At the morning I was on the 7933 but 2 hours ago I updated to 8039.
I used a CPU alert for my routers. In the older version it is worked, I got the alerts via mail and PagerDuty as I set up.
Now after the upgrade I would like to test the alerting because on 7933 i “pached” the pagerduty.inc.php for more info in the PD message (the default file just send like “something wrong somewhere” :)
So. After the upgrade with the original (nor pached) PD file I would like a test to see how looks out a PD message now. I set a lower value for the CPU alerting (from 50% to 15%) to generate alerting (now the cpu load is 18-25%)
After a few minutes I see in the Alers / Processor that my deviced appear and show that the status is FAILED. It is ok. In the Alert Logging I get the “Checks failed” so it is great.
But. I never get “Alert notification sent” messages. (I get “Alert notification sent” for other events, so the alerting is working for other services).
I see in the Alerts that the router’s status is Failed, Checked 18s Changed 20m 36s, Alerted: never.
What I have to do for send the alerts? Or for the debug?
BR Laszlo
Hi Laszlo,
Nothing has changed on the sending of alerts.
You can force sending an alert or recovery notice with ./test_alert.php -a <alert_id>
The alert_id is the id on the page with the alert entry availability graphs (click the cog on the right hand side of the alert table entry)
If you also use -d, you'll get some debugging output.
Thanks, adam. On 10/08/2016 09:01:50, Laszlo Nemeth laszlo.nemeth@emarsys.com wrote: Hello,
At the morning I was on the 7933 but 2 hours ago I updated to 8039.
I used a CPU alert for my routers. In the older version it is worked, I got the alerts via mail and PagerDuty as I set up.
Now after the upgrade I would like to test the alerting because on 7933 i “pached” the pagerduty.inc.php for more info in the PD message (the default file just send like “something wrong somewhere” :)
So. After the upgrade with the original (nor pached) PD file I would like a test to see how looks out a PD message now. I set a lower value for the CPU alerting (from 50% to 15%) to generate alerting (now the cpu load is 18-25%)
After a few minutes I see in the Alers / Processor that my deviced appear and show that the status is FAILED. It is ok. In the Alert Logging I get the “Checks failed” so it is great.
But. I never get “Alert notification sent” messages. (I get “Alert notification sent” for other events, so the alerting is working for other services).
I see in the Alerts that the router’s status is Failed, Checked 18s Changed 20m 36s, Alerted: never.
What I have to do for send the alerts? Or for the debug?
BR Laszlo
_______________________________________________ observium mailing list observium@observium.org http://postman.memetic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/observium
Running professional at revision 8043 on Linux observium 4.2.0-16-generic #19-Ubuntu SMP ( VMware ESXi )
I have a pair of Kemp LM2600 load balancers and a Kemp virtual loaadbalncer. None of them are recognized as such.
Tried running discovery /poller in debug mode but this left me none the wiser.
Trying changing the system properties from "server" to "loadbalancer" in the web ui and rerunning discovery/poller but this seemed to make no difference.
####### debug output ############
SQL[SELECT * FROM `wifi_wlans` WHERE `device_id` = '502'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003386s]
o Duration 0.0011s
##### Module Start: p2p-radios #####
o Duration 0.0001s
##### Module Start: graphs #####
o Duration 0.0005s
Module [ services ] disabled globally. Module [ raid ] disabled globally.
SQL[UPDATE `devices` set `last_discovered` =NOW(),`type` ='loadbalancer',`last_discovered_timetaken` ='0.931',`force_discovery` ='0' WHERE `device_id` = '502'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00517917s]
SQL[INSERT INTO `devices_perftimes` (`device_id`,`operation`,`start`,`duration`) VALUES ('502','discover','1470901036.8563','0.93194603919983')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00490403s] ##### kempkluster.riksbyggen.intra [502] completed discovery modules at 2016-08-11 09:37:17 #####
o Discovery time 0.931 seconds
SQL[DELETE FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_pid` = '16943' AND `process_name` = 'discovery.php' AND `device_id` = '502'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00567913s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `groups` ORDER BY `entity_type`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005913s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `groups_assoc`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004101s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `group_table` WHERE `device_id` = '502'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004911s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_tests`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00007296s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_assoc`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004816s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `devices` AS d WHERE d.`device_id` = '502'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00019002s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_table` WHERE `device_id` = '502'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004697s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE device_id = '502' AND `deleted` != '1' AND `device` = ' *'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00013804s] ERROR[Error in query: (Unknown column 'device' in 'where clause') 1054] ##### Finished discovery run at 2016-08-11 09:37:17 #####
SQL[INSERT INTO `perf_times` (`type`,`doing`,`start`,`duration`,`devices`) VALUES ('discover','kempkluster.riksbyggen.intra','1470901036.6316','1.176','1')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00467396s] ./discovery.php: kempkluster.riksbyggen.intra - 1 devices discovered in 1.176 secs NOTE, $config['snmp']['hide_auth'] is set to TRUE, snmp community and snmp v3 auth hidden from debug output. o Devices Discovered 1 o Discovery Time 1.176 secs o Memory usage 10MB (peak: 10MB) o MySQL Usage Cell[44/0.021s] Row[13/0.006s] Rows[60/0.147s] Column[0/0s] Update[2/0.006s] Insert[3/0.014s] Delete[1/0.006s] o RRDTool Usage root@observium:/opt/observium# clear root@observium:/opt/observium# ./discovery.php -d -h kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra DEBUG!
SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'dbSchema';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00022197s]
SQL[SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;] SQL RUNTIME[0.00006700s]
SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'current_rev';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00009894s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `config`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00008011s]
CMD[/bin/hostname -f]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0017s] STDOUT[ observium.riksbyggen.intra ]
___ _ _ / _ \ | |__ ___ ___ _ __ __ __(_) _ _ _ __ ___ | | | || '_ \ / __| / _ | '__|\ \ / /| || | | || '_ ` _ \ | |_| || |_) |__ | __/| | \ V / | || |_| || | | | | | ___/ |_.__/ |___/ ___||_| _/ |_| __,_||_| |_| |_| Observium Professional http://www.observium.org
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0429s] STDOUT[ Linux|4.2.0-16-generic|amd64|Ubuntu|15.10 ]
CMD[/usr/bin/env python --version 2>&1]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.002s] STDOUT[ Python 2.7.10 ]
SQL[SELECT version();] SQL RUNTIME[0.00015497s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget --version 2>&1]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0017s] STDOUT[ NET-SNMP version: 5.7.3 ]
CMD[/usr/bin/rrdtool --version |head -n1]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0049s] STDOUT[ RRDtool 1.5.4 Copyright by Tobias Oetiker tobi@oetiker.ch ]
CMD[date "+%:z"]
CMD[/usr/bin/env apache2 -v | awk '/Server version:/ {print $3}']
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0209s] STDOUT[ Apache/2.4.12 ]
SQL[SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;] SQL RUNTIME[0.00015998s]
SQL[SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_connection'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00059605s]
##### Software versions #####
o OS Linux 4.2.0-16-generic [amd64] (Ubuntu 15.10) o Apache 2.4.12 o PHP 5.6.11-1ubuntu3.4 (OPcache: DISABLED) o Python 2.7.10 o MySQL 10.1.16-MariaDB-1~wily (extension: mysqli 10.1.16-MariaDB) o SNMP NET-SNMP 5.7.3 o RRDtool 1.5.4
##### MySQL mode #####
##### Charset info #####
o PHP UTF-8 o MySQL utf8
##### Timezones info #####
o Date Thursday, 11-Aug-16 09:44:43 CEST o PHP +02:00 o MySQL +02:00
SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'last_versioncheck';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00021100s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ports] SQL RUNTIME[0.00117207s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM devices] SQL RUNTIME[0.00018501s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `sensors`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004697s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `services`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004101s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `applications`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00013494s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bgpPeers`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005007s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ospf_ports`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00006104s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `eigrp_ports`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004816s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipsec_tunnels`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00006294s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `munin_plugins`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005698s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `pseudowires`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00006104s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `vrfs`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00006199s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `vminfo`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004697s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `users`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005388s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bills`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005794s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `alert_table`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005507s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `alert_tests`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004697s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `slas`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005794s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `status`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00026894s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `groups`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005412s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `group_table`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005817s]
SQL[SELECT SUM(`last_polled_timetaken`) FROM devices] SQL RUNTIME[0.00032806s]
SQL[SELECT SUM(`last_discovered_timetaken`) FROM devices] SQL RUNTIME[0.00047183s]
CMD[DISTROFORMAT=export /opt/observium/scripts/distro]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0404s] STDOUT[ OS=Linux KERNEL=4.2.0-16-generic ARCH=amd64 DISTRO=Ubuntu VERSION=15.10 DISTROVER=15.10 SCRIPTVER=1.1.0 ]
SQL[SELECT `sysObjectID`, COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `devices` WHERE `os` = 'generic' GROUP BY `sysObjectID`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00050902s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count`, `os` FROM `devices` GROUP BY `os`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00037003s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count`, `type` FROM `devices` GROUP BY `type`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00088716s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count`, `app_type` FROM `applications` GROUP BY `app_type`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005007s]
SQL[SELECT MAX(LENGTH(`port_label`)) FROM `ports`] SQL RUNTIME[0.01255393s]
SQL[SELECT MAX(LENGTH(`port_label_short`)) FROM `ports`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00292206s]
SQL[SELECT MAX(LENGTH(`port_label_base`)) FROM `ports`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00288892s]
SQL[SELECT MAX(LENGTH(`port_label_num`)) FROM `ports`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00280595s]
SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'unique_id';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00012183s]
REQUEST[http://www.observium.org/versions.php] REQUEST STATUS[200 OK] REQUEST RUNTIME[0.4284s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_ver';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00027800s]
SQL[UPDATE `observium_attribs` set `attrib_value` ='' WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_ver'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00258088s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_rev';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00023007s]
SQL[UPDATE `observium_attribs` set `attrib_value` ='8003' WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_rev'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00261903s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_rev_date';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00011921s]
SQL[UPDATE `observium_attribs` set `attrib_value` ='2016-07-22' WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_rev_date'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00079823s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'last_versioncheck';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00014591s]
SQL[UPDATE `observium_attribs` set `attrib_value` ='1470901483' WHERE `attrib_type` = 'last_versioncheck'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00240207s]
SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_rev';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00012493s] ##### Starting discovery run at 2016-08-11 09:44:43 #####
SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `status` = 1 AND `disabled` = 0 AND `hostname` LIKE 'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra' ORDER BY `last_discovered_timetaken` ASC] SQL RUNTIME[0.00032496s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUst -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' sysObjectID.0 sysUpTime.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0048s] STDOUT[ sysObjectID.0 = enterprises.12196.250.10 sysUpTime.0 = 228942 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00007010s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_name` = 'discovery.php' AND `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00018001s]
CMD[/bin/ps -ww -o pid,ppid,uid,gid,tty,stat,time,lstart,args -p 12711]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.005s] STDOUT[ PID PPID UID GID TT STAT TIME STARTED COMMAND 12711 14527 0 0 pts/0 S+ 00:00:00 Thu Aug 11 09:44:41 2016 php ./discovery.php -d -h kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra ]
SQL[INSERT INTO `observium_processes` (`process_pid`,`process_name`,`process_ppid`,`process_uid`,`process_command`,`process_start`,`device_id`) VALUES ('12711','discovery.php','14527','0','php ./discovery.php -d -h kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra','1470901481','500')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00242591s] ##### kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra [500] #####
o OS Type linux o OS Group unix o SNMP Version v2c o Last discovery 2016-08-11 09:28:56 o Last duration 0.79 seconds
##### Module Start: os #####
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Ovq -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' sysDescr.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0045s] STDOUT[ Linux Kemphlb01 3.10.71 #1 SMP Mon Sep 28 19:49:21 UTC 2015 i686 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Ovqn -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' sysObjectID.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0042s] STDOUT[ . ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] | Linux Kemphlb01 3.10.71 #1 SMP Mon Sep 28 19:49:21 UTC 2015 i686 | . | Including /opt/observium/includes/discovery/os/linux.inc.php
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Osqnv -m GEPARALLELUPS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/ge 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' upsIdentManufacturer.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0111s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQv -m ENGENIUS-PRIVATE-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' systemName.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.005s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Osqnv -m ENTITY-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' entPhysicalMfgName.1]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0048s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OqvU -m CAREL-ug40cdz-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/carel 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' roomTemp.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0057s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Osqnv -m SYNOLOGY-SYSTEM-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/synology 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' systemStatus.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0039s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Osqnv -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' hrSystemInitialLoadParameters.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0054s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Osqnv -m IEEE802dot11-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' dot11manufacturerName.5]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0058s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Oqv -m FE-FIREEYE-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/fireeye 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' feHardwareModel.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0054s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Oqv -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' sysName.0]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Oqv -m CHECKPOINT-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/checkpoint 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' .]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0081s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQv -m ZXTM-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' .]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0033s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQv -m READYNAS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/netgear 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' nasMgrSoftwareVersion.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0051s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Osqnv -m SFA-INFO -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/ddn 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' systemName.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0037s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Osqnv -m JETNEXUS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/jetnexus 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' jetnexusVersionInfo.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.004s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] o sysORID table CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUn -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' sysORID]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0042s] STDOUT[ . = . . = . . = . . = . . = . . = . . = . . = . ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmptranslate -On -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysORID']
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' sysORDescr]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.005s] STDOUT[ sysORDescr.1 = The MIB for Message Processing and Dispatching. sysORDescr.2 = The MIB for Message Processing and Dispatching. sysORDescr.3 = The SNMP Management Architecture MIB. sysORDescr.4 = The MIB module for SNMPv2 entities sysORDescr.5 = The MIB module for managing TCP implementations sysORDescr.6 = The MIB module for managing IP and ICMP implementations sysORDescr.7 = The MIB module for managing UDP implementations sysORDescr.8 = View-based Access Control Model for SNMP. ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] SNMPv2-MIB IP-MIB TCP-MIB UDP-MIB SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '500' AND `attrib_type` = 'sysORID'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00033903s]
SQL[UPDATE `entity_attribs` set `attrib_value` ='["SNMPv2-MIB","TCP-MIB","UDP-MIB","SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB"]' WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '500' AND `attrib_type` = 'sysORID'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00017595s]
+-------------------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | OID | MIB | Status | +-------------------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | . | SNMPv2-MIB | MIB added through sysORID (MODULE-IDENTITY) | | . | IP-MIB | MIB already known through device mapping | | . | TCP-MIB | MIB added through sysORID (MODULE-IDENTITY) | | . | UDP-MIB | MIB added through sysORID (MODULE-IDENTITY) | | . | SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB | MIB added through sysORID (MODULE-IDENTITY) | | . | | MIB unused | | . | | MIB unused | | . | | MIB unused | +-------------------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------------+
o Duration 0.1358s
##### Module Start: ports #####
o Caching OIDs ifDescr CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ifDescr]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0056s] STDOUT[ ifDescr.1 = lo ifDescr.2 = bond0 ifDescr.3 = ip6tnl0 ifDescr.4 = ip6gre0 ifDescr.5 = eth0 ifDescr.6 = eth1 ifDescr.7 = eth2 ifDescr.8 = eth3 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] ifAlias CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ifAlias]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.006s] STDOUT[ ifAlias.1 = ifAlias.2 = ifAlias.3 = ifAlias.4 = ifAlias.5 = ifAlias.6 = ifAlias.7 = ifAlias.8 = ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] ifName CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ifName]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0071s] STDOUT[ ifName.1 = lo ifName.2 = bond0 ifName.3 = ip6tnl0 ifName.4 = ip6gre0 ifName.5 = eth0 ifName.6 = eth1 ifName.7 = eth2 ifName.8 = eth3 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] ifType CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ifType]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0058s] STDOUT[ ifType.1 = softwareLoopback ifType.2 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.3 = tunnel ifType.4 = other ifType.5 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.6 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.7 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.8 = ethernetCsmacd ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] ifOperStatus CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ifOperStatus]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0055s] STDOUT[ ifOperStatus.1 = up ifOperStatus.2 = down ifOperStatus.3 = down ifOperStatus.4 = down ifOperStatus.5 = up ifOperStatus.6 = up ifOperStatus.7 = up ifOperStatus.8 = up ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '500' AND `attrib_type` = 'sysORID'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00033593s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00007486s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `observium_attribs`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00020385s]
$port_stats - /opt/observium/discovery.php:183
/opt/observium/includes/discovery/ports.inc.php:36 ================================================== array( [1] => array( [ifDescr] => string(2) "lo" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(2) "lo" [ifType] => string(16) "softwareLoopback" [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" ) [2] => array( [ifDescr] => string(5) "bond0" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(5) "bond0" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [3] => array( [ifDescr] => string(7) "ip6tnl0" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(7) "ip6tnl0" [ifType] => string(6) "tunnel" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [4] => array( [ifDescr] => string(7) "ip6gre0" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(7) "ip6gre0" [ifType] => string(5) "other" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [5] => array( [ifDescr] => string(4) "eth0" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(4) "eth0" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" ) [6] => array( [ifDescr] => string(4) "eth1" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(4) "eth1" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" ) [7] => array( [ifDescr] => string(4) "eth2" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(4) "eth2" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" ) [8] => array( [ifDescr] => string(4) "eth3" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(4) "eth3" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" ) ) o Caching DB SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00049090s] 8 ports o Discovering ports ........ +---------+---------+---------+---------+------------------+-------------+---------+ | ifIndex | ifDescr | ifName | ifAlias | ifType | Oper Status | Ignored | +---------+---------+---------+---------+------------------+-------------+---------+ | 1 | lo | lo | ... | softwareLoopback | up | no | | 2 | bond0 | bond0 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 3 | ip6tnl0 | ip6tnl0 | ... | tunnel | down | no | | 4 | ip6gre0 | ip6gre0 | ... | other | down | no | | 5 | eth0 | eth0 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 6 | eth1 | eth1 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 7 | eth2 | eth2 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 8 | eth3 | eth3 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | +---------+---------+---------+---------+------------------+-------------+---------+
o Duration 0.0661s
##### Module Start: ports-stack #####
Port Stacks: SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports_stack` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00029087s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ifStackStatus]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0077s] STDOUT[ ifStackStatus = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
o Duration 0.0098s
##### Module Start: vlans #####
SQL[SELECT * FROM `vlans` WHERE `device_id` = '500';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00051498s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE `device_id` = '500';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005198s] Q-BRIDGE-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m Q-BRIDGE-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' dot1qVlanStaticTable]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0134s] STDOUT[ dot1qVlanStaticTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
o Duration 0.0169s
##### Module Start: ip-addresses #####
o Discovering IP Addresses IP-MIB IP-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ipAdEntIfIndex]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0201s] STDOUT[ ipAdEntIfIndex. = 1 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 6 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 6 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 6 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 6 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 6 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 6 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 6 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 6 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 5 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 5 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 5 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 5 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 5 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 5 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 5 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 7 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 7 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 7 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 7 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 7 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 7 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 7 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 8 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 8 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 8 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 8 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 8 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 8 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 8 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 8 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ipAdEntNetMask]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0191s] STDOUT[ ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ipAddressIfIndex]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0074s] STDOUT[ ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 1 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 6 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 6 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 5 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 5 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 7 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 7 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 8 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 8 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6."00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01" = 1 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:38" = 5 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:39" = 6 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:3a" = 7 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:3b" = 8 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ipAddressType]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0075s] STDOUT[ ipAddressType.ipv4."" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = broadcast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = broadcast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = broadcast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = broadcast ipAddressType.ipv6."00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:38" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:39" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:3a" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:3b" = unicast ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ipAddressPrefix]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0071s] STDOUT[ ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.1.ipv4."".8 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.6.ipv4."".24 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.6.ipv4."".24 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.5.ipv4."".24 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.5.ipv4."".24 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.7.ipv4."".24 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.7.ipv4."".24 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.8.ipv4."".24 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.8.ipv4."".24 ipAddressPrefix.ipv6."00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.1.ipv6."00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01".128 ipAddressPrefix.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:38" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.5.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00".64 ipAddressPrefix.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:39" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.6.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00".64 ipAddressPrefix.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:3a" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.7.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00".64 ipAddressPrefix.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:3b" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.8.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00".64 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ipAddressOrigin]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0071s] STDOUT[ ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv6."00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:38" = linklayer ipAddressOrigin.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:39" = linklayer ipAddressOrigin.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:3a" = linklayer ipAddressOrigin.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:3b" = linklayer ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] IPV6-MIB
$ip_data[$ip_version] - /opt/observium/discovery.php:183
/opt/observium/includes/discovery/ip-addresses.inc.php:29 =========================================================== array( [1] => array( [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "1" [ip] => string(9) "" [mask] => string(9) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) ) [6] => array( [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "6" [ip] => string(13) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "6" [ip] => string(13) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "6" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "6" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "6" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "6" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(13) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "6" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "6" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) ) [5] => array( [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "5" [ip] => string(15) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "5" [ip] => string(15) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "5" [ip] => string(15) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "5" [ip] => string(15) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "5" [ip] => string(15) "" [mask] => string(13) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "5" [ip] => string(15) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "5" [ip] => string(15) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) ) [7] => array( [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "7" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "7" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(13) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "7" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "7" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "7" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "7" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "7" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) ) [8] => array( [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "8" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "8" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(13) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "8" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "8" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "8" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "8" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "8" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "8" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) ) )
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING(`port_id`) WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00076079s]
SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `ifIndex` = '1' LIMIT 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00030518s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '7126'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00023079s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00016999s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `device_graphs` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005698s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00040913s]
SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `ifIndex` = '6' LIMIT 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00011587s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '7131'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00020981s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00045896s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00037694s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00039887s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00040197s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00036883s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00036407s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00036502s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00047994s]
SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `ifIndex` = '5' LIMIT 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00014400s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '7130'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00019598s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00038004s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00037384s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00038910s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00037622s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00037003s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00036597s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00044394s]
SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `ifIndex` = '7' LIMIT 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00012517s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '7132'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00024199s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00041699s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00056410s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00045395s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00051713s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00043106s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00070310s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00087309s]
SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `ifIndex` = '8' LIMIT 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00016212s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '7133'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00025702s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00041103s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00037313s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00044918s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00067306s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00069904s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00065708s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00037599s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00036192s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING(`port_id`) WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00011706s]
- /opt/observium/discovery.php:183 /opt/observium/includes/discovery/ip-addresses.inc.php:29 =============================================== array( [1] => array( [0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "1" [ip] => string(39) "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001" [prefix] => string(3) "128" [type] => string(7) "unicast" [origin] => string(6) "manual" ) ) [5] => array( [fe80:0000:0000:0000:0210:f3ff:fe21:2b38] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "5" [ip] => string(39) "fe80:0000:0000:0000:0210:f3ff:fe21:2b38" [prefix] => string(2) "64" [type] => string(7) "unicast" [origin] => string(9) "linklayer" ) ) [6] => array( [fe80:0000:0000:0000:0210:f3ff:fe21:2b39] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "6" [ip] => string(39) "fe80:0000:0000:0000:0210:f3ff:fe21:2b39" [prefix] => string(2) "64" [type] => string(7) "unicast" [origin] => string(9) "linklayer" ) ) [7] => array( [fe80:0000:0000:0000:0210:f3ff:fe21:2b3a] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "7" [ip] => string(39) "fe80:0000:0000:0000:0210:f3ff:fe21:2b3a" [prefix] => string(2) "64" [type] => string(7) "unicast" [origin] => string(9) "linklayer" ) ) [8] => array( [fe80:0000:0000:0000:0210:f3ff:fe21:2b3b] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "8" [ip] => string(39) "fe80:0000:0000:0000:0210:f3ff:fe21:2b3b" [prefix] => string(2) "64" [type] => string(7) "unicast" [origin] => string(9) "linklayer" ) ) )
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ipv6_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING(`port_id`) WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00049114s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv6_network_id` FROM `ipv6_networks` WHERE `ipv6_network` = '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1/128'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00006294s] Address 'fe80::210:f3ff:fe21:2b38/64' skipped as invalid. Address 'fe80::210:f3ff:fe21:2b39/64' skipped as invalid. Address 'fe80::210:f3ff:fe21:2b3a/64' skipped as invalid. Address 'fe80::210:f3ff:fe21:2b3b/64' skipped as invalid.
