Raisecom ISCOM ISCOM5508-GPSC(C)_ROAP_2.64.SP2.1_20211213
Hi Team,
we are trying to monitor the above device. This works well. Observium can even monitor the GPON PON interfaces eg: gpon-olt1/1. The problem we are having is trying the monitor the ONU devices on site at a client. We use Raisecom ONU's. There are currently mib files available but we noticed that the mib files are empty. So it would seem that Observium cant monitor the bandwidth of the onu's behind the splitter that is connected to the pon interface.
Is this something we can manually do from our side? if we have a look at the mib files in /opt/observium/mib/raisecom and vi into the mib file, it is populated.
[root@localhost raisecom]# vi RAISECOM-SYSTEM-MIB -- MibName=raisecomSystem -- ======================================================================= -- Version info -- -- Version 0.1 Created 2003.12.17 by GONGGUIDONG -- This version of MIB is created just for the use of Network Management Systems -- display the memory and cpu. -- -- Copyright(c) 2002-2005 by RAISECOM TECH, Ltd. -- modify history -- 02, 20130809, guokai, modify raisecomVoltIndex -- 01, 20090915, qiyun, Add CPU monitor MIBs. -- -- =======================================================================
raisecomSystem MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200507270000Z" ORGANIZATION "RAISECOM TECH, Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "www.raisecom.com" DESCRIPTION "raisecom System objects: objects common to all platforms." ::= { raisecomAgent 1 } -- -- Textual Conventions "RAISECOM-SYSTEM-MIB" [converted] 1550L, 59022C
please advise on this as we need to be able to monitor the client bandwidth.
I'm not familiar with Raisecom ONUs.
This is probably something you should ask Raisecom to clarify what data is available from them via SNMP.
The existence of a MIB doesn't necessarily mean that MIB applies to that particular device, or that the MIB defines the data you want to collect, or that the particular device in question exposes that data even if it's defined in the MIB.
You can do some complete walks of the devices with all of the MIBs loaded and try to pick the relevant data out (this is largely how we develop support), or you can ask Raisecom directly.
Thanks, adam.
Rhett via observium wrote on 26/10/2023 14:36:
Hi Team,
we are trying to monitor the above device. This works well. Observium can even monitor the GPON PON interfaces eg: gpon-olt1/1. The problem we are having is trying the monitor the ONU devices on site at a client. We use Raisecom ONU's. There are currently mib files available but we noticed that the mib files are empty. So it would seem that Observium cant monitor the bandwidth of the onu's behind the splitter that is connected to the pon interface.
Is this something we can manually do from our side? if we have a look at the mib files in /opt/observium/mib/raisecom and vi into the mib file, it is populated.
[root@localhost raisecom]# vi RAISECOM-SYSTEM-MIB -- MibName=raisecomSystem -- =======================================================================
-- Version info
-- Version 0.1 Created 2003.12.17 by GONGGUIDONG -- This version of MIB is created just for the use of Network Management Systems
-- display the memory and cpu.
-- Copyright(c) 2002-2005 by RAISECOM TECH, Ltd. -- modify history -- 02, 20130809, guokai, modify raisecomVoltIndex
-- 01, 20090915, qiyun, Add CPU monitor MIBs.
-- =======================================================================
IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY,Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI OBJECT-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI raisecomAgent FROM RAISECOM-BASE-MIB TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC EnableVar FROM SWITCH-TC TimeStamp,TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC; raisecomSystem MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200507270000Z" ORGANIZATION "RAISECOM TECH, Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "www.raisecom.com" DESCRIPTION "raisecom System objects: objects common to all platforms." ::= { raisecomAgent 1 }
-- -- Textual Conventions "RAISECOM-SYSTEM-MIB" [converted] 1550L, 59022C
please advise on this as we need to be able to monitor the client bandwidth.
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Adam Armstrong