I do like how Fail2Ban supports an array of custom triggers and actions.

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions

From: "Supun Rathnayake" <supunr@lankacom.net>
To: observium@observium.org
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2014 7:19:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Observium] Alert by sms


This is really good, thanks a lot for pointing this tip.

This is something we were really looking for to extend the alerting system.

Dear Observium Development Team,

Could you kindly make this formalize as a generic external call function
or something similar,
so that it won't break the svn while enabling the users to extend the
alerting as they wish.

May be just hook up an additional inc.php file that we can use to put
our custom code like below.

With Best Regards,

Supun Rathnayake

Lanka communication Services (Pvt) Ltd.
65C, Dharmapala Mawatha,
Colombo 07.
Sri Lanka.
Tel: +94-11-2437545

On 12/24/2014 05:40 PM, Michiel Klaver wrote:
> The current Observium config can already be used to send alerts other than
> via email with some small tweaks.
> (Warning, this breaks SVN)
> We use this to direct alerts to a twitter account, but you could rewrite it
> for example to execute 'gsmsendsms' command from the gsm-utils package and
> hook-up a GSM unit directly to the serial port. In case of a total network
> outage, this should still work.
> Add to config.php:
> $config['alerts']['external_command'] = "/usr/local/bin/twitter.py";
> Locate the notyfy() function in includes/functions.inc.php and add the
> following line to the end of that function:
> shell_exec($config['alerts']['external_command'].' "'.$message.'"');
> That's it!
> Welisson Tomé wrote at 23-12-2014 13:09:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've been searching on mailing list about this subject and not
>>> successfull, so, i would like know if Observium can send alert using sms
>>> like nagios, Is it possible?
>>> Tks
>>> --
>>> Welisson Tomé
>>> br.linkedin.com/in/welissontome/
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