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ipv6_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING(`port_id`) WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005507s]
+---------+---------+-------------+--------------------+---------------------+--------+ | ifIndex | ifDescr | IP: Version | Address | Network | Origin | +---------+---------+-------------+--------------------+---------------------+--------+ | 1 | lo | IPv4 | | | | | 6 | eth1 | IPv4 | | | | | 6 | eth1 | IPv4 | | | | | 6 | eth1 | IPv4 | | | | | 6 | eth1 | IPv4 | | | | | 6 | eth1 | IPv4 | | | | | 6 | eth1 | IPv4 | | | | | 6 | eth1 | IPv4 | | | | | 6 | eth1 | IPv4 | | | | | 5 | eth0 | IPv4 | | | | | 5 | eth0 | IPv4 | | | | | 5 | eth0 | IPv4 | | | | | 5 | eth0 | IPv4 | | | | | 5 | eth0 | IPv4 | | | | | 5 | eth0 | IPv4 | | | | | 5 | eth0 | IPv4 | | | | | 7 | eth2 | IPv4 | | | | | 7 | eth2 | IPv4 | | | | | 7 | eth2 | IPv4 | | | | | 7 | eth2 | IPv4 | | | | | 7 | eth2 | IPv4 | | | | | 7 | eth2 | IPv4 | | | | | 7 | eth2 | IPv4 | | | | | 8 | eth3 | IPv4 | | | | | 8 | eth3 | IPv4 | | | | | 8 | eth3 | IPv4 | | | | | 8 | eth3 | IPv4 | | | | | 8 | eth3 | IPv4 | | | | | 8 | eth3 | IPv4 | | | | | 8 | eth3 | IPv4 | | | | | 8 | eth3 | IPv4 | | | | | 1 | lo | IPv6 | ::1/128 | 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1/128 | manual | +---------+---------+-------------+--------------------+---------------------+--------+
o Changes 32 unchanged o Duration 0.1933s
##### Module Start: processors #####
o Discovering MIBs UCD-SNMP-MIB SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM processors WHERE device_id = '500' AND processor_type != 'ucd-old'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00049901s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OvQ -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ssCpuSystem.0]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OvQ -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ssCpuUser.0]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OvQ -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ssCpuIdle.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0041s] STDOUT[ 95 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] 500 -> 0, 0, ucd-old, CPU, 1, 4, ,
SQL[SELECT * FROM `processors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `processor_index` = '0' AND `processor_type` = 'ucd-old'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00050402s] HOST-RESOURCES-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' hrDevice]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0065s] STDOUT[ hrDevice = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' hrProcessorLoad]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0065s] STDOUT[ hrProcessorLoad = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `processors` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00044703s] 0 -> ucd-old
$valid['processor'] - /opt/observium/discovery.php:183
/opt/observium/includes/discovery/processors.inc.php:155 ========================================================= array( [ucd-old] => array( [0] => int(1) ) )
o Changes 1 unchanged o Duration 0.0347s
##### Module Start: mempools #####
o Discovering MIBs UCD-SNMP-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' mem]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0071s] STDOUT[ memIndex.0 = 0 memErrorName.0 = swap memTotalSwap.0 = 0 memAvailSwap.0 = 0 memTotalReal.0 = 2034188 memAvailReal.0 = 1489096 memTotalFree.0 = 1489096 memMinimumSwap.0 = 16000 memShared.0 = 0 memBuffer.0 = 1232 memCached.0 = 57896 memSwapError.0 = error memSwapErrorMsg.0 = Running out of swap space (0) ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] 500 -> 0, UCD-SNMP-MIB, Physical memory, 1, 2083008512, 2022461440
SQL[SELECT * FROM `mempools` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `mempool_index` = '0' AND `mempool_mib` = 'ucd-snmp-mib'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00034022s] HOST-RESOURCES-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' hrStorageEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0068s] STDOUT[ hrStorageEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `mempools` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00026512s] 0 -> ucd-snmp-mib
$valid['mempool'] - /opt/observium/discovery.php:183
/opt/observium/includes/discovery/mempools.inc.php:40 ======================================================= array( [ucd-snmp-mib] => array( [0] => int(1) ) )
o Changes 1 unchanged o Duration 0.019s
##### Module Start: inventory #####
o Discovering MIBs HOST-RESOURCES-MIB HOST-RESOURCES-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' hrDeviceEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0063s] STDOUT[ hrDeviceEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' hrProcessorEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.006s] STDOUT[ hrProcessorEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `hrDevice` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00008416s] ENTITY-MIB ENTITY-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m ENTITY-MIB:CISCO-ENTITY-VENDORTYPE-OID-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/cisco 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' entPhysicalEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0363s] STDOUT[ entPhysicalEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00047493s]
o Duration 0.0546s
##### Module Start: printersupplies #####
Printer supplies: SQL[SELECT * FROM `printersupplies` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00011897s]
o Duration 0.0014s
##### Module Start: sensors #####
LM-SENSORS-MIB LM-SENSORS-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m LM-SENSORS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' lmTempSensorsEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0051s] STDOUT[ lmTempSensorsEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m LM-SENSORS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' lmFanSensorsEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0049s] STDOUT[ lmFanSensorsEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m LM-SENSORS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' lmVoltSensorsEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0056s] STDOUT[ lmVoltSensorsEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] SUPERMICRO-HEALTH-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m SUPERMICRO-HEALTH-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/supermicro 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' smHealthMonitorTable]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0067s] STDOUT[ smHealthMonitorTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] SUPERMICRO-HEALTH-MIB MIB-Dell-10892 CPQHLTH-MIB CPQHLTH-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m CPQHLTH-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/hp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' cpqHeFltTolPwrSupply]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0102s] STDOUT[ cpqHeFltTolPwrSupply = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Ovq -m CPQHLTH-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/hp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' cpqHeThermalCondition.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0103s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Ovq -m CPQHLTH-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/hp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' cpqHeThermalSystemFanStatus.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0103s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Ovq -m CPQHLTH-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/hp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' cpqHeThermalCpuFanStatus.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0111s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m CPQHLTH-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/hp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' CpqHeTemperatureEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0152s] STDOUT[ cpqHeTemperatureEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] CPQIDA-MIB CPQIDA-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m CPQIDA-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/hp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' cpqDaCntlrEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0114s] STDOUT[ cpqDaCntlrEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m CPQIDA-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/hp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' cpqDaPhyDrv]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0102s] STDOUT[ cpqDaPhyDrv = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m CPQIDA-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/hp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' cpqDaLogDrv]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0099s] STDOUT[ cpqDaLogDrv = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] LSI-MegaRAID-SAS-MIB LSI-MegaRAID-SAS-MIB physicalDriveTable CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m LSI-MegaRAID-SAS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/lsi 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' physicalDriveTable]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0067s] STDOUT[ physicalDriveTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] enclosureTable CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m LSI-MegaRAID-SAS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/lsi 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' enclosureTable]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.007s] STDOUT[ enclosureTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] enclosurePowerSupplyTable CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m LSI-MegaRAID-SAS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/lsi 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' enclosurePowerSupplyTable]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0069s] STDOUT[ enclosurePowerSupplyTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] enclosureTempSensorTable CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m LSI-MegaRAID-SAS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/lsi 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' enclosureTempSensorTable]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0068s] STDOUT[ enclosureTempSensorTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] enclosureFanTable CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m LSI-MegaRAID-SAS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/lsi 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' enclosureFanTable]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.007s] STDOUT[ enclosureFanTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m ENTITY-MIB:ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' entPhySensorValue]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0052s] STDOUT[ entPhySensorValue = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00009108s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'humidity' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004792s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'fanspeed' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004601s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'airflow' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004387s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'voltage' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004292s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'current' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003910s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'power' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003195s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'apower' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004005s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'crestfactor' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005007s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'powerfactor' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003600s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'rpower' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003695s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'impedance' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003505s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'resistance' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003290s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'frequency' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003505s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'dbm' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003386s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'snr' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003791s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'capacity' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003314s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'load' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004601s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'runtime' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003505s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'state' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003481s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'waterflow' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004005s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'counter' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003695s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `status` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00025606s]
o Duration 0.1851s
##### Module Start: storage #####
Storage : UCD-SNMP-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' dskEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0049s] STDOUT[ dskEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] HOST-RESOURCES-MIB SQL[SELECT * FROM `storage` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00007105s]
o Duration 0.0074s
##### Module Start: neighbours #####
Neighbours discovery: LLDP-MIB LLDP-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m LLDP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' lldpRemoteSystemsData]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0113s] STDOUT[ lldpRemoteSystemsData = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] || || || || CISCO-CDP-MIB CISCO-CDP-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m CISCO-CDP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/cisco 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' cdpCache]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0191s] STDOUT[ cdpCache = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `neighbours` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING(`port_id`) WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00056601s]
o Duration 0.0352s
##### Module Start: arp-table #####
SQL[SELECT port_id, ifIndex FROM ports WHERE device_id = '500' GROUP BY port_id] SQL RUNTIME[0.00018978s] ARP/NDP Tables : CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OXqs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0153s] STDOUT[ ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:0:c:7:ac:1 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:bd:3:2d ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:ab:0:d3 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:58:b6 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:ab:c:9a ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:32:f1 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:c:29:1f:d4:80 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:ab:0:c6 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:72:10 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:bd:1b:db ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:e:fa ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] a0:36:9f:85:7d:27 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:5c:66 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:68:6c ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:4a:10 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 84:2b:2b:4d:bb:e0 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:ab:0:28 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:73:a0 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:ab:0:d2 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:1e:b:6c:9b:62 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a6:0:16 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:4d:f4 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 74:86:7a:ed:f4:88 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:57:68 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:37:ce ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] f4:cf:e2:87:e8:ca ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] a0:36:9f:31:7a:ed ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:1e:c9:af:63:2d ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:18:71:74:d1:f6 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:1c:23:d6:9f:fe ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:3a:7d ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:1:10 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:37:18 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:25:90:2b:a8:f4 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 24:6e:96:10:73:10 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 24:6e:96:11:eb:ac ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 24:6e:96:10:73:c8 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:57:12 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:ab:7e:c1 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:ab:7:23 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:5b:cf ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:29:c8 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] f0:1f:af:e6:7c:a4 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:1c:c9 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:50:49 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:bd:1f:f8 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:ab:68:2 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] d4:be:d9:a9:d3:80 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] d4:be:d9:a9:d3:2f ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:1b:a1 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:17:52 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:ab:0:9 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] d4:be:d9:a9:d3:80 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] d4:be:d9:a9:d3:2f ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:a:f7:7b:9:c9 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] d4:ae:52:7d:e:18 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] d4:ae:52:82:ac:b7 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] d0:67:e5:fa:ea:44 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:10:f3:21:2b:88 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:10:f3:21:2b:88 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:ab:0:cd ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:25:90:ff:fe:e4:2b:be"] 0:25:90:e4:2b:be ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:25:90:ff:fe:e5:45:38"] 0:25:90:e5:45:38 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:25:90:ff:fe:e5:45:9c"] 0:25:90:e5:45:9c ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:94:26:cf"] 0:50:56:94:26:cf ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:94:2c:9f"] 0:50:56:94:2c:9f ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:94:40:db"] 0:50:56:94:40:db ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:94:4a:10"] 0:50:56:94:4a:10 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:a3:11:de"] 0:50:56:a3:11:de ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:a3:2a:ad"] 0:50:56:a3:2a:ad ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:a3:54:be"] 0:50:56:a3:54:be ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:09:6e:ac:d7:aa:8b:40:a2"] 24:6e:96:11:eb:ad ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:15:f1:a2:f7:15:1d:3f:9e"] 0:50:56:a3:6a:78 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:38:43:9e:96:d2:e7:60:11"] 14:18:77:45:77:c9 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:40:fd:2b:3f:e6:1f:c0:49"] 14:18:77:53:54:68 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:6c:6f:0e:8c:e1:ee:24:72"] 24:6e:96:10:73:10 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:7c:bc:dd:a2:a4:bb:72:93"] ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:86:2b:2b:ff:fe:4d:bb:e2"] 84:2b:2b:4d:bb:e2 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:a0:1b:37:e1:62:ea:6f:3b"] d4:ae:52:9e:2c:f0 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:a5:71:47:e2:dc:36:df:5e"] d4:ae:52:82:ac:b6 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:b9:5b:85:e4:02:41:1f:07"] 24:6e:96:10:73:c8 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:c1:cc:6d:7d:43:c6:a6:2a"] 24:6e:96:11:eb:ac ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:c5:92:7c:1c:65:44:a0:0b"] 24:6e:96:10:73:11 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:ca:1f:66:ff:fe:d7:7e:e2"] c8:1f:66:d7:7e:e2 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:d2:67:e5:ff:fe:fa:a3:16"] d0:67:e5:fa:a3:16 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:d2:67:e5:ff:fe:fa:ea:45"] d0:67:e5:fa:ea:45 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:d2:67:e5:ff:fe:fb:10:fc"] d0:67:e5:fb:10:fc ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:d6:ae:52:ff:fe:7d:0e:1a"] d4:ae:52:7d:e:1a ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:dd:8f:76:30:1e:7f:3a:c7"] 0:50:56:a3:79:38 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:ea:f6:34:d1:cb:ef:42:21"] ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:76:54 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:21:5c ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:7:83 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:38:d5 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:ab:0:c7 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:1c:f2 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] f4:cf:e2:87:e8:c7 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:2e:9c ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a6:3d:74 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:19:3a ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:29:3e ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:4c:24 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:39:c ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:5c:fc ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:f:ca ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:9:ab ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:2c:36 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:36:f0 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:5e:86 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:45:d7 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:65:f7 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:15:17:4a:87:a6 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:5:ad ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:7:f8 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:25:35 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:f:dc ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:4:83 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] d4:ae:52:82:b0:38 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] d4:ae:52:7d:10:b6 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] d4:ae:52:82:b0:38 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] d4:ae:52:7d:10:b6 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:7b:a4 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a6:3d:72 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:17:a1 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:4c:da ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:27:32 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:20:6b ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:50:71 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:1e:8a ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:43:f5 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:4e:bd ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:18:f6 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:2d:81 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:20:32 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:a:95 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:77:a7 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:6a:4a ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:1c:23:ff:fe:d6:9f:fc"] 0:1c:23:d6:9f:fc ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:94:52:19"] 0:50:56:94:52:19 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:a3:11:b0"] 0:50:56:a3:11:b0 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:a3:43:f5"] 0:50:56:a3:43:f5 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:a3:44:d7"] 0:50:56:a3:44:d7 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:a3:4f:e0"] 0:50:56:a3:4f:e0 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:a3:66:9b"] 0:50:56:a3:66:9b ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:a3:7f:18"] 0:50:56:a3:7f:18 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:08:2e:7a:ea:05:4a:b4:ce"] 0:50:56:94:3a:6c ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:40:6a:5f:2e:9f:46:36:79"] 0:50:56:94:2:b8 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:88:b8:e4:fe:0b:7c:1a:cc"] d4:ae:52:7d:10:b6 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:d2:67:e5:ff:fe:f9:24:5e"] d0:67:e5:f9:24:5e ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:d8:4f:f1:98:dd:e8:16:df"] 0:50:56:a3:77:a7 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] f4:cf:e2:87:e8:d3 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:58:97 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:d:83 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:26:35 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:2d:6c ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:49:d9 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:3e:31 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:43:dd ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:6d:c4 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:27:90 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:5b:ba ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:7c:a7 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:5b:f5 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:5f:44 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:52:9a ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:24:18 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:3a:ee ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:6f:68 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:a:31 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:5a:52 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:a:31 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:5a:52 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:4a:76 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:71:83 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] f4:cf:e2:87:e8:d2 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:61:c4 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:a:bf ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:44:2b ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:61:d2 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:b:c1 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:72:a4 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:44:6 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:65:ee ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:74:5d ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:3a:c5 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:3:fb ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:52:d3 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:3d:ff ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:5a:b3 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:16:96 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:11:60 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:13:cd ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:7c:f5 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:2d:25 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:28:31 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:1:31 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:22:d8 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:7b:68 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:a:da ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:1:10 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:30:7 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:94:3a:28"] 0:50:56:94:3a:28 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] Used IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress
SQL[SELECT mac_id, mac_address, ip_address, ip_version, ifIndex FROM ip_mac AS M LEFT JOIN ports AS I ON M.port_id = I.port_id WHERE I.device_id = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00080609s] ........................................................................................................................................................................................................
