I am looking to implement snmp monitoring for the servers and network devices we support. I am looking at opennms and observium, and have them both running, monitoring some of our internal servers and devices.
Observium is running on debian 7 - Wheezy. I believe I followed the debian specific installation instructions exactly, and Observium is up and running. I have configured it to monitor 2 of our Windows servers, 2 LINUX servers, a cisco router and sonicwall firewall. The initial discovery seems to have worked. However the olling does not seem to be working from cron. Looking at the observium.log
/opt/observium/discovery.php new June 5, 2013, 15:25 - 0 devices discovered in 0. 006 secs /opt/observium/discovery.php new June 5, 2013, 15:30 - 0 devices discovered in 0. 007 secs /opt/observium/discovery.php new June 5, 2013, 15:35 - 0 devices discovered in 0. 005 secs ...
discovery is running from cron every 5 mins as expected, but there is no mention in the log of poller.php running. I am sure I have been stupid and am missing something simple. All the graphs have a title Error Drawing Graph, guess that is because there is no data.
Any help and advice would be appreciated, where to look to resolve the issues.