrStorageDescr.31 = /
hrStorageDescr.32 = /sys/fs/fuse/connections
hrStorageDescr.33 = /dev
hrStorageDescr.34 = /boot
hrStorageAllocationUnits.1 = 1024
hrStorageAllocationUnits.3 = 1024
hrStorageAllocationUnits.6 = 1024
hrStorageAllocationUnits.7 = 1024
hrStorageAllocationUnits.8 = 1024
hrStorageAllocationUnits.10 = 1024
hrStorageAllocationUnits.31 = 4096
hrStorageAllocationUnits.32 = 4096
hrStorageAllocationUnits.33 = 4096
hrStorageAllocationUnits.34 = 1024
hrStorageSize.1 = 32950152
hrStorageSize.3 = 66500484
hrStorageSize.6 = 32950152
hrStorageSize.7 = 2689512
hrStorageSize.8 = 0
hrStorageSize.10 = 33550332
hrStorageSize.31 = 9727858
hrStorageSize.32 = 0
hrStorageSize.33 = 4115890
hrStorageSize.34 = 233191
hrStorageUsed.1 = 5298816
hrStorageUsed.3 = 5298816
hrStorageUsed.6 = 184268
hrStorageUsed.7 = 2689512
hrStorageUsed.10 = 0
hrStorageUsed.31 = 1047096
hrStorageUsed.32 = 0
hrStorageUsed.33 = 1
hrStorageUsed.34 = 60893
Can someone point me to the right direction to fix the graphs?
I am really appreciated for all of your help.