o Duration 0.0244s
##### Module Start: junose-atm-vp #####
o Duration 0.0003s
##### Module Start: bgp-peers #####
o Duration 0.0008s
##### Module Start: mac-accounting #####
o Duration 0.0002s
##### Module Start: cisco-vrf #####
o Duration 0.0004s
##### Module Start: sla #####
o Discovering MIBs DISMAN-PING-MIB DISMAN-PING-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m DISMAN-PING-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' pingCtlEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0065s] STDOUT[ pingCtlEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `slas` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00008893s]
o Duration 0.0092s
##### Module Start: pseudowires #####
o Discovering MIBs SQL[SELECT * FROM `pseudowires` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00007606s] PW-STD-MIB PW-STD-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m PW-STD-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' pwID]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0068s] STDOUT[ pwID = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
o Duration 0.0098s
##### Module Start: virtual-machines #####
Virtual machines:
o Duration 0.0008s
##### Module Start: cisco-cbqos #####
Cisco Class-based QoS: SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports_cbqos` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00041699s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/cisco 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' cbQosIfType]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0334s] STDOUT[ cbQosIfType = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] QoS not configured.
o Duration 0.0358s
##### Module Start: ucd-diskio #####
UCD Disk IO : CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m UCD-DISKIO-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' diskIOEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0047s] STDOUT[ diskIOEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ucd_diskio` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00009203s]
o Duration 0.0067s
##### Module Start: wifi #####
Wifi: SQL[SELECT * FROM `wifi_radios` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004482s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `wifi_wlans` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003290s]
o Duration 0.0012s
##### Module Start: p2p-radios #####
o Duration 0.0001s
##### Module Start: graphs #####
o Duration 0.0006s
Module [ services ] disabled globally. Module [ raid ] disabled globally.
SQL[UPDATE `devices` set `last_discovered` =NOW(),`type` ='server',`last_discovered_timetaken` ='0.867',`force_discovery` ='0' WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.01385307s]
SQL[INSERT INTO `devices_perftimes` (`device_id`,`operation`,`start`,`duration`) VALUES ('500','discover','1470901483.5918','0.86717796325684')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00625205s] ##### kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra [500] completed discovery modules at 2016-08-11 09:44:44 #####
o Discovery time 0.867 seconds
SQL[DELETE FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_pid` = '12711' AND `process_name` = 'discovery.php' AND `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00642204s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `groups` ORDER BY `entity_type`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00007105s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `groups_assoc`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005889s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `group_table` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004792s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_tests`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00007105s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_assoc`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004697s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `devices` AS d WHERE d.`device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00020790s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_table` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00006914s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE device_id = '500' AND `deleted` != '1' AND `device` = ' *'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00014806s] ERROR[Error in query: (Unknown column 'device' in 'where clause') 1054] ##### Finished discovery run at 2016-08-11 09:44:44 #####
SQL[INSERT INTO `perf_times` (`type`,`doing`,`start`,`duration`,`devices`) VALUES ('discover','kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra','1470901482.9851','1.504','1')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00484300s] ./discovery.php: kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra - 1 devices discovered in 1.504 secs NOTE, $config['snmp']['hide_auth'] is set to TRUE, snmp community and snmp v3 auth hidden from debug output. o Devices Discovered 1 o Discovery Time 1.504 secs o Memory usage 10MB (peak: 10MB) o MySQL Usage Cell[75/0.056s] Row[14/0.007s] Rows[64/0.027s] Column[0/0s] Update[6/0.024s] Insert[3/0.014s] Delete[1/0.007s] o RRDTool Usage root@observium:/opt/observium# ./poller.php -d -h kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra DEBUG!
SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'dbSchema';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00021911s]
SQL[SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;] SQL RUNTIME[0.00006199s]
SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'current_rev';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00009489s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `config`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004697s]
CMD[/bin/hostname -f]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0023s] STDOUT[ observium.riksbyggen.intra ]
___ _ _ / _ \ | |__ ___ ___ _ __ __ __(_) _ _ _ __ ___ | | | || '_ \ / __| / _ | '__|\ \ / /| || | | || '_ ` _ \ | |_| || |_) |__ | __/| | \ V / | || |_| || | | | | | ___/ |_.__/ |___/ ___||_| _/ |_| __,_||_| |_| |_| Observium Professional http://www.observium.org
SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_ver';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00016284s]
SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_rev';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004005s]
SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_rev_date';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00015092s]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.053s] STDOUT[ Linux|4.2.0-16-generic|amd64|Ubuntu|15.10 ]
CMD[/usr/bin/env python --version 2>&1]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0022s] STDOUT[ Python 2.7.10 ]
SQL[SELECT version();] SQL RUNTIME[0.00016713s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget --version 2>&1]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0017s] STDOUT[ NET-SNMP version: 5.7.3 ]
CMD[/usr/bin/rrdtool --version |head -n1]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0057s] STDOUT[ RRDtool 1.5.4 Copyright by Tobias Oetiker tobi@oetiker.ch ]
CMD[date "+%:z"]
CMD[/usr/bin/env apache2 -v | awk '/Server version:/ {print $3}']
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0213s] STDOUT[ Apache/2.4.12 ]
SQL[SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;] SQL RUNTIME[0.00018907s]
SQL[SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_connection'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00092196s]
##### Software versions #####
o OS Linux 4.2.0-16-generic [amd64] (Ubuntu 15.10) o Apache 2.4.12 o PHP 5.6.11-1ubuntu3.4 (OPcache: DISABLED) o Python 2.7.10 o MySQL 10.1.16-MariaDB-1~wily (extension: mysqli 10.1.16-MariaDB) o SNMP NET-SNMP 5.7.3 o RRDtool 1.5.4
##### MySQL mode #####
##### Charset info #####
o PHP UTF-8 o MySQL utf8
##### Timezones info #####
o Date Thursday, 11-Aug-16 09:44:59 CEST o PHP +02:00 o MySQL +02:00
SQL[SELECT * FROM `alerts_maint` WHERE `maint_start` < '1470901499' AND `maint_end` > '1470901499'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00035000s] ##### Starting polling run at 2016-08-11 09:44:59 #####
SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `disabled` = 0 AND `hostname` LIKE 'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra' ORDER BY `device_id` ASC] SQL RUNTIME[0.00036478s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00026107s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00006008s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_name` = 'poller.php' AND `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00017715s]
CMD[/bin/ps -ww -o pid,ppid,uid,gid,tty,stat,time,lstart,args -p 12888]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0051s] STDOUT[ PID PPID UID GID TT STAT TIME STARTED COMMAND 12888 14527 0 0 pts/0 S+ 00:00:00 Thu Aug 11 09:44:58 2016 php ./poller.php -d -h kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra ]
CMD[/bin/ps -ww -o pid,ppid,uid,gid,tty,stat,time,lstart,args -p 14527]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0047s] STDOUT[ PID PPID UID GID TT STAT TIME STARTED COMMAND 14527 14526 0 0 pts/0 S 00:00:00 Thu Aug 11 08:28:32 2016 bash ]
SQL[INSERT INTO `observium_processes` (`process_pid`,`process_name`,`process_ppid`,`process_uid`,`process_command`,`process_start`,`device_id`) VALUES ('12888','poller.php','14527','0','php ./poller.php -d -h kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra','1470901498','500')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00230098s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_tests` WHERE 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00007510s] Cached 1 alert rules.
SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_table` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00006509s] ##### kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra [500] #####
o OS linux o OS Group unix o Last poll duration 0.49 seconds o Last Polled 2016-08-11 09:44:37 o SNMP Version v2c
CMD[/usr/bin/fping -t 500 -c 1 -q 2>&1]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0017s] STDOUT[ : xmt/rcv/%loss = 1/1/0%, min/avg/max = 0.26/0.26/0.26 ]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUst -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' sysObjectID.0 sysUpTime.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0046s] STDOUT[ sysObjectID.0 = enterprises.12196.250.10 sysUpTime.0 = 230567 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] o Device status Device is reachable by PING (0.26ms) and SNMP (4.58ms) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/status.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/status.rrd N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.02] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ping.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ping.rrd N:0.26] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.03] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ping_snmp.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ping_snmp.rrd N:4.58] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.03] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `device_graphs` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00006890s] o Modules Excluded aruba-controller o Disabled Globally unix-agent, ipmi, bgp-peers, junose-atm-vp, printersupplies, p2p-radios, ospf, cisco-ipsec-flow-monitor, cisco-remote-access-monitor,cisco-cef, sla, pseudowires, mac-accounting, arista-software-ip-forwarding, cipsec-tunnels,cisco-cbqos, cisco-eigrp, netscaler-vsvr, cisco-vpdn, wmi o Modules Enabled system, os, sensors, status, processors, mempools, storage, netstats, hr-mib, ucd-mib, ipSystemStats, ports, ucd-diskio, wifi,loadbalancer, entity-physical, applications, fdb-table, graphs, oids
including: includes/polling/system.inc.php ##### Module Start: system #####
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' sysUpTime.0 sysLocation.0 sysContact.0 sysName.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0046s] STDOUT[ sysUpTime.0 = 0:0:38:25.68 sysLocation.0 = Primusgatan 21 sysContact.0 = infra@riksbyggen.se sysName.0 = Kemphlb01 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Oqv -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' sysDescr.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.004s] STDOUT[ Linux Kemphlb01 3.10.71 #1 SMP Mon Sep 28 19:49:21 UTC 2015 i686 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Oqvn -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' sysObjectID.0]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Ovqn -m SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' snmpEngineID.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0039s] STDOUT[ "80 00 1F 88 80 D3 C1 6E 6C FA 23 AC 57 " ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `observium_attribs`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00008893s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Oqv -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' hrSystemUptime.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0062s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpget' AND `snmp_options` = '-Oqv' AND `mib` = 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB' AND `oid` = 'hrSystemUptime.0';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00030613s]
SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='6',`updated` ='1470901499' WHERE `error_id` = '8724'] SQL RUNTIME[0.03620577s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OUqv -m SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' snmpEngineTime.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0042s] STDOUT[ 2305 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] Using SNMP Agent sysUpTime (2305 sec. => 38m 25s) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/uptime.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/uptime.rrd N:2305] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.10] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
o Uptime 38m 25s
$uptimes - /opt/observium/poller.php:170
/opt/observium/includes/polling/system.inc.php:188 =============================================== array( [sysUpTime] => int(2305) [hrSystemUptime] => bool(false) [use] => string(9) "sysUpTime" [snmpEngineTime] => string(4) "2305" [uptime] => int(2305) [formatted] => string(7) "38m 25s" [message] => string(26) "Using SNMP Agent sysUpTime" [previous] => string(4) "2282" [diff] => int(-23) [rebooted] => int(0) ) o sysObjectID . o snmpEngineID 80001F8880D3C16E6CFA23AC57 o sysDescr Linux Kemphlb01 3.10.71 #1 SMP Mon Sep 28 19:49:21 UTC 2015 i686 o sysName kemphlb01 o Location Primusgatan 21
SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices_locations` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00008416s] o Module time 0.0743s
including: includes/polling/os.inc.php ##### Module Start: os #####
SQL[SELECT * FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `entPhysicalContainedIn` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004911s] o OS Poller Group
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Oqv -m MIB-Dell-10892 -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/dell 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' chassisModelName.1]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0124s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpget' AND `snmp_options` = '-Oqv' AND `mib` = 'MIB-Dell-10892' AND `oid` = 'chassisModelName.1';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00028205s]
SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='6',`updated` ='1470901499' WHERE `error_id` = '8725'] SQL RUNTIME[0.04138088s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Oqv -m CPQSINFO-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/hp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' cpqSiProductName.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0111s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpget' AND `snmp_options` = '-Oqv' AND `mib` = 'CPQSINFO-MIB' AND `oid` = 'cpqSiProductName.0';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00035787s]
SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='6',`updated` ='1470901499' WHERE `error_id` = '8726'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00453997s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Oqv -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' .]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0049s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpget' AND `snmp_options` = '-Oqv' AND `mib` = 'UCD-SNMP-MIB' AND `oid` = '.';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00025487s]
SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='6',`updated` ='1470901500' WHERE `error_id` = '8727'] SQL RUNTIME[0.05512619s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Oqv -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' .]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0045s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpget' AND `snmp_options` = '-Oqv' AND `mib` = 'UCD-SNMP-MIB' AND `oid` = '.';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00032187s]
SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='6',`updated` ='1470901500' WHERE `error_id` = '8728'] SQL RUNTIME[0.03782606s] o Hardware Generic x86 [32bit] o Version 3.10.71 o Features <empty> o Serial <empty> o Asset <empty>
o Module time 0.1831s
including: includes/polling/sensors.inc.php ##### Module Start: sensors #####
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00006390s] o Sensor Count 0 o Module time 0.0008s
including: includes/polling/status.inc.php ##### Module Start: status #####
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `status` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `status_deleted` = '0';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004387s] o Status Count 0 o Module time 0.0006s
including: includes/polling/processors.inc.php ##### Module Start: processors #####
SQL[SELECT `processors`.*, `processors-state`.`processor_usage`, `processors-state`.`processor_polled` FROM `processors` LEFT JOIN `processors-state` USING(`processor_id`) WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00031519s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OvQ -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ssCpuIdle.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0045s] STDOUT[ 95 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/processor-ucd-old-0.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/processor-ucd-old-0.rrd N:5] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.30] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
SQL[UPDATE `processors-state` set `processor_usage` ='5',`processor_polled` ='1470901500' WHERE `processor_id` = '2241'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00021601s]
$data - /opt/observium/includes/polling/functions.inc.php:681
/opt/observium/includes/alerts.inc.php:61 ===================================================== array( [processor_usage] => double(5) ) +-------+---------+-------+-------+ | Label | Type | Index | Usage | +-------+---------+-------+-------+ | CPU | ucd-old | 0 | 6% | +-------+---------+-------+-------+
o Module time 0.0175s
including: includes/polling/mempools.inc.php ##### Module Start: mempools #####
SQL[SELECT * FROM `mempools` LEFT JOIN `mempools-state` USING (`mempool_id`) WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00032306s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' mem]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0056s] STDOUT[ memIndex.0 = 0 memErrorName.0 = swap memTotalSwap.0 = 0 memAvailSwap.0 = 0 memTotalReal.0 = 2034188 memAvailReal.0 = 1490308 memTotalFree.0 = 1490308 memMinimumSwap.0 = 16000 memShared.0 = 0 memBuffer.0 = 1232 memCached.0 = 57896 memSwapError.0 = error memSwapErrorMsg.0 = Running out of swap space (0) ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/mempool-ucd-snmp-mib-0.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/mempool-ucd-snmp-mib-0.rrd N:2022461440:60547072] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.32] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
SQL[UPDATE `mempools-state` set `mempool_polled` ='1470901500',`mempool_used` ='2022461440',`mempool_perc` ='97.09',`mempool_free` ='60547072',`mempool_total` ='2083008512' WHERE `mempool_id` = '1267'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00015688s]
