CBQoS graphs on MetroEthernet switches
Hello to everyone,
we are experiencing a problem with CBQoS graphs on Cisco Me3600 devices.
We have many service instance in the same bridge-domain on the same port.
The CBQoS graphs works only on the first one, it's NaN for the others.
Could you help me?
Ing. Lorenzo Mainardi
Via della Fortezza 6 - 50129 Firenze
http://www.digitelitalia.com/ www.digitelitalia.com - 800 901 669
Tel +39 055 4624933
Fax +39 055 4624 947
lom@digitelitalia.com mailto:lom@digitelitalia.com
Hi Lorenzo,
This is probably a limitation of the MIBs being used, which weren't designed for more complex modern topologies.
You can investigate the SNMP output of the device when it's polling the QoS tables to see if it's outputting things that we're not picking up.
adam. On 15/12/2015 12:20:19, lom@digitelitalia.com lom@digitelitalia.com wrote: Hello to everyone, we are experiencing a problem with CBQoS graphs on Cisco Me3600 devices. We have many service instance in the same bridge-domain on the same port. The CBQoS graphs works only on the first one, it’s NaN for the others. Could you help me? Regards. digitel Ing. Lorenzo Mainardi Via della Fortezza 6 - 50129 Firenze www.digitelitalia.com [http://www.digitelitalia.com/] - 800 901 669 Tel +39 055 4624933 Fax +39 055 4624 947 lom@digitelitalia.com [mailto:lom@digitelitalia.com]
participants (2)
Adam Armstrong