- /opt/observium/includes/polling/functions.inc.php:681 /opt/observium/includes/alerts.inc.php:61 ================================================== array( [mempool_perc] => double(97.09) [mempool_free] => int(60547072) [mempool_used] => int(2022461440) ) +-----------------+--------------+-------+--------+--------+--------+--------+ | Label | Type | Index | Total | Used | Free | Perc | +-----------------+--------------+-------+--------+--------+--------+--------+ | Physical memory | ucd-snmp-mib | 0 | 1.94GB | 1.88GB | 57.7MB | 97.09% | +-----------------+--------------+-------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
o Module time 0.0159s
including: includes/polling/storage.inc.php ##### Module Start: storage #####
SQL[SELECT `storage`.*, `storage-state`.storage_polled FROM `storage` LEFT JOIN `storage-state` ON `storage`.storage_id = `storage-state`.storage_id WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00025105s] o Module time 0.0007s
including: includes/polling/netstats.inc.php ##### Module Start: netstats #####
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ipInReceives.0 ipOutRequests.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0073s] STDOUT[ ipInReceives.0 = 4294967295 ipOutRequests.0 = 4294967295 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ipForwDatagrams.0 ipInDelivers.0 ipInDiscards.0 ipOutDiscards.0 ipOutNoRoutes.0 ipReasmReqds.0 ipReasmOKs.0 ipReasmFails.0 ipFragOKs.0 ipFragFails.0 ipFragCreates.0 ipInUnknownProtos.0 ipInHdrErrors.0 ipInAddrErrors.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0073s] STDOUT[ ipForwDatagrams.0 = 0 ipInDelivers.0 = 4294967295 ipInDiscards.0 = 0 ipOutDiscards.0 = 0 ipOutNoRoutes.0 = 0 ipReasmReqds.0 = 802023 ipReasmOKs.0 = 400946 ipReasmFails.0 = 131 ipFragOKs.0 = 0 ipFragFails.0 = 0 ipFragCreates.0 = 0 ipInUnknownProtos.0 = 0 ipInHdrErrors.0 = 0 ipInAddrErrors.0 = 0 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/netstats-ip.rrd N:0:4294967295:4294967295:4294967295:0:0:0:802023:400946:131:0:0:0:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.34] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
o Ip Graphs netstat_ip netstat_ip_frag
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' icmp]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0103s] STDOUT[ icmpInMsgs.0 = 15991316 icmpInErrors.0 = 7 icmpInDestUnreachs.0 = 0 icmpInTimeExcds.0 = 77 icmpInParmProbs.0 = 21 icmpInSrcQuenchs.0 = 0 icmpInRedirects.0 = 0 icmpInEchos.0 = 0 icmpInEchoReps.0 = 6249589 icmpInTimestamps.0 = 9741629 icmpInTimestampReps.0 = 0 icmpInAddrMasks.0 = 0 icmpInAddrMaskReps.0 = 0 icmpOutMsgs.0 = 0 icmpOutErrors.0 = 15994975 icmpOutDestUnreachs.0 = 0 icmpOutTimeExcds.0 = 3593 icmpOutParmProbs.0 = 116 icmpOutSrcQuenchs.0 = 0 icmpOutRedirects.0 = 0 icmpOutEchos.0 = 0 icmpOutEchoReps.0 = 9741677 icmpOutTimestamps.0 = 6249589 icmpOutTimestampReps.0 = 0 icmpOutAddrMasks.0 = 0 icmpOutAddrMaskReps.0 = 0 icmpStatsInMsgs.ipv4 = 15991316 icmpStatsInMsgs.ipv6 = 355591 icmpStatsInErrors.ipv4 = 7 icmpStatsInErrors.ipv6 = 0 icmpStatsOutMsgs.ipv4 = 0 icmpStatsOutMsgs.ipv6 = 44 icmpStatsOutErrors.ipv4 = 15994975 icmpStatsOutErrors.ipv6 = 0 icmpMsgStatsInPkts.ipv4.0 = 9741629 icmpMsgStatsInPkts.ipv4.3 = 77 icmpMsgStatsInPkts.ipv4.8 = 6249589 icmpMsgStatsInPkts.ipv4.11 = 21 icmpMsgStatsInPkts.ipv6.133 = 2259 icmpMsgStatsInPkts.ipv6.136 = 353332 icmpMsgStatsOutPkts.ipv4.0 = 6249589 icmpMsgStatsOutPkts.ipv4.3 = 3593 icmpMsgStatsOutPkts.ipv4.8 = 9741677 icmpMsgStatsOutPkts.ipv4.11 = 116 icmpMsgStatsOutPkts.ipv6.135 = 11 icmpMsgStatsOutPkts.ipv6.143 = 33 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/netstats-icmp.rrd N:15991316:0:7:15994975:0:0:6249589:9741677:0:0:21:77:0:0:9741629:0:0:0:3593:116:0:0:6249589:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.36] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
o Icmp Graphs netstat_icmp netstat_icmp_info
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m TCP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' tcpInSegs.0 tcpOutSegs.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0046s] STDOUT[ tcpInSegs.0 = 3610111435 tcpOutSegs.0 = 4294381551 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m TCP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' tcpActiveOpens.0 tcpPassiveOpens.0 tcpAttemptFails.0 tcpEstabResets.0 tcpCurrEstab.0 tcpRetransSegs.0 tcpInErrs.0 tcpOutRsts.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0041s] STDOUT[ tcpActiveOpens.0 = 282512336 tcpPassiveOpens.0 = 171312265 tcpAttemptFails.0 = 5462206 tcpEstabResets.0 = 59940380 tcpCurrEstab.0 = 7852 tcpRetransSegs.0 = 60514289 tcpInErrs.0 = 43 tcpOutRsts.0 = 47650322 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/netstats-tcp.rrd N:282512336:171312265:5462206:59940380:7852:3610111435:4294381551:60514289:43:47650322] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.37] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
o TCP Graphs netstat_tcp_stats netstat_tcp_segments netstat_tcp_currestab
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m UDP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' udpInDatagrams.0 udpOutDatagrams.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.004s] STDOUT[ udpInDatagrams.0 = 26697017 udpOutDatagrams.0 = 26519036 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m UDP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' udpInErrors.0 udpNoPorts.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0038s] STDOUT[ udpInErrors.0 = 0 udpNoPorts.0 = 2557 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/netstats-udp.rrd N:26697017:26519036:0:2557] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.38] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
o UDP Graphs netstat_udp_datagrams netstat_udp_errors
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' snmp]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0048s] STDOUT[ snmpInPkts.0 = 13832 snmpOutPkts.0 = 13831 snmpInBadVersions.0 = 0 snmpInBadCommunityNames.0 = 0 snmpInBadCommunityUses.0 = 0 snmpInASNParseErrs.0 = 0 snmpInTooBigs.0 = 0 snmpInNoSuchNames.0 = 0 snmpInBadValues.0 = 0 snmpInReadOnlys.0 = 0 snmpInGenErrs.0 = 0 snmpInTotalReqVars.0 = 29781 snmpInTotalSetVars.0 = 0 snmpInGetRequests.0 = 717 snmpInGetNexts.0 = 12145 snmpInSetRequests.0 = 0 snmpInGetResponses.0 = 0 snmpInTraps.0 = 0 snmpOutTooBigs.0 = 0 snmpOutNoSuchNames.0 = 0 snmpOutBadValues.0 = 0 snmpOutGenErrs.0 = 0 snmpOutGetRequests.0 = 0 snmpOutGetNexts.0 = 0 snmpOutSetRequests.0 = 0 snmpOutGetResponses.0 = 13833 snmpOutTraps.0 = 0 snmpEnableAuthenTraps.0 = disabled snmpSilentDrops.0 = 0 snmpProxyDrops.0 = 0 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/netstats-snmp.rrd N:13832:13831:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:29781:0:717:12145:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:13833:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.39] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
o SNMP Graphs netstat_snmp_stats netstat_snmp_packets o Module time 0.0640s
including: includes/polling/hr-mib.inc.php ##### Module Start: hr-mib #####
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OUQs -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' hrSystemProcesses.0 hrSystemNumUsers.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.008s] STDOUT[ hrSystemProcesses.0 = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID hrSystemNumUsers.0 = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpget' AND `snmp_options` = '-OUQs' AND `mib` = 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB' AND `oid` = 'hrSystemProcesses.0 hrSystemNumUsers.0';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00089717s]
SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='6',`updated` ='1470901500' WHERE `error_id` = '8729'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00437999s] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] o Collecting o Module time 0.0156s
including: includes/polling/ucd-mib.inc.php ##### Module Start: ucd-mib #####
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' systemStats]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0054s] STDOUT[ ssIndex.0 = 1 ssErrorName.0 = systemStats ssSwapIn.0 = 0 ssSwapOut.0 = 0 ssIOSent.0 = 0 ssIOReceive.0 = 0 ssSysInterrupts.0 = 5648 ssSysContext.0 = 3871 ssCpuUser.0 = 2 ssCpuSystem.0 = 2 ssCpuIdle.0 = 95 ssCpuRawUser.0 = 63918320 ssCpuRawNice.0 = 14 ssCpuRawSystem.0 = 54352767 ssCpuRawIdle.0 = 4116523842 ssCpuRawWait.0 = 2037 ssCpuRawKernel.0 = 0 ssCpuRawInterrupt.0 = 5585 ssIORawSent.0 = 17296342 ssIORawReceived.0 = 312106 ssRawInterrupts.0 = 1269373795 ssRawContexts.0 = 736732973 ssCpuRawSoftIRQ.0 = 8718105 ssRawSwapIn.0 = 0 ssRawSwapOut.0 = 0 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_cpu.rrd N:63918320:54352767:14:4116523842] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.41] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssIORawSent.rrd N:17296342] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.42] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssIORawReceived.rrd N:312106] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.42] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssRawInterrupts.rrd N:1269373795] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.42] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssRawContexts.rrd N:736732973] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.42] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssRawSwapIn.rrd N:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.42] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssRawSwapOut.rrd N:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.42] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssCpuRawUser.rrd N:63918320] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.42] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssCpuRawNice.rrd N:14] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.42] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssCpuRawSystem.rrd N:54352767] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.43] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssCpuRawIdle.rrd N:4116523842] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.43] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssCpuRawInterrupt.rrd N:5585] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.43] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssCpuRawSoftIRQ.rrd N:8718105] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.43] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssCpuRawKernel.rrd N:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.43] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssCpuRawWait.rrd N:2037] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.43] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' mem]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0049s] STDOUT[ memIndex.0 = 0 memErrorName.0 = swap memTotalSwap.0 = 0 memAvailSwap.0 = 0 memTotalReal.0 = 2034188 memAvailReal.0 = 1490308 memTotalFree.0 = 1490308 memMinimumSwap.0 = 16000 memShared.0 = 0 memBuffer.0 = 1232 memCached.0 = 57896 memSwapError.0 = error memSwapErrorMsg.0 = Running out of swap space (0) ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_mem.rrd N:0:0:2034188:1490308:1490308:0:1232:57896] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.44] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' laLoadInt]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0042s] STDOUT[ laLoadInt.1 = 11 laLoadInt.2 = 7 laLoadInt.3 = 8 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_load.rrd N:11:7:8] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.45] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
o Module time 0.0414s
including: includes/polling/ipSystemStats.inc.php ##### Module Start: ipSystemStats #####
o Collecting ipSystemStats
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ipSystemStats]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0103s] STDOUT[ ipSystemStatsInReceives.ipv4 = 3778121940 ipSystemStatsInReceives.ipv6 = 3828524 ipSystemStatsHCInReceives.ipv4 = 29547925716 ipSystemStatsHCInReceives.ipv6 = 3828524 ipSystemStatsInOctets.ipv6 = 565875024 ipSystemStatsHCInOctets.ipv6 = 565875024 ipSystemStatsInHdrErrors.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInHdrErrors.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsInNoRoutes.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInNoRoutes.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsInAddrErrors.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInAddrErrors.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsInUnknownProtos.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInUnknownProtos.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsInTruncatedPkts.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInTruncatedPkts.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsInForwDatagrams.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInForwDatagrams.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCInForwDatagrams.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCInForwDatagrams.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsReasmReqds.ipv4 = 802023 ipSystemStatsReasmReqds.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsReasmOKs.ipv4 = 400946 ipSystemStatsReasmOKs.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsReasmFails.ipv4 = 131 ipSystemStatsReasmFails.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsInDiscards.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInDiscards.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsInDelivers.ipv4 = 3670445265 ipSystemStatsInDelivers.ipv6 = 355591 ipSystemStatsHCInDelivers.ipv4 = 29440249041 ipSystemStatsHCInDelivers.ipv6 = 355591 ipSystemStatsOutRequests.ipv4 = 101579196 ipSystemStatsOutRequests.ipv6 = 44 ipSystemStatsHCOutRequests.ipv4 = 30166350268 ipSystemStatsHCOutRequests.ipv6 = 44 ipSystemStatsOutNoRoutes.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutNoRoutes.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutForwDatagrams.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutForwDatagrams.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCOutForwDatagrams.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCOutForwDatagrams.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutDiscards.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutDiscards.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragReqds.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragReqds.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragOKs.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragOKs.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragFails.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragFails.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragCreates.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragCreates.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutTransmits.ipv4 = 101579196 ipSystemStatsOutTransmits.ipv6 = 44 ipSystemStatsHCOutTransmits.ipv4 = 30166350268 ipSystemStatsHCOutTransmits.ipv6 = 44 ipSystemStatsOutOctets.ipv6 = 4312 ipSystemStatsHCOutOctets.ipv6 = 4312 ipSystemStatsInMcastPkts.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInMcastPkts.ipv6 = 3828524 ipSystemStatsHCInMcastPkts.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCInMcastPkts.ipv6 = 3828524 ipSystemStatsInMcastOctets.ipv6 = 565875024 ipSystemStatsHCInMcastOctets.ipv6 = 565875024 ipSystemStatsOutMcastPkts.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutMcastPkts.ipv6 = 77 ipSystemStatsHCOutMcastPkts.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCOutMcastPkts.ipv6 = 77 ipSystemStatsOutMcastOctets.ipv6 = 7920 ipSystemStatsHCOutMcastOctets.ipv6 = 7920 ipSystemStatsInBcastPkts.ipv4 = 100553213 ipSystemStatsHCInBcastPkts.ipv4 = 100553213 ipSystemStatsOutBcastPkts.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCOutBcastPkts.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime.ipv4 = 0:0:00:00.00 ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime.ipv6 = 0:0:00:00.00 ipSystemStatsRefreshRate.ipv4 = 60000 ipSystemStatsRefreshRate.ipv6 = 60000 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] o Address Families ipv4 RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ipSystemStats-ipv4.rrd N:29547925716:0:0:0:0:802023:400946:131:0:29440249041:30166350268:0:0:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.46] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
ipv6 RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ipSystemStats-ipv6.rrd N:3828524:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:355591:44:0:0:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.46] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
o Graphs ipsystemstats_ipv4 ipsystemstats_ipv4_frag ipsystemstats_ipv6 ipsystemstats_ipv6_frag o Module time 0.0154s
including: includes/polling/ports.inc.php ##### Module Start: ports #####
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00021195s]
SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '500';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00026703s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'port' AND `entity_id` IN ('7126','7127','7128','7129','7130','7131','7132','7133')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004411s]
SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '500' AND `attrib_type` = 'ports_ignored_count'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003314s] o Caching Oids Used full table ifEntry/ifXEntry snmpwalk. ifEntry CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ifEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0122s] STDOUT[ ifIndex.1 = 1 ifIndex.2 = 2 ifIndex.3 = 3 ifIndex.4 = 4 ifIndex.5 = 5 ifIndex.6 = 6 ifIndex.7 = 7 ifIndex.8 = 8 ifDescr.1 = lo ifDescr.2 = bond0 ifDescr.3 = ip6tnl0 ifDescr.4 = ip6gre0 ifDescr.5 = eth0 ifDescr.6 = eth1 ifDescr.7 = eth2 ifDescr.8 = eth3 ifType.1 = softwareLoopback ifType.2 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.3 = tunnel ifType.4 = other ifType.5 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.6 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.7 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.8 = ethernetCsmacd ifMtu.1 = 1500 ifMtu.2 = 1500 ifMtu.3 = 1452 ifMtu.4 = 1448 ifMtu.5 = 1500 ifMtu.6 = 1500 ifMtu.7 = 1500 ifMtu.8 = 1500 ifSpeed.1 = 10000000 ifSpeed.2 = 0 ifSpeed.3 = 0 ifSpeed.4 = 0 ifSpeed.5 = 1000000000 ifSpeed.6 = 1000000000 ifSpeed.7 = 1000000000 ifSpeed.8 = 1000000000 ifPhysAddress.1 = ifPhysAddress.2 = 8a:6c:90:b5:1f:28 ifPhysAddress.3 = ifPhysAddress.4 = ifPhysAddress.5 = 0:10:f3:21:2b:38 ifPhysAddress.6 = 0:10:f3:21:2b:39 ifPhysAddress.7 = 0:10:f3:21:2b:3a ifPhysAddress.8 = 0:10:f3:21:2b:3b ifAdminStatus.1 = up ifAdminStatus.2 = down ifAdminStatus.3 = down ifAdminStatus.4 = down ifAdminStatus.5 = up ifAdminStatus.6 = up ifAdminStatus.7 = up ifAdminStatus.8 = up ifOperStatus.1 = up ifOperStatus.2 = down ifOperStatus.3 = down ifOperStatus.4 = down ifOperStatus.5 = up ifOperStatus.6 = up ifOperStatus.7 = up ifOperStatus.8 = up ifLastChange.1 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifLastChange.2 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifLastChange.3 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifLastChange.4 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifLastChange.5 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifLastChange.6 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifLastChange.7 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifLastChange.8 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifInOctets.1 = 3593999689 ifInOctets.2 = 0 ifInOctets.3 = 0 ifInOctets.4 = 0 ifInOctets.5 = 738830874 ifInOctets.6 = 3972758156 ifInOctets.7 = 4264390433 ifInOctets.8 = 1253791392 ifInUcastPkts.1 = 30129264 ifInUcastPkts.2 = 0 ifInUcastPkts.3 = 0 ifInUcastPkts.4 = 0 ifInUcastPkts.5 = 3450633512 ifInUcastPkts.6 = 2444814812 ifInUcastPkts.7 = 600018271 ifInUcastPkts.8 = 1919929369 ifInNUcastPkts.1 = 0 ifInNUcastPkts.2 = 0 ifInNUcastPkts.3 = 0 ifInNUcastPkts.4 = 0 ifInNUcastPkts.5 = 9844131 ifInNUcastPkts.6 = 1099009 ifInNUcastPkts.7 = 38 ifInNUcastPkts.8 = 167 ifInDiscards.1 = 0 ifInDiscards.2 = 0 ifInDiscards.3 = 0 ifInDiscards.4 = 0 ifInDiscards.5 = 351 ifInDiscards.6 = 30 ifInDiscards.7 = 31 ifInDiscards.8 = 981 ifInErrors.1 = 0 ifInErrors.2 = 0 ifInErrors.3 = 0 ifInErrors.4 = 0 ifInErrors.5 = 3675 ifInErrors.6 = 44 ifInErrors.7 = 2 ifInErrors.8 = 3 ifInUnknownProtos.1 = 0 ifInUnknownProtos.2 = 0 ifInUnknownProtos.3 = 0 ifInUnknownProtos.4 = 0 ifInUnknownProtos.5 = 0 ifInUnknownProtos.6 = 0 ifInUnknownProtos.7 = 0 ifInUnknownProtos.8 = 0 ifOutOctets.1 = 3593999689 ifOutOctets.2 = 0 ifOutOctets.3 = 0 ifOutOctets.4 = 0 ifOutOctets.5 = 196503283 ifOutOctets.6 = 1483922635 ifOutOctets.7 = 525726481 ifOutOctets.8 = 1519097520 ifOutUcastPkts.1 = 30129264 ifOutUcastPkts.2 = 0 ifOutUcastPkts.3 = 0 ifOutUcastPkts.4 = 0 ifOutUcastPkts.5 = 1685404836 ifOutUcastPkts.6 = 1687951510 ifOutUcastPkts.7 = 373737089 ifOutUcastPkts.8 = 747043122 ifOutNUcastPkts.1 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts.2 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts.3 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts.4 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts.5 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts.6 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts.7 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts.8 = 0 ifOutDiscards.1 = 0 ifOutDiscards.2 = 0 ifOutDiscards.3 = 0 ifOutDiscards.4 = 0 ifOutDiscards.5 = 0 ifOutDiscards.6 = 0 ifOutDiscards.7 = 0 ifOutDiscards.8 = 0 ifOutErrors.1 = 0 ifOutErrors.2 = 0 ifOutErrors.3 = 0 ifOutErrors.4 = 0 ifOutErrors.5 = 0 ifOutErrors.6 = 0 ifOutErrors.7 = 0 ifOutErrors.8 = 0 ifOutQLen.1 = 0 ifOutQLen.2 = 0 ifOutQLen.3 = 0 ifOutQLen.4 = 0 ifOutQLen.5 = 0 ifOutQLen.6 = 0 ifOutQLen.7 = 0 ifOutQLen.8 = 0 ifSpecific.1 = zeroDotZero ifSpecific.2 = zeroDotZero ifSpecific.3 = zeroDotZero ifSpecific.4 = zeroDotZero ifSpecific.5 = zeroDotZero ifSpecific.6 = zeroDotZero ifSpecific.7 = zeroDotZero ifSpecific.8 = zeroDotZero ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] ifXEntry CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ifXEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0092s] STDOUT[ ifName.1 = lo ifName.2 = bond0 ifName.3 = ip6tnl0 ifName.4 = ip6gre0 ifName.5 = eth0 ifName.6 = eth1 ifName.7 = eth2 ifName.8 = eth3 ifInMulticastPkts.1 = 0 ifInMulticastPkts.2 = 0 ifInMulticastPkts.3 = 0 ifInMulticastPkts.4 = 0 ifInMulticastPkts.5 = 9844131 ifInMulticastPkts.6 = 1099009 ifInMulticastPkts.7 = 38 ifInMulticastPkts.8 = 167 ifInBroadcastPkts.1 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts.2 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts.3 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts.4 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts.5 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts.6 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts.7 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts.8 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts.1 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts.2 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts.3 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts.4 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts.5 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts.6 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts.7 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts.8 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts.1 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts.2 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts.3 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts.4 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts.5 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts.6 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts.7 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts.8 = 0 ifHCInOctets.1 = 12183934281 ifHCInOctets.2 = 0 ifHCInOctets.3 = 0 ifHCInOctets.4 = 0 ifHCInOctets.5 = 23580109285914 ifHCInOctets.6 = 2108506733196 ifHCInOctets.7 = 588379942689 ifHCInOctets.8 = 1749305480864 ifHCInUcastPkts.1 = 30129264 ifHCInUcastPkts.2 = 0 ifHCInUcastPkts.3 = 0 ifHCInUcastPkts.4 = 0 ifHCInUcastPkts.5 = 24925469992 ifHCInUcastPkts.6 = 2444814812 ifHCInUcastPkts.7 = 600018271 ifHCInUcastPkts.8 = 1919929369 ifHCInMulticastPkts.1 = 0 ifHCInMulticastPkts.2 = 0 ifHCInMulticastPkts.3 = 0 ifHCInMulticastPkts.4 = 0 ifHCInMulticastPkts.5 = 9844131 ifHCInMulticastPkts.6 = 1099009 ifHCInMulticastPkts.7 = 38 ifHCInMulticastPkts.8 = 167 ifHCInBroadcastPkts.1 = 0 ifHCInBroadcastPkts.2 = 0 ifHCInBroadcastPkts.3 = 0 ifHCInBroadcastPkts.4 = 0 ifHCInBroadcastPkts.5 = 0 ifHCInBroadcastPkts.6 = 0 ifHCInBroadcastPkts.7 = 0 ifHCInBroadcastPkts.8 = 0 ifHCOutOctets.1 = 12183934281 ifHCOutOctets.2 = 0 ifHCOutOctets.3 = 0 ifHCOutOctets.4 = 0 ifHCOutOctets.5 = 26637583673075 ifHCOutOctets.6 = 731628362955 ifHCOutOctets.7 = 193799254801 ifHCOutOctets.8 = 366591317680 ifHCOutUcastPkts.1 = 30129264 ifHCOutUcastPkts.2 = 0 ifHCOutUcastPkts.3 = 0 ifHCOutUcastPkts.4 = 0 ifHCOutUcastPkts.5 = 27455208612 ifHCOutUcastPkts.6 = 1687951510 ifHCOutUcastPkts.7 = 373737089 ifHCOutUcastPkts.8 = 747043122 ifHCOutMulticastPkts.1 = 0 ifHCOutMulticastPkts.2 = 0 ifHCOutMulticastPkts.3 = 0 ifHCOutMulticastPkts.4 = 0 ifHCOutMulticastPkts.5 = 0 ifHCOutMulticastPkts.6 = 0 ifHCOutMulticastPkts.7 = 0 ifHCOutMulticastPkts.8 = 0 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts.1 = 0 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts.2 = 0 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts.3 = 0 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts.4 = 0 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts.5 = 0 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts.6 = 0 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts.7 = 0 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts.8 = 0 ifHighSpeed.1 = 10 ifHighSpeed.2 = 0 ifHighSpeed.3 = 0 ifHighSpeed.4 = 0 ifHighSpeed.5 = 1000 ifHighSpeed.6 = 1000 ifHighSpeed.7 = 1000 ifHighSpeed.8 = 1000 ifPromiscuousMode.1 = false ifPromiscuousMode.2 = false ifPromiscuousMode.3 = false ifPromiscuousMode.4 = false ifPromiscuousMode.5 = false ifPromiscuousMode.6 = false ifPromiscuousMode.7 = false ifPromiscuousMode.8 = false ifConnectorPresent.2 = true ifConnectorPresent.3 = true ifConnectorPresent.4 = true ifConnectorPresent.5 = true ifConnectorPresent.6 = true ifConnectorPresent.7 = true ifConnectorPresent.8 = true ifAlias.1 = ifAlias.2 = ifAlias.3 = ifAlias.4 = ifAlias.5 = ifAlias.6 = ifAlias.7 = ifAlias.8 = ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.1 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.2 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.3 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.4 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.5 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.6 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.7 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.8 = 0:0:00:00.00 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00010920s] ADSL-LINE-MIB SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `ifType` IN ('adsl', 'vdsl')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00030494s] EtherLike-MIB dot3StatsDuplexStatus CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m EtherLike-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' dot3StatsDuplexStatus]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0058s] STDOUT[ dot3StatsDuplexStatus = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpwalk' AND `snmp_options` = '-OQUs' AND `mib` = 'EtherLike-MIB' AND `oid` = 'dot3StatsDuplexStatus';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00021601s]
SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='6',`updated` ='1470901500' WHERE `error_id` = '8730'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00323606s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m Q-BRIDGE-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' dot1qPortVlanTable]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0126s] STDOUT[ dot1qPortVlanTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpwalk' AND `snmp_options` = '-OQUs' AND `mib` = 'Q-BRIDGE-MIB' AND `oid` = 'dot1qPortVlanTable';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00031996s]
SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='6',`updated` ='1470901500' WHERE `error_id` = '8731'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00289583s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m Q-BRIDGE-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.013s] STDOUT[ dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpwalk' AND `snmp_options` = '-OQUs' AND `mib` = 'Q-BRIDGE-MIB' AND `oid` = 'dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00030780s]
SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='6',`updated` ='1470901500' WHERE `error_id` = '8732'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00282788s]
64-bit, IFLASTCHANGE = 1470901499s - 2305s + 0s
ifInOctets (21568 B) 937.73913043478 Bps 23 secs
ifOutOctets (21568 B) 937.73913043478 Bps 23 secs
ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInUcastPkts (44 B) 1.9130434782609 Bps 23 secs
ifOutUcastPkts (44 B) 1.9130434782609 Bps 23 secs
ifInNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00009203s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `device_graphs` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005198s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-1.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-1.rrd N:12183934281:12183934281:0:0:30129264:30129264:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.55] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
- /opt/observium/includes/polling/functions.inc.php:681 /opt/observium/includes/alerts.inc.php:61 ================================================== array( [ifInOctets_rate] => double(937.73913043478) [ifInOctets_delta] => int(21568) [ifOutOctets_rate] => double(937.73913043478) [ifOutOctets_delta] => int(21568) [ifInErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifInErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifInUcastPkts_rate] => double(1.9130434782609) [ifInUcastPkts_delta] => int(44) [ifOutUcastPkts_rate] => double(1.9130434782609) [ifOutUcastPkts_delta] => int(44) [ifInNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifInBits_rate] => double(7502) [ifOutBits_rate] => double(7502) [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" [ifAdminStatus] => string(2) "up" [ifMtu] => string(4) "1500" [ifSpeed] => string(8) "10000000" [ifHighSpeed] => string(2) "10" [ifInOctets_perc] => double(0) [ifOutOctets_perc] => double(0) [rx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [tx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [ifOctets_rate] => double(1875.4782608696) [ifUcastPkts_rate] => double(3.8260869565217) [ifNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifDiscards_rate] => int(0) )
SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `poll_time` ='1470901500',`poll_period` ='23',`ifInOctets` ='12183934281',`ifInOctets_rate` ='937.73913043478',`ifOutOctets` ='12183934281',`ifOutOctets_rate` ='937.73913043478',`ifInErrors` ='0',`ifInErrors_rate` ='0',`ifInErrors_delta` ='0',`ifOutErrors` ='0',`ifOutErrors_rate` ='0',`ifOutErrors_delta` ='0',`ifInUcastPkts` ='30129264',`ifInUcastPkts_rate` ='1.9130434782609',`ifOutUcastPkts` ='30129264',`ifOutUcastPkts_rate` ='1.9130434782609',`ifInNUcastPkts` ='0',`ifInNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInMulticastPkts` ='0',`ifInMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInDiscards` ='0',`ifInDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifOutDiscards` ='0',`ifOutDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifInOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOutOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOctets_rate` ='1875.4782608696',`ifUcastPkts_rate` ='3.8260869565217',`ifErrors_rate` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '7126'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00257301s] 64-bit, IFLASTCHANGE = 1470901499s - 2305s + 0s
ifInOctets (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutOctets (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-2.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-2.rrd N:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.55] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
- /opt/observium/includes/polling/functions.inc.php:681 /opt/observium/includes/alerts.inc.php:61 ================================================== array( [ifInOctets_rate] => int(0) [ifInOctets_delta] => int(0) [ifOutOctets_rate] => int(0) [ifOutOctets_delta] => int(0) [ifInErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifInErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifInUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifInBits_rate] => double(0) [ifOutBits_rate] => double(0) [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" [ifAdminStatus] => string(4) "down" [ifMtu] => string(4) "1500" [ifSpeed] => string(1) "0" [ifHighSpeed] => string(1) "0" [ifInOctets_perc] => double(0) [ifOutOctets_perc] => double(0) [rx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [tx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [ifOctets_rate] => int(0) [ifUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifDiscards_rate] => int(0) )
SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `poll_time` ='1470901500',`poll_period` ='23',`ifInOctets` ='0',`ifInOctets_rate` ='0',`ifOutOctets` ='0',`ifOutOctets_rate` ='0',`ifInErrors` ='0',`ifInErrors_rate` ='0',`ifInErrors_delta` ='0',`ifOutErrors` ='0',`ifOutErrors_rate` ='0',`ifOutErrors_delta` ='0',`ifInUcastPkts` ='0',`ifInUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutUcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInNUcastPkts` ='0',`ifInNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInMulticastPkts` ='0',`ifInMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInDiscards` ='0',`ifInDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifOutDiscards` ='0',`ifOutDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifInOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOutOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOctets_rate` ='0',`ifUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifErrors_rate` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '7127'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00206304s] 64-bit, IFLASTCHANGE = 1470901499s - 2305s + 0s
ifInOctets (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutOctets (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-3.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-3.rrd N:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.56] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
- /opt/observium/includes/polling/functions.inc.php:681 /opt/observium/includes/alerts.inc.php:61 ================================================== array( [ifInOctets_rate] => int(0) [ifInOctets_delta] => int(0) [ifOutOctets_rate] => int(0) [ifOutOctets_delta] => int(0) [ifInErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifInErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifInUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifInBits_rate] => double(0) [ifOutBits_rate] => double(0) [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" [ifAdminStatus] => string(4) "down" [ifMtu] => string(4) "1452" [ifSpeed] => string(1) "0" [ifHighSpeed] => string(1) "0" [ifInOctets_perc] => double(0) [ifOutOctets_perc] => double(0) [rx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [tx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [ifOctets_rate] => int(0) [ifUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifDiscards_rate] => int(0) )
SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `poll_time` ='1470901500',`poll_period` ='23',`ifInOctets` ='0',`ifInOctets_rate` ='0',`ifOutOctets` ='0',`ifOutOctets_rate` ='0',`ifInErrors` ='0',`ifInErrors_rate` ='0',`ifInErrors_delta` ='0',`ifOutErrors` ='0',`ifOutErrors_rate` ='0',`ifOutErrors_delta` ='0',`ifInUcastPkts` ='0',`ifInUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutUcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInNUcastPkts` ='0',`ifInNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInMulticastPkts` ='0',`ifInMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInDiscards` ='0',`ifInDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifOutDiscards` ='0',`ifOutDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifInOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOutOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOctets_rate` ='0',`ifUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifErrors_rate` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '7128'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00327802s] 64-bit, IFLASTCHANGE = 1470901499s - 2305s + 0s
ifInOctets (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutOctets (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-4.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-4.rrd N:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.56] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
- /opt/observium/includes/polling/functions.inc.php:681 /opt/observium/includes/alerts.inc.php:61 ================================================== array( [ifInOctets_rate] => int(0) [ifInOctets_delta] => int(0) [ifOutOctets_rate] => int(0) [ifOutOctets_delta] => int(0) [ifInErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifInErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifInUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifInBits_rate] => double(0) [ifOutBits_rate] => double(0) [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" [ifAdminStatus] => string(4) "down" [ifMtu] => string(4) "1448" [ifSpeed] => string(1) "0" [ifHighSpeed] => string(1) "0" [ifInOctets_perc] => double(0) [ifOutOctets_perc] => double(0) [rx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [tx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [ifOctets_rate] => int(0) [ifUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifDiscards_rate] => int(0) )
SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `poll_time` ='1470901500',`poll_period` ='23',`ifInOctets` ='0',`ifInOctets_rate` ='0',`ifOutOctets` ='0',`ifOutOctets_rate` ='0',`ifInErrors` ='0',`ifInErrors_rate` ='0',`ifInErrors_delta` ='0',`ifOutErrors` ='0',`ifOutErrors_rate` ='0',`ifOutErrors_delta` ='0',`ifInUcastPkts` ='0',`ifInUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutUcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInNUcastPkts` ='0',`ifInNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInMulticastPkts` ='0',`ifInMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInDiscards` ='0',`ifInDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifOutDiscards` ='0',`ifOutDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifInOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOutOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOctets_rate` ='0',`ifUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifErrors_rate` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '7129'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00385499s] 64-bit, IFLASTCHANGE = 1470901499s - 2305s + 0s
ifInOctets (64648185 B) 2810790.6521739 Bps 23 secs
ifOutOctets (80637526 B) 3505979.3913043 Bps 23 secs
ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInUcastPkts (61832 B) 2688.347826087 Bps 23 secs
ifOutUcastPkts (74833 B) 3253.6086956522 Bps 23 secs
ifInNUcastPkts (15 B) 0.65217391304348 Bps 23 secs
ifOutNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInMulticastPkts (15 B) 0.65217391304348 Bps 23 secs
ifOutMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-5.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-5.rrd N:23580109285914:26637583673075:3675:0:24925469992:27455208612:9844131:0:351:0:0:0:0:9844131:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.57] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
- /opt/observium/includes/polling/functions.inc.php:681 /opt/observium/includes/alerts.inc.php:61 ================================================== array( [ifInOctets_rate] => double(2810790.6521739) [ifInOctets_delta] => int(64648185) [ifOutOctets_rate] => double(3505979.3913043) [ifOutOctets_delta] => int(80637526) [ifInErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifInErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifInUcastPkts_rate] => double(2688.347826087) [ifInUcastPkts_delta] => int(61832) [ifOutUcastPkts_rate] => double(3253.6086956522) [ifOutUcastPkts_delta] => int(74833) [ifInNUcastPkts_rate] => double(0.65217391304348) [ifInNUcastPkts_delta] => int(15) [ifOutNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_rate] => double(0.65217391304348) [ifInMulticastPkts_delta] => int(15) [ifOutMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifInBits_rate] => double(22486325) [ifOutBits_rate] => double(28047835) [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" [ifAdminStatus] => string(2) "up" [ifMtu] => string(4) "1500" [ifSpeed] => string(10) "1000000000" [ifHighSpeed] => string(4) "1000" [ifInOctets_perc] => double(2) [ifOutOctets_perc] => double(3) [rx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [tx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [ifOctets_rate] => double(6316770.0434783) [ifUcastPkts_rate] => double(5941.9565217391) [ifNUcastPkts_rate] => double(0.65217391304348) [ifErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifMulticastPkts_rate] => double(0.65217391304348) [ifDiscards_rate] => int(0) )
SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `poll_time` ='1470901500',`poll_period` ='23',`ifInOctets` ='23580109285914',`ifInOctets_rate` ='2810790.6521739',`ifOutOctets` ='26637583673075',`ifOutOctets_rate` ='3505979.3913043',`ifInErrors` ='3675',`ifInErrors_rate` ='0',`ifInErrors_delta` ='0',`ifOutErrors` ='0',`ifOutErrors_rate` ='0',`ifOutErrors_delta` ='0',`ifInUcastPkts` ='24925469992',`ifInUcastPkts_rate` ='2688.347826087',`ifOutUcastPkts` ='27455208612',`ifOutUcastPkts_rate` ='3253.6086956522',`ifInNUcastPkts` ='9844131',`ifInNUcastPkts_rate` ='0.65217391304348',`ifOutNUcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInMulticastPkts` ='9844131',`ifInMulticastPkts_rate` ='0.65217391304348',`ifOutMulticastPkts` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInDiscards` ='351',`ifInDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifOutDiscards` ='0',`ifOutDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifInOctets_perc` ='2',`ifOutOctets_perc` ='3',`ifOctets_rate` ='6316770.0434783',`ifUcastPkts_rate` ='5941.9565217391',`ifErrors_rate` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '7130'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00266814s] 64-bit, IFLASTCHANGE = 1470901499s - 2305s + 0s
ifInOctets (2781169 B) 120920.39130435 Bps 23 secs
ifOutOctets (431625 B) 18766.304347826 Bps 23 secs
ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInUcastPkts (2944 B) 128 Bps 23 secs
ifOutUcastPkts (1683 B) 73.173913043478 Bps 23 secs
ifInNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-6.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-6.rrd N:2108506733196:731628362955:44:0:2444814812:1687951510:1099009:0:30:0:0:0:0:1099009:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.58] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
- /opt/observium/includes/polling/functions.inc.php:681 /opt/observium/includes/alerts.inc.php:61 ================================================== array( [ifInOctets_rate] => double(120920.39130435) [ifInOctets_delta] => int(2781169) [ifOutOctets_rate] => double(18766.304347826) [ifOutOctets_delta] => int(431625) [ifInErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifInErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifInUcastPkts_rate] => int(128) [ifInUcastPkts_delta] => int(2944) [ifOutUcastPkts_rate] => double(73.173913043478) [ifOutUcastPkts_delta] => int(1683) [ifInNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifInBits_rate] => double(967363) [ifOutBits_rate] => double(150130) [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" [ifAdminStatus] => string(2) "up" [ifMtu] => string(4) "1500" [ifSpeed] => string(10) "1000000000" [ifHighSpeed] => string(4) "1000" [ifInOctets_perc] => double(0) [ifOutOctets_perc] => double(0) [rx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [tx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [ifOctets_rate] => double(139686.69565217) [ifUcastPkts_rate] => double(201.17391304348) [ifNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifDiscards_rate] => int(0) )
SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `poll_time` ='1470901500',`poll_period` ='23',`ifInOctets` ='2108506733196',`ifInOctets_rate` ='120920.39130435',`ifOutOctets` ='731628362955',`ifOutOctets_rate` ='18766.304347826',`ifInErrors` ='44',`ifInErrors_rate` ='0',`ifInErrors_delta` ='0',`ifOutErrors` ='0',`ifOutErrors_rate` ='0',`ifOutErrors_delta` ='0',`ifInUcastPkts` ='2444814812',`ifInUcastPkts_rate` ='128',`ifOutUcastPkts` ='1687951510',`ifOutUcastPkts_rate` ='73.173913043478',`ifInNUcastPkts` ='1099009',`ifInNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInMulticastPkts` ='1099009',`ifInMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInDiscards` ='30',`ifInDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifOutDiscards` ='0',`ifOutDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifInOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOutOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOctets_rate` ='139686.69565217',`ifUcastPkts_rate` ='201.17391304348',`ifErrors_rate` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '7131'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00247383s] 64-bit, IFLASTCHANGE = 1470901499s - 2305s + 0s
ifInOctets (11848 B) 515.13043478261 Bps 23 secs
ifOutOctets (9144 B) 397.5652173913 Bps 23 secs
ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInUcastPkts (84 B) 3.6521739130435 Bps 23 secs
ifOutUcastPkts (121 B) 5.2608695652174 Bps 23 secs
ifInNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-7.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-7.rrd N:588379942689:193799254801:2:0:600018271:373737089:38:0:31:0:0:0:0:38:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.58] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
- /opt/observium/includes/polling/functions.inc.php:681 /opt/observium/includes/alerts.inc.php:61 ================================================== array( [ifInOctets_rate] => double(515.13043478261) [ifInOctets_delta] => int(11848) [ifOutOctets_rate] => double(397.5652173913) [ifOutOctets_delta] => int(9144) [ifInErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifInErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifInUcastPkts_rate] => double(3.6521739130435) [ifInUcastPkts_delta] => int(84) [ifOutUcastPkts_rate] => double(5.2608695652174) [ifOutUcastPkts_delta] => int(121) [ifInNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifInBits_rate] => double(4121) [ifOutBits_rate] => double(3181) [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" [ifAdminStatus] => string(2) "up" [ifMtu] => string(4) "1500" [ifSpeed] => string(10) "1000000000" [ifHighSpeed] => string(4) "1000" [ifInOctets_perc] => double(0) [ifOutOctets_perc] => double(0) [rx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [tx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [ifOctets_rate] => double(912.69565217391) [ifUcastPkts_rate] => double(8.9130434782609) [ifNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifDiscards_rate] => int(0) )
SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `poll_time` ='1470901500',`poll_period` ='23',`ifInOctets` ='588379942689',`ifInOctets_rate` ='515.13043478261',`ifOutOctets` ='193799254801',`ifOutOctets_rate` ='397.5652173913',`ifInErrors` ='2',`ifInErrors_rate` ='0',`ifInErrors_delta` ='0',`ifOutErrors` ='0',`ifOutErrors_rate` ='0',`ifOutErrors_delta` ='0',`ifInUcastPkts` ='600018271',`ifInUcastPkts_rate` ='3.6521739130435',`ifOutUcastPkts` ='373737089',`ifOutUcastPkts_rate` ='5.2608695652174',`ifInNUcastPkts` ='38',`ifInNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInMulticastPkts` ='38',`ifInMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInDiscards` ='31',`ifInDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifOutDiscards` ='0',`ifOutDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifInOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOutOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOctets_rate` ='912.69565217391',`ifUcastPkts_rate` ='8.9130434782609',`ifErrors_rate` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '7132'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00352502s] 64-bit, IFLASTCHANGE = 1470901499s - 2305s + 0s
ifInOctets (16718889 B) 726908.2173913 Bps 23 secs
ifOutOctets (2417352 B) 105102.26086957 Bps 23 secs
ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInUcastPkts (18123 B) 787.95652173913 Bps 23 secs
ifOutUcastPkts (4919 B) 213.86956521739 Bps 23 secs
ifInNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-8.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-8.rrd N:1749305480864:366591317680:3:0:1919929369:747043122:167:0:981:0:0:0:0:167:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.59] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
- /opt/observium/includes/polling/functions.inc.php:681 /opt/observium/includes/alerts.inc.php:61 ================================================== array( [ifInOctets_rate] => double(726908.2173913) [ifInOctets_delta] => int(16718889) [ifOutOctets_rate] => double(105102.26086957) [ifOutOctets_delta] => int(2417352) [ifInErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifInErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifInUcastPkts_rate] => double(787.95652173913) [ifInUcastPkts_delta] => int(18123) [ifOutUcastPkts_rate] => double(213.86956521739) [ifOutUcastPkts_delta] => int(4919) [ifInNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifInBits_rate] => double(5815266) [ifOutBits_rate] => double(840818) [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" [ifAdminStatus] => string(2) "up" [ifMtu] => string(4) "1500" [ifSpeed] => string(10) "1000000000" [ifHighSpeed] => string(4) "1000" [ifInOctets_perc] => double(1) [ifOutOctets_perc] => double(0) [rx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [tx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [ifOctets_rate] => double(832010.47826087) [ifUcastPkts_rate] => double(1001.8260869565) [ifNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifDiscards_rate] => int(0) )
SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `poll_time` ='1470901500',`poll_period` ='23',`ifInOctets` ='1749305480864',`ifInOctets_rate` ='726908.2173913',`ifOutOctets` ='366591317680',`ifOutOctets_rate` ='105102.26086957',`ifInErrors` ='3',`ifInErrors_rate` ='0',`ifInErrors_delta` ='0',`ifOutErrors` ='0',`ifOutErrors_rate` ='0',`ifOutErrors_delta` ='0',`ifInUcastPkts` ='1919929369',`ifInUcastPkts_rate` ='787.95652173913',`ifOutUcastPkts` ='747043122',`ifOutUcastPkts_rate` ='213.86956521739',`ifInNUcastPkts` ='167',`ifInNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInMulticastPkts` ='167',`ifInMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInDiscards` ='981',`ifInDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifOutDiscards` ='0',`ifOutDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifInOctets_perc` ='1',`ifOutOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOctets_rate` ='832010.47826087',`ifUcastPkts_rate` ='1001.8260869565',`ifErrors_rate` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '7133'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00293493s] +---------+---------+----------+--------+----------+----------+---------+----------+--------+---------+----+ | ifIndex | Label | Type | Speed | BPS In | BPS Out | Data In | Data Out | PPS In | PPS Out | HC | +---------+---------+----------+--------+----------+----------+---------+----------+--------+---------+----+ | 1 | lo | Loopback | 10Mbps | 7.5kbps | 7.5kbps | 21.0kB | 21.0kB | 1.91 | 1.91 | Y | | 2 | bond0 | Ethernet | 0bps | 0bps | 0bps | 0B | 0B | 0 | 0 | Y | | 3 | ip6tnl0 | Tunnel | 0bps | 0bps | 0bps | 0B | 0B | 0 | 0 | Y | | 4 | ip6gre0 | Other | 0bps | 0bps | 0bps | 0B | 0B | 0 | 0 | Y | | 5 | eth0 | Ethernet | 1Gbps | 22.4Mbps | 28.0Mbps | 61.6MB | 76.9MB | 2.69k | 3.25k | Y | | 6 | eth1 | Ethernet | 1Gbps | 967kbps | 150kbps | 2.65MB | 421kB | 128 | 73.1 | Y | | 7 | eth2 | Ethernet | 1Gbps | 4.12kbps | 3.18kbps | 11.5kB | 8.93kB | 3.65 | 5.26 | Y | | 8 | eth3 | Ethernet | 1Gbps | 5.82Mbps | 840kbps | 15.9MB | 2.31MB | 787 | 213 | Y | +---------+---------+----------+--------+----------+----------+---------+----------+--------+---------+----+
o Module time 0.1673s
including: includes/polling/ucd-diskio.inc.php ##### Module Start: ucd-diskio #####
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ucd_diskio` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00008512s] o Module time 0.0005s
including: includes/polling/wifi.inc.php ##### Module Start: wifi #####
o Module time 0.0001s
including: includes/polling/loadbalancer.inc.php ##### Module Start: loadbalancer #####
o MIBs o Module time 0.0007s
including: includes/polling/entity-physical.inc.php ##### Module Start: entity-physical #####
o Module time 0.0002s
including: includes/polling/applications.inc.php ##### Module Start: applications #####
SQL[SELECT * FROM `applications` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00007510s] o Module time 0.0003s
including: includes/polling/fdb-table.inc.php ##### Module Start: fdb-table #####
SQL[SELECT `ifIndex`,`port_id`,`port_label_short` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00032496s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `vlans_fdb` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005913s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OqsX -m Q-BRIDGE-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' dot1qTpFdbEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0153s] STDOUT[ dot1qTpFdbEntry No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpwalk' AND `snmp_options` = '-OqsX' AND `mib` = 'Q-BRIDGE-MIB' AND `oid` = 'dot1qTpFdbEntry';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00030613s]
SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='6',`updated` ='1470901500' WHERE `error_id` = '8733'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00275302s]
o Module time 0.0214s
including: includes/polling/graphs.inc.php ##### Module Start: graphs #####
o Module time 0.0006s
including: includes/polling/oids.inc.php ##### Module Start: oids #####
SQL[SELECT * FROM `oids_assoc` LEFT JOIN `oids` USING(`oid_id`) WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00007391s] o Module time 0.0004s
##### kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra [500] completed poller modules at 2016-08-11 09:45:00 #####
o Graphs [checked] ping, ping_snmp, uptime, processor, mempool, netstat_ip, netstat_ip_frag, netstat_icmp, netstat_icmp_info, netstat_tcp_stats,netstat_tcp_segments, netstat_tcp_currestab, netstat_udp_datagrams, netstat_udp_errors, netstat_snmp_stats,netstat_snmp_packets, ucd_cpu, ucd_ss_cpu, ucd_swap_io, ucd_io, ucd_contexts, ucd_interrupts, ucd_memory,ucd_load, ipsystemstats_ipv4, ipsystemstats_ipv4_frag, ipsystemstats_ipv6, ipsystemstats_ipv6_frag, bits,fdb_count, poller_perf o Poller time 0.6486 seconds
SQL[INSERT INTO `devices_perftimes` (`device_id`,`operation`,`start`,`duration`) VALUES ('500','poll','1470901499.8298','0.64858913421631')] SQL RUNTIME[0.04471278s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/perf-poller.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/perf-poller.rrd N:0.6486] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.71] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
Updating kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra -
======== array( [uptime] => int(2305) [last_polled] => array( [0] => string(5) "NOW()" ) [last_polled_timetaken] => double(0.6486) [device_state] => string(1508) "a:4:{s:15:"poller_mod_perf";a:20:{s:6:"system";d:0.074300000000000005;s:2:"os";d:0.18310000000000001;s:7:"sensors";d:0.00080000000000000004;s:6:"status";d:0.00059999999999999995;s:10:"processors";d:0.017500000000000002;s:8:"mempools";d:0.015900000000000001;s:7:"storage";d:0.00069999999999999999;s:8:"netstats";d:0.064000000000000001;s:6:"hr-mib";d:0.015599999999999999;s:7:"ucd-mib";d:0.041399999999999999;s:13:"ipSystemStats";d:0.0154;s:5:"ports";d:0.1673;s:10:"ucd-diskio";d:0.00050000000000000001;s:4:"wifi";d:0.0001;s:12:"loadbalancer";d:0.00069999999999999999;s:15:"entity-physical";d:0.00020000000000000001;s:12:"applications";d:0.00029999999999999997;s:9:"fdb-table";d:0.021399999999999999;s:6:"graphs";d:0.00059999999999999995;s:4:"oids";d:0.00040000000000000002;}s:10:"ucd_ss_cpu";a:8:{s:12:"ssCpuRawUser";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:1.5062568317830298;}s:12:"ssCpuRawNice";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:3.2991473563389054E-7;}s:14:"ssCpuRawSystem";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:1.2808413396982463;}s:12:"ssCpuRawIdle";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:97.007276790288373;}s:17:"ssCpuRawInterrupt";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:0.00013161241417966276;}s:15:"ssCpuRawSoftIRQ";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:0.20544509330739277;}s:14:"ssCpuRawKernel";a:1:{s:4:"perc";i:0;}s:12:"ssCpuRawWait";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:4.8002594034731079E-5;}}s:7:"ucd_mem";a:7:{s:10:"swap_total";s:1:"0";s:10:"swap_avail";s:1:"0";s:9:"mem_total";s:7:"2034188";s:9:"mem_avail";s:7:"1490308";s:10:"mem_shared";s:1:"0";s:10:"mem_buffer";s:4:"1232";s:10:"mem_cached";s:5:"57896";}s:8:"ucd_load";s:1:"7";}" )
SQL[UPDATE `devices` set `uptime` ='2305',`last_polled` =NOW(),`last_polled_timetaken` ='0.6486',`device_state` ='a:4:{s:15:"poller_mod_perf";a:20:{s:6:"system";d:0.074300000000000005;s:2:"os";d:0.18310000000000001;s:7:"sensors";d:0.00080000000000000004;s:6:"status";d:0.00059999999999999995;s:10:"processors";d:0.017500000000000002;s:8:"mempools";d:0.015900000000000001;s:7:"storage";d:0.00069999999999999999;s:8:"netstats";d:0.064000000000000001;s:6:"hr-mib";d:0.015599999999999999;s:7:"ucd-mib";d:0.041399999999999999;s:13:"ipSystemStats";d:0.0154;s:5:"ports";d:0.1673;s:10:"ucd-diskio";d:0.00050000000000000001;s:4:"wifi";d:0.0001;s:12:"loadbalancer";d:0.00069999999999999999;s:15:"entity-physical";d:0.00020000000000000001;s:12:"applications";d:0.00029999999999999997;s:9:"fdb-table";d:0.021399999999999999;s:6:"graphs";d:0.00059999999999999995;s:4:"oids";d:0.00040000000000000002;}s:10:"ucd_ss_cpu";a:8:{s:12:"ssCpuRawUser";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:1.5062568317830298;}s:12:"ssCpuRawNice";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:3.2991473563389054E-7;}s:14:"ssCpuRawSystem";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:1.2808413396982463;}s:12:"ssCpuRawIdle";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:97.007276790288373;}s:17:"ssCpuRawInterrupt";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:0.00013161241417966276;}s:15:"ssCpuRawSoftIRQ";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:0.20544509330739277;}s:14:"ssCpuRawKernel";a:1:{s:4:"perc";i:0;}s:12:"ssCpuRawWait";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:4.8002594034731079E-5;}}s:7:"ucd_mem";a:7:{s:10:"swap_total";s:1:"0";s:10:"swap_avail";s:1:"0";s:9:"mem_total";s:7:"2034188";s:9:"mem_avail";s:7:"1490308";s:10:"mem_shared";s:1:"0";s:10:"mem_buffer";s:4:"1232";s:10:"mem_cached";s:5:"57896";}s:8:"ucd_load";s:1:"7";}' WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00519586s] o Updated Data uptime, last_polled, last_polled_timetaken, device_state
- /opt/observium/poller.php:170 /opt/observium/includes/alerts.inc.php:61 ====================================== array( [device_status] => string(1) "1" [device_status_type] => string(0) "" [device_ping] => string(4) "0.26" [device_snmp] => string(4) "4.58" [device_uptime] => string(4) "2282" [device_rebooted] => int(0) [device_duration_poll] => string(4) "0.49" )
SQL[DELETE FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_pid` = '12888' AND `process_name` = 'poller.php' AND `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00264502s]
SQL[INSERT INTO `perf_times` (`type`,`doing`,`start`,`duration`,`devices`) VALUES ('poll','kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra','1470901499.7111','0.824','1')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00260592s] ./poller.php: kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra - 1 devices polled in 0.824 secs ##### Completed polling run at 2016-08-11 09:45:00 #####
NOTE, $config['snmp']['hide_auth'] is set to TRUE, snmp community and snmp v3 auth hidden from debug output. o Devices Polled 1 o Poller Time 0.824 secs o Memory usage 9.5MB (peak: 9.75MB) o MySQL Usage Cell[7/0.003s] Row[20/0.01s] Rows[23/0.01s] Column[1/0.001s] Update[21/0.227s] Insert[3/0.05s] Delete[1/0.003s] o RRDTool Usage update[39/0.042s]
Please don't hijack unrelated threads, "Repy" is not for new topics.
Are you trying to tell us that your unsupported loadbalancers aren't supported? Because we already know that :D
adam. On 11/08/2016 02:57:29, Rowlands Mark mark.rowlands@riksbyggen.se wrote: Running professional at revision 8043 on Linux observium 4.2.0-16-generic #19-Ubuntu SMP ( VMware ESXi )
I have a pair of Kemp LM2600 load balancers and a Kemp virtual loaadbalncer. None of them are recognized as such.
Tried running discovery /poller in debug mode but this left me none the wiser.
Trying changing the system properties from "server" to "loadbalancer" in the web ui and rerunning discovery/poller but this seemed to make no difference.
####### debug output ############
SQL[SELECT * FROM `wifi_wlans` WHERE `device_id` = '502'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003386s]
o Duration 0.0011s
##### Module Start: p2p-radios #####
o Duration 0.0001s
##### Module Start: graphs #####
o Duration 0.0005s
Module [ services ] disabled globally. Module [ raid ] disabled globally.
SQL[UPDATE `devices` set `last_discovered` =NOW(),`type` ='loadbalancer',`last_discovered_timetaken` ='0.931',`force_discovery` ='0' WHERE `device_id` = '502'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00517917s]
SQL[INSERT INTO `devices_perftimes` (`device_id`,`operation`,`start`,`duration`) VALUES ('502','discover','1470901036.8563','0.93194603919983')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00490403s] ##### kempkluster.riksbyggen.intra [502] completed discovery modules at 2016-08-11 09:37:17 #####
o Discovery time 0.931 seconds
SQL[DELETE FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_pid` = '16943' AND `process_name` = 'discovery.php' AND `device_id` = '502'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00567913s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `groups` ORDER BY `entity_type`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005913s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `groups_assoc`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004101s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `group_table` WHERE `device_id` = '502'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004911s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_tests`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00007296s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_assoc`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004816s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `devices` AS d WHERE d.`device_id` = '502'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00019002s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_table` WHERE `device_id` = '502'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004697s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE device_id = '502' AND `deleted` != '1' AND `device` = ' *'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00013804s] ERROR[Error in query: (Unknown column 'device' in 'where clause') 1054] ##### Finished discovery run at 2016-08-11 09:37:17 #####
SQL[INSERT INTO `perf_times` (`type`,`doing`,`start`,`duration`,`devices`) VALUES ('discover','kempkluster.riksbyggen.intra','1470901036.6316','1.176','1')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00467396s] ./discovery.php: kempkluster.riksbyggen.intra - 1 devices discovered in 1.176 secs NOTE, $config['snmp']['hide_auth'] is set to TRUE, snmp community and snmp v3 auth hidden from debug output. o Devices Discovered 1 o Discovery Time 1.176 secs o Memory usage 10MB (peak: 10MB) o MySQL Usage Cell[44/0.021s] Row[13/0.006s] Rows[60/0.147s] Column[0/0s] Update[2/0.006s] Insert[3/0.014s] Delete[1/0.006s] o RRDTool Usage root@observium:/opt/observium# clear root@observium:/opt/observium# ./discovery.php -d -h kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra DEBUG!
SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'dbSchema';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00022197s]
SQL[SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;] SQL RUNTIME[0.00006700s]
SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'current_rev';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00009894s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `config`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00008011s]
CMD[/bin/hostname -f]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0017s] STDOUT[ observium.riksbyggen.intra ]
___ _ _ / _ \ | |__ ___ ___ _ __ __ __(_) _ _ _ __ ___ | | | || '_ \ / __| / _ | '__|\ \ / /| || | | || '_ ` _ \ | |_| || |_) |__ | __/| | \ V / | || |_| || | | | | | ___/ |_.__/ |___/ ___||_| _/ |_| __,_||_| |_| |_| Observium Professional http://www.observium.org
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0429s] STDOUT[ Linux|4.2.0-16-generic|amd64|Ubuntu|15.10 ]
CMD[/usr/bin/env python --version 2>&1]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.002s] STDOUT[ Python 2.7.10 ]
SQL[SELECT version();] SQL RUNTIME[0.00015497s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget --version 2>&1]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0017s] STDOUT[ NET-SNMP version: 5.7.3 ]
CMD[/usr/bin/rrdtool --version |head -n1]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0049s] STDOUT[ RRDtool 1.5.4 Copyright by Tobias Oetiker ]
CMD[date "+%:z"]
CMD[/usr/bin/env apache2 -v | awk '/Server version:/ {print $3}']
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0209s] STDOUT[ Apache/2.4.12 ]
SQL[SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;] SQL RUNTIME[0.00015998s]
SQL[SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_connection'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00059605s]
##### Software versions #####
o OS Linux 4.2.0-16-generic [amd64] (Ubuntu 15.10) o Apache 2.4.12 o PHP 5.6.11-1ubuntu3.4 (OPcache: DISABLED) o Python 2.7.10 o MySQL 10.1.16-MariaDB-1~wily (extension: mysqli 10.1.16-MariaDB) o SNMP NET-SNMP 5.7.3 o RRDtool 1.5.4
##### MySQL mode #####
##### Charset info #####
o PHP UTF-8 o MySQL utf8
##### Timezones info #####
o Date Thursday, 11-Aug-16 09:44:43 CEST o PHP +02:00 o MySQL +02:00
SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'last_versioncheck';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00021100s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ports] SQL RUNTIME[0.00117207s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM devices] SQL RUNTIME[0.00018501s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `sensors`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004697s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `services`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004101s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `applications`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00013494s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bgpPeers`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005007s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ospf_ports`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00006104s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `eigrp_ports`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004816s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipsec_tunnels`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00006294s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `munin_plugins`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005698s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `pseudowires`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00006104s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `vrfs`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00006199s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `vminfo`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004697s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `users`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005388s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bills`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005794s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `alert_table`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005507s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `alert_tests`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004697s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `slas`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005794s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `status`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00026894s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `groups`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005412s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `group_table`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005817s]
SQL[SELECT SUM(`last_polled_timetaken`) FROM devices] SQL RUNTIME[0.00032806s]
SQL[SELECT SUM(`last_discovered_timetaken`) FROM devices] SQL RUNTIME[0.00047183s]
CMD[DISTROFORMAT=export /opt/observium/scripts/distro]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0404s] STDOUT[ OS=Linux KERNEL=4.2.0-16-generic ARCH=amd64 DISTRO=Ubuntu VERSION=15.10 DISTROVER=15.10 SCRIPTVER=1.1.0 ]
SQL[SELECT `sysObjectID`, COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `devices` WHERE `os` = 'generic' GROUP BY `sysObjectID`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00050902s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count`, `os` FROM `devices` GROUP BY `os`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00037003s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count`, `type` FROM `devices` GROUP BY `type`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00088716s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count`, `app_type` FROM `applications` GROUP BY `app_type`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005007s]
SQL[SELECT MAX(LENGTH(`port_label`)) FROM `ports`] SQL RUNTIME[0.01255393s]
SQL[SELECT MAX(LENGTH(`port_label_short`)) FROM `ports`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00292206s]
SQL[SELECT MAX(LENGTH(`port_label_base`)) FROM `ports`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00288892s]
SQL[SELECT MAX(LENGTH(`port_label_num`)) FROM `ports`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00280595s]
SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'unique_id';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00012183s]
REQUEST[http://www.observium.org/versions.php] REQUEST STATUS[200 OK] REQUEST RUNTIME[0.4284s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_ver';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00027800s]
SQL[UPDATE `observium_attribs` set `attrib_value` ='' WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_ver'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00258088s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_rev';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00023007s]
SQL[UPDATE `observium_attribs` set `attrib_value` ='8003' WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_rev'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00261903s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_rev_date';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00011921s]
SQL[UPDATE `observium_attribs` set `attrib_value` ='2016-07-22' WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_rev_date'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00079823s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'last_versioncheck';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00014591s]
SQL[UPDATE `observium_attribs` set `attrib_value` ='1470901483' WHERE `attrib_type` = 'last_versioncheck'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00240207s]
SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_rev';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00012493s] ##### Starting discovery run at 2016-08-11 09:44:43 #####
SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `status` = 1 AND `disabled` = 0 AND `hostname` LIKE 'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra' ORDER BY `last_discovered_timetaken` ASC] SQL RUNTIME[0.00032496s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUst -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' sysObjectID.0 sysUpTime.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0048s] STDOUT[ sysObjectID.0 = enterprises.12196.250.10 sysUpTime.0 = 228942 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00007010s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_name` = 'discovery.php' AND `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00018001s]
CMD[/bin/ps -ww -o pid,ppid,uid,gid,tty,stat,time,lstart,args -p 12711]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.005s] STDOUT[ PID PPID UID GID TT STAT TIME STARTED COMMAND 12711 14527 0 0 pts/0 S+ 00:00:00 Thu Aug 11 09:44:41 2016 php ./discovery.php -d -h kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra ]
SQL[INSERT INTO `observium_processes` (`process_pid`,`process_name`,`process_ppid`,`process_uid`,`process_command`,`process_start`,`device_id`) VALUES ('12711','discovery.php','14527','0','php ./discovery.php -d -h kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra','1470901481','500')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00242591s] ##### kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra [500] #####
o OS Type linux o OS Group unix o SNMP Version v2c o Last discovery 2016-08-11 09:28:56 o Last duration 0.79 seconds
##### Module Start: os #####
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Ovq -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' sysDescr.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0045s] STDOUT[ Linux Kemphlb01 3.10.71 #1 SMP Mon Sep 28 19:49:21 UTC 2015 i686 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Ovqn -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' sysObjectID.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0042s] STDOUT[ . ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] | Linux Kemphlb01 3.10.71 #1 SMP Mon Sep 28 19:49:21 UTC 2015 i686 | . | Including /opt/observium/includes/discovery/os/linux.inc.php
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Osqnv -m GEPARALLELUPS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/ge 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' upsIdentManufacturer.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0111s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQv -m ENGENIUS-PRIVATE-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' systemName.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.005s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Osqnv -m ENTITY-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' entPhysicalMfgName.1]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0048s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OqvU -m CAREL-ug40cdz-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/carel 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' roomTemp.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0057s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Osqnv -m SYNOLOGY-SYSTEM-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/synology 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' systemStatus.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0039s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Osqnv -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' hrSystemInitialLoadParameters.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0054s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Osqnv -m IEEE802dot11-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' dot11manufacturerName.5]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0058s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Oqv -m FE-FIREEYE-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/fireeye 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' feHardwareModel.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0054s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Oqv -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' sysName.0]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Oqv -m CHECKPOINT-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/checkpoint 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' .]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0081s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQv -m ZXTM-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' .]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0033s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQv -m READYNAS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/netgear 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' nasMgrSoftwareVersion.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0051s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Osqnv -m SFA-INFO -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/ddn 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' systemName.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0037s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Osqnv -m JETNEXUS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/jetnexus 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' jetnexusVersionInfo.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.004s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] o sysORID table CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUn -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' sysORID]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0042s] STDOUT[ . = . . = . . = . . = . . = . . = . . = . . = . ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmptranslate -On -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysORID']
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' sysORDescr]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.005s] STDOUT[ sysORDescr.1 = The MIB for Message Processing and Dispatching. sysORDescr.2 = The MIB for Message Processing and Dispatching. sysORDescr.3 = The SNMP Management Architecture MIB. sysORDescr.4 = The MIB module for SNMPv2 entities sysORDescr.5 = The MIB module for managing TCP implementations sysORDescr.6 = The MIB module for managing IP and ICMP implementations sysORDescr.7 = The MIB module for managing UDP implementations sysORDescr.8 = View-based Access Control Model for SNMP. ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] SNMPv2-MIB IP-MIB TCP-MIB UDP-MIB SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '500' AND `attrib_type` = 'sysORID'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00033903s]
SQL[UPDATE `entity_attribs` set `attrib_value` ='["SNMPv2-MIB","TCP-MIB","UDP-MIB","SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB"]' WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '500' AND `attrib_type` = 'sysORID'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00017595s]
+-------------------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | OID | MIB | Status | +-------------------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | . | SNMPv2-MIB | MIB added through sysORID (MODULE-IDENTITY) | | . | IP-MIB | MIB already known through device mapping | | . | TCP-MIB | MIB added through sysORID (MODULE-IDENTITY) | | . | UDP-MIB | MIB added through sysORID (MODULE-IDENTITY) | | . | SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB | MIB added through sysORID (MODULE-IDENTITY) | | . | | MIB unused | | . | | MIB unused | | . | | MIB unused | +-------------------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------------+
o Duration 0.1358s
##### Module Start: ports #####
o Caching OIDs ifDescr CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ifDescr]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0056s] STDOUT[ ifDescr.1 = lo ifDescr.2 = bond0 ifDescr.3 = ip6tnl0 ifDescr.4 = ip6gre0 ifDescr.5 = eth0 ifDescr.6 = eth1 ifDescr.7 = eth2 ifDescr.8 = eth3 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] ifAlias CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ifAlias]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.006s] STDOUT[ ifAlias.1 = ifAlias.2 = ifAlias.3 = ifAlias.4 = ifAlias.5 = ifAlias.6 = ifAlias.7 = ifAlias.8 = ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] ifName CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ifName]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0071s] STDOUT[ ifName.1 = lo ifName.2 = bond0 ifName.3 = ip6tnl0 ifName.4 = ip6gre0 ifName.5 = eth0 ifName.6 = eth1 ifName.7 = eth2 ifName.8 = eth3 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] ifType CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ifType]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0058s] STDOUT[ ifType.1 = softwareLoopback ifType.2 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.3 = tunnel ifType.4 = other ifType.5 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.6 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.7 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.8 = ethernetCsmacd ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] ifOperStatus CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ifOperStatus]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0055s] STDOUT[ ifOperStatus.1 = up ifOperStatus.2 = down ifOperStatus.3 = down ifOperStatus.4 = down ifOperStatus.5 = up ifOperStatus.6 = up ifOperStatus.7 = up ifOperStatus.8 = up ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '500' AND `attrib_type` = 'sysORID'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00033593s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00007486s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `observium_attribs`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00020385s]
$port_stats - /opt/observium/discovery.php:183
/opt/observium/includes/discovery/ports.inc.php:36 ================================================== array( [1] => array( [ifDescr] => string(2) "lo" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(2) "lo" [ifType] => string(16) "softwareLoopback" [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" ) [2] => array( [ifDescr] => string(5) "bond0" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(5) "bond0" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [3] => array( [ifDescr] => string(7) "ip6tnl0" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(7) "ip6tnl0" [ifType] => string(6) "tunnel" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [4] => array( [ifDescr] => string(7) "ip6gre0" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(7) "ip6gre0" [ifType] => string(5) "other" [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" ) [5] => array( [ifDescr] => string(4) "eth0" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(4) "eth0" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" ) [6] => array( [ifDescr] => string(4) "eth1" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(4) "eth1" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" ) [7] => array( [ifDescr] => string(4) "eth2" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(4) "eth2" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" ) [8] => array( [ifDescr] => string(4) "eth3" [ifAlias] => string(0) "" [ifName] => string(4) "eth3" [ifType] => string(14) "ethernetCsmacd" [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" ) ) o Caching DB SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00049090s] 8 ports o Discovering ports ........ +---------+---------+---------+---------+------------------+-------------+---------+ | ifIndex | ifDescr | ifName | ifAlias | ifType | Oper Status | Ignored | +---------+---------+---------+---------+------------------+-------------+---------+ | 1 | lo | lo | ... | softwareLoopback | up | no | | 2 | bond0 | bond0 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | down | no | | 3 | ip6tnl0 | ip6tnl0 | ... | tunnel | down | no | | 4 | ip6gre0 | ip6gre0 | ... | other | down | no | | 5 | eth0 | eth0 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 6 | eth1 | eth1 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 7 | eth2 | eth2 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | | 8 | eth3 | eth3 | ... | ethernetCsmacd | up | no | +---------+---------+---------+---------+------------------+-------------+---------+
o Duration 0.0661s
##### Module Start: ports-stack #####
Port Stacks: SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports_stack` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00029087s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ifStackStatus]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0077s] STDOUT[ ifStackStatus = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
o Duration 0.0098s
##### Module Start: vlans #####
SQL[SELECT * FROM `vlans` WHERE `device_id` = '500';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00051498s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE `device_id` = '500';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005198s] Q-BRIDGE-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m Q-BRIDGE-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' dot1qVlanStaticTable]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0134s] STDOUT[ dot1qVlanStaticTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
o Duration 0.0169s
##### Module Start: ip-addresses #####
o Discovering IP Addresses IP-MIB IP-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ipAdEntIfIndex]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0201s] STDOUT[ ipAdEntIfIndex. = 1 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 6 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 6 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 6 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 6 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 6 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 6 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 6 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 6 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 5 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 5 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 5 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 5 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 5 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 5 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 5 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 7 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 7 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 7 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 7 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 7 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 7 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 7 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 8 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 8 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 8 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 8 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 8 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 8 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 8 ipAdEntIfIndex. = 8 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ipAdEntNetMask]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0191s] STDOUT[ ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ipAdEntNetMask. = ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ipAddressIfIndex]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0074s] STDOUT[ ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 1 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 6 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 6 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 5 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 5 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 7 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 7 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 8 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv4."" = 8 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6."00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01" = 1 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:38" = 5 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:39" = 6 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:3a" = 7 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:3b" = 8 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ipAddressType]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0075s] STDOUT[ ipAddressType.ipv4."" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = broadcast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = broadcast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = broadcast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv4."" = broadcast ipAddressType.ipv6."00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:38" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:39" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:3a" = unicast ipAddressType.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:3b" = unicast ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ipAddressPrefix]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0071s] STDOUT[ ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.1.ipv4."".8 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.6.ipv4."".24 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.6.ipv4."".24 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.5.ipv4."".24 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.5.ipv4."".24 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.7.ipv4."".24 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.7.ipv4."".24 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.8.ipv4."".24 ipAddressPrefix.ipv4."" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.8.ipv4."".24 ipAddressPrefix.ipv6."00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.1.ipv6."00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01".128 ipAddressPrefix.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:38" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.5.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00".64 ipAddressPrefix.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:39" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.6.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00".64 ipAddressPrefix.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:3a" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.7.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00".64 ipAddressPrefix.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:3b" = ipAddressPrefixOrigin.8.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00".64 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ipAddressOrigin]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0071s] STDOUT[ ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv4."" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv6."00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01" = manual ipAddressOrigin.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:38" = linklayer ipAddressOrigin.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:39" = linklayer ipAddressOrigin.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:3a" = linklayer ipAddressOrigin.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:10:f3:ff:fe:21:2b:3b" = linklayer ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] IPV6-MIB
$ip_data[$ip_version] - /opt/observium/discovery.php:183
/opt/observium/includes/discovery/ip-addresses.inc.php:29 =========================================================== array( [1] => array( [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "1" [ip] => string(9) "" [mask] => string(9) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) ) [6] => array( [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "6" [ip] => string(13) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "6" [ip] => string(13) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "6" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "6" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "6" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "6" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(13) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "6" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "6" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) ) [5] => array( [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "5" [ip] => string(15) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "5" [ip] => string(15) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "5" [ip] => string(15) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "5" [ip] => string(15) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "5" [ip] => string(15) "" [mask] => string(13) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "5" [ip] => string(15) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "5" [ip] => string(15) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) ) [7] => array( [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "7" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "7" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(13) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "7" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "7" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "7" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "7" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "7" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) ) [8] => array( [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "8" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "8" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(13) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "8" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "8" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "8" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "8" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "8" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) [] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "8" [ip] => string(14) "" [mask] => string(15) "" [type] => string(7) "unicast" ) ) )
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING(`port_id`) WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00076079s]
SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `ifIndex` = '1' LIMIT 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00030518s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '7126'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00023079s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00016999s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `device_graphs` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005698s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00040913s]
SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `ifIndex` = '6' LIMIT 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00011587s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '7131'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00020981s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00045896s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00037694s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00039887s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00040197s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00036883s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00036407s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00036502s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00047994s]
SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `ifIndex` = '5' LIMIT 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00014400s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '7130'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00019598s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00038004s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00037384s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00038910s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00037622s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00037003s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00036597s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00044394s]
SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `ifIndex` = '7' LIMIT 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00012517s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '7132'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00024199s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00041699s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00056410s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00045395s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00051713s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00043106s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00070310s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00087309s]
SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `ifIndex` = '8' LIMIT 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00016212s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` = '7133'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00025702s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00041103s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00037313s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00044918s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00067306s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00069904s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00065708s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00037599s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ''] SQL RUNTIME[0.00036192s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING(`port_id`) WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00011706s]
- /opt/observium/discovery.php:183 /opt/observium/includes/discovery/ip-addresses.inc.php:29 =============================================== array( [1] => array( [0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "1" [ip] => string(39) "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001" [prefix] => string(3) "128" [type] => string(7) "unicast" [origin] => string(6) "manual" ) ) [5] => array( [fe80:0000:0000:0000:0210:f3ff:fe21:2b38] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "5" [ip] => string(39) "fe80:0000:0000:0000:0210:f3ff:fe21:2b38" [prefix] => string(2) "64" [type] => string(7) "unicast" [origin] => string(9) "linklayer" ) ) [6] => array( [fe80:0000:0000:0000:0210:f3ff:fe21:2b39] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "6" [ip] => string(39) "fe80:0000:0000:0000:0210:f3ff:fe21:2b39" [prefix] => string(2) "64" [type] => string(7) "unicast" [origin] => string(9) "linklayer" ) ) [7] => array( [fe80:0000:0000:0000:0210:f3ff:fe21:2b3a] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "7" [ip] => string(39) "fe80:0000:0000:0000:0210:f3ff:fe21:2b3a" [prefix] => string(2) "64" [type] => string(7) "unicast" [origin] => string(9) "linklayer" ) ) [8] => array( [fe80:0000:0000:0000:0210:f3ff:fe21:2b3b] => array( [ifIndex] => string(1) "8" [ip] => string(39) "fe80:0000:0000:0000:0210:f3ff:fe21:2b3b" [prefix] => string(2) "64" [type] => string(7) "unicast" [origin] => string(9) "linklayer" ) ) )
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ipv6_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING(`port_id`) WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00049114s]
SQL[SELECT `ipv6_network_id` FROM `ipv6_networks` WHERE `ipv6_network` = '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1/128'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00006294s] Address 'fe80::210:f3ff:fe21:2b38/64' skipped as invalid. Address 'fe80::210:f3ff:fe21:2b39/64' skipped as invalid. Address 'fe80::210:f3ff:fe21:2b3a/64' skipped as invalid. Address 'fe80::210:f3ff:fe21:2b3b/64' skipped as invalid.
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ipv6_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING(`port_id`) WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005507s]
+---------+---------+-------------+--------------------+---------------------+--------+ | ifIndex | ifDescr | IP: Version | Address | Network | Origin | +---------+---------+-------------+--------------------+---------------------+--------+ | 1 | lo | IPv4 | | | | | 6 | eth1 | IPv4 | | | | | 6 | eth1 | IPv4 | | | | | 6 | eth1 | IPv4 | | | | | 6 | eth1 | IPv4 | | | | | 6 | eth1 | IPv4 | | | | | 6 | eth1 | IPv4 | | | | | 6 | eth1 | IPv4 | | | | | 6 | eth1 | IPv4 | | | | | 5 | eth0 | IPv4 | | | | | 5 | eth0 | IPv4 | | | | | 5 | eth0 | IPv4 | | | | | 5 | eth0 | IPv4 | | | | | 5 | eth0 | IPv4 | | | | | 5 | eth0 | IPv4 | | | | | 5 | eth0 | IPv4 | | | | | 7 | eth2 | IPv4 | | | | | 7 | eth2 | IPv4 | | | | | 7 | eth2 | IPv4 | | | | | 7 | eth2 | IPv4 | | | | | 7 | eth2 | IPv4 | | | | | 7 | eth2 | IPv4 | | | | | 7 | eth2 | IPv4 | | | | | 8 | eth3 | IPv4 | | | | | 8 | eth3 | IPv4 | | | | | 8 | eth3 | IPv4 | | | | | 8 | eth3 | IPv4 | | | | | 8 | eth3 | IPv4 | | | | | 8 | eth3 | IPv4 | | | | | 8 | eth3 | IPv4 | | | | | 8 | eth3 | IPv4 | | | | | 1 | lo | IPv6 | ::1/128 | 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1/128 | manual | +---------+---------+-------------+--------------------+---------------------+--------+
o Changes 32 unchanged o Duration 0.1933s
##### Module Start: processors #####
o Discovering MIBs UCD-SNMP-MIB SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM processors WHERE device_id = '500' AND processor_type != 'ucd-old'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00049901s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OvQ -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ssCpuSystem.0]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OvQ -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ssCpuUser.0]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OvQ -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ssCpuIdle.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0041s] STDOUT[ 95 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] 500 -> 0, 0, ucd-old, CPU, 1, 4, ,
SQL[SELECT * FROM `processors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `processor_index` = '0' AND `processor_type` = 'ucd-old'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00050402s] HOST-RESOURCES-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' hrDevice]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0065s] STDOUT[ hrDevice = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' hrProcessorLoad]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0065s] STDOUT[ hrProcessorLoad = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `processors` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00044703s] 0 -> ucd-old
$valid['processor'] - /opt/observium/discovery.php:183
/opt/observium/includes/discovery/processors.inc.php:155 ========================================================= array( [ucd-old] => array( [0] => int(1) ) )
o Changes 1 unchanged o Duration 0.0347s
##### Module Start: mempools #####
o Discovering MIBs UCD-SNMP-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' mem]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0071s] STDOUT[ memIndex.0 = 0 memErrorName.0 = swap memTotalSwap.0 = 0 memAvailSwap.0 = 0 memTotalReal.0 = 2034188 memAvailReal.0 = 1489096 memTotalFree.0 = 1489096 memMinimumSwap.0 = 16000 memShared.0 = 0 memBuffer.0 = 1232 memCached.0 = 57896 memSwapError.0 = error memSwapErrorMsg.0 = Running out of swap space (0) ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] 500 -> 0, UCD-SNMP-MIB, Physical memory, 1, 2083008512, 2022461440
SQL[SELECT * FROM `mempools` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `mempool_index` = '0' AND `mempool_mib` = 'ucd-snmp-mib'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00034022s] HOST-RESOURCES-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' hrStorageEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0068s] STDOUT[ hrStorageEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `mempools` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00026512s] 0 -> ucd-snmp-mib
$valid['mempool'] - /opt/observium/discovery.php:183
/opt/observium/includes/discovery/mempools.inc.php:40 ======================================================= array( [ucd-snmp-mib] => array( [0] => int(1) ) )
o Changes 1 unchanged o Duration 0.019s
##### Module Start: inventory #####
o Discovering MIBs HOST-RESOURCES-MIB HOST-RESOURCES-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' hrDeviceEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0063s] STDOUT[ hrDeviceEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' hrProcessorEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.006s] STDOUT[ hrProcessorEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `hrDevice` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00008416s] ENTITY-MIB ENTITY-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m ENTITY-MIB:CISCO-ENTITY-VENDORTYPE-OID-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/cisco 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' entPhysicalEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0363s] STDOUT[ entPhysicalEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00047493s]
o Duration 0.0546s
##### Module Start: printersupplies #####
Printer supplies: SQL[SELECT * FROM `printersupplies` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00011897s]
o Duration 0.0014s
##### Module Start: sensors #####
LM-SENSORS-MIB LM-SENSORS-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m LM-SENSORS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' lmTempSensorsEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0051s] STDOUT[ lmTempSensorsEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m LM-SENSORS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' lmFanSensorsEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0049s] STDOUT[ lmFanSensorsEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m LM-SENSORS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' lmVoltSensorsEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0056s] STDOUT[ lmVoltSensorsEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] SUPERMICRO-HEALTH-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m SUPERMICRO-HEALTH-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/supermicro 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' smHealthMonitorTable]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0067s] STDOUT[ smHealthMonitorTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] SUPERMICRO-HEALTH-MIB MIB-Dell-10892 CPQHLTH-MIB CPQHLTH-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m CPQHLTH-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/hp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' cpqHeFltTolPwrSupply]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0102s] STDOUT[ cpqHeFltTolPwrSupply = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Ovq -m CPQHLTH-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/hp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' cpqHeThermalCondition.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0103s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Ovq -m CPQHLTH-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/hp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' cpqHeThermalSystemFanStatus.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0103s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Ovq -m CPQHLTH-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/hp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' cpqHeThermalCpuFanStatus.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0111s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m CPQHLTH-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/hp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' CpqHeTemperatureEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0152s] STDOUT[ cpqHeTemperatureEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] CPQIDA-MIB CPQIDA-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m CPQIDA-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/hp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' cpqDaCntlrEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0114s] STDOUT[ cpqDaCntlrEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m CPQIDA-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/hp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' cpqDaPhyDrv]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0102s] STDOUT[ cpqDaPhyDrv = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m CPQIDA-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/hp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' cpqDaLogDrv]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0099s] STDOUT[ cpqDaLogDrv = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] LSI-MegaRAID-SAS-MIB LSI-MegaRAID-SAS-MIB physicalDriveTable CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m LSI-MegaRAID-SAS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/lsi 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' physicalDriveTable]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0067s] STDOUT[ physicalDriveTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] enclosureTable CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m LSI-MegaRAID-SAS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/lsi 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' enclosureTable]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.007s] STDOUT[ enclosureTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] enclosurePowerSupplyTable CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m LSI-MegaRAID-SAS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/lsi 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' enclosurePowerSupplyTable]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0069s] STDOUT[ enclosurePowerSupplyTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] enclosureTempSensorTable CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m LSI-MegaRAID-SAS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/lsi 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' enclosureTempSensorTable]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0068s] STDOUT[ enclosureTempSensorTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] enclosureFanTable CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m LSI-MegaRAID-SAS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/lsi 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' enclosureFanTable]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.007s] STDOUT[ enclosureFanTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m ENTITY-MIB:ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' entPhySensorValue]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0052s] STDOUT[ entPhySensorValue = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'temperature' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00009108s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'humidity' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004792s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'fanspeed' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004601s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'airflow' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004387s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'voltage' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004292s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'current' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003910s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'power' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003195s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'apower' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004005s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'crestfactor' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005007s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'powerfactor' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003600s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'rpower' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003695s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'impedance' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003505s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'resistance' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003290s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'frequency' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003505s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'dbm' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003386s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'snr' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003791s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'capacity' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003314s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'load' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004601s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'runtime' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003505s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'state' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003481s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'waterflow' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004005s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_class` = 'counter' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003695s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `status` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `poller_type` = 'snmp'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00025606s]
o Duration 0.1851s
##### Module Start: storage #####
Storage : UCD-SNMP-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' dskEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0049s] STDOUT[ dskEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] HOST-RESOURCES-MIB SQL[SELECT * FROM `storage` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00007105s]
o Duration 0.0074s
##### Module Start: neighbours #####
Neighbours discovery: LLDP-MIB LLDP-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m LLDP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' lldpRemoteSystemsData]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0113s] STDOUT[ lldpRemoteSystemsData = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] || || || || CISCO-CDP-MIB CISCO-CDP-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m CISCO-CDP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/cisco 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' cdpCache]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0191s] STDOUT[ cdpCache = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `neighbours` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING(`port_id`) WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00056601s]
o Duration 0.0352s
##### Module Start: arp-table #####
SQL[SELECT port_id, ifIndex FROM ports WHERE device_id = '500' GROUP BY port_id] SQL RUNTIME[0.00018978s] ARP/NDP Tables : CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OXqs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0153s] STDOUT[ ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:0:c:7:ac:1 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:bd:3:2d ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:ab:0:d3 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:58:b6 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:ab:c:9a ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:32:f1 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:c:29:1f:d4:80 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:ab:0:c6 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:72:10 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:bd:1b:db ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:e:fa ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] a0:36:9f:85:7d:27 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:5c:66 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:68:6c ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:4a:10 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 84:2b:2b:4d:bb:e0 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:ab:0:28 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:73:a0 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:ab:0:d2 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:1e:b:6c:9b:62 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a6:0:16 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:4d:f4 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 74:86:7a:ed:f4:88 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:57:68 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:37:ce ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] f4:cf:e2:87:e8:ca ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] a0:36:9f:31:7a:ed ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:1e:c9:af:63:2d ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:18:71:74:d1:f6 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:1c:23:d6:9f:fe ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:3a:7d ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:1:10 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:37:18 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:25:90:2b:a8:f4 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 24:6e:96:10:73:10 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 24:6e:96:11:eb:ac ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 24:6e:96:10:73:c8 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:57:12 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:ab:7e:c1 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:ab:7:23 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:5b:cf ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:29:c8 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] f0:1f:af:e6:7c:a4 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:1c:c9 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:50:49 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:bd:1f:f8 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:ab:68:2 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] d4:be:d9:a9:d3:80 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] d4:be:d9:a9:d3:2f ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:1b:a1 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:17:52 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:ab:0:9 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] d4:be:d9:a9:d3:80 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] d4:be:d9:a9:d3:2f ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:a:f7:7b:9:c9 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] d4:ae:52:7d:e:18 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] d4:ae:52:82:ac:b7 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] d0:67:e5:fa:ea:44 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:10:f3:21:2b:88 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:10:f3:21:2b:88 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:ab:0:cd ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:25:90:ff:fe:e4:2b:be"] 0:25:90:e4:2b:be ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:25:90:ff:fe:e5:45:38"] 0:25:90:e5:45:38 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:25:90:ff:fe:e5:45:9c"] 0:25:90:e5:45:9c ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:94:26:cf"] 0:50:56:94:26:cf ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:94:2c:9f"] 0:50:56:94:2c:9f ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:94:40:db"] 0:50:56:94:40:db ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:94:4a:10"] 0:50:56:94:4a:10 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:a3:11:de"] 0:50:56:a3:11:de ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:a3:2a:ad"] 0:50:56:a3:2a:ad ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:a3:54:be"] 0:50:56:a3:54:be ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:09:6e:ac:d7:aa:8b:40:a2"] 24:6e:96:11:eb:ad ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:15:f1:a2:f7:15:1d:3f:9e"] 0:50:56:a3:6a:78 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:38:43:9e:96:d2:e7:60:11"] 14:18:77:45:77:c9 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:40:fd:2b:3f:e6:1f:c0:49"] 14:18:77:53:54:68 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:6c:6f:0e:8c:e1:ee:24:72"] 24:6e:96:10:73:10 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:7c:bc:dd:a2:a4:bb:72:93"] ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:86:2b:2b:ff:fe:4d:bb:e2"] 84:2b:2b:4d:bb:e2 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:a0:1b:37:e1:62:ea:6f:3b"] d4:ae:52:9e:2c:f0 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:a5:71:47:e2:dc:36:df:5e"] d4:ae:52:82:ac:b6 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:b9:5b:85:e4:02:41:1f:07"] 24:6e:96:10:73:c8 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:c1:cc:6d:7d:43:c6:a6:2a"] 24:6e:96:11:eb:ac ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:c5:92:7c:1c:65:44:a0:0b"] 24:6e:96:10:73:11 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:ca:1f:66:ff:fe:d7:7e:e2"] c8:1f:66:d7:7e:e2 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:d2:67:e5:ff:fe:fa:a3:16"] d0:67:e5:fa:a3:16 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:d2:67:e5:ff:fe:fa:ea:45"] d0:67:e5:fa:ea:45 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:d2:67:e5:ff:fe:fb:10:fc"] d0:67:e5:fb:10:fc ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:d6:ae:52:ff:fe:7d:0e:1a"] d4:ae:52:7d:e:1a ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:dd:8f:76:30:1e:7f:3a:c7"] 0:50:56:a3:79:38 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:ea:f6:34:d1:cb:ef:42:21"] ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:76:54 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:21:5c ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:7:83 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:38:d5 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:ab:0:c7 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:1c:f2 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] f4:cf:e2:87:e8:c7 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:2e:9c ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a6:3d:74 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:19:3a ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:29:3e ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:4c:24 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:39:c ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:5c:fc ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:f:ca ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:9:ab ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:2c:36 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:36:f0 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:5e:86 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:45:d7 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:65:f7 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:15:17:4a:87:a6 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:5:ad ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:7:f8 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:25:35 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:f:dc ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:4:83 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] d4:ae:52:82:b0:38 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] d4:ae:52:7d:10:b6 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] d4:ae:52:82:b0:38 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] d4:ae:52:7d:10:b6 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:7b:a4 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a6:3d:72 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:17:a1 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:4c:da ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:27:32 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:20:6b ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:50:71 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:1e:8a ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:43:f5 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:4e:bd ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:18:f6 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:2d:81 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:20:32 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:a:95 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:77:a7 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:a3:6a:4a ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:1c:23:ff:fe:d6:9f:fc"] 0:1c:23:d6:9f:fc ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:94:52:19"] 0:50:56:94:52:19 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:a3:11:b0"] 0:50:56:a3:11:b0 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:a3:43:f5"] 0:50:56:a3:43:f5 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:a3:44:d7"] 0:50:56:a3:44:d7 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:a3:4f:e0"] 0:50:56:a3:4f:e0 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:a3:66:9b"] 0:50:56:a3:66:9b ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:a3:7f:18"] 0:50:56:a3:7f:18 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:08:2e:7a:ea:05:4a:b4:ce"] 0:50:56:94:3a:6c ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:40:6a:5f:2e:9f:46:36:79"] 0:50:56:94:2:b8 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:88:b8:e4:fe:0b:7c:1a:cc"] d4:ae:52:7d:10:b6 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:d2:67:e5:ff:fe:f9:24:5e"] d0:67:e5:f9:24:5e ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[6][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:d8:4f:f1:98:dd:e8:16:df"] 0:50:56:a3:77:a7 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] f4:cf:e2:87:e8:d3 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:58:97 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:d:83 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:26:35 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:2d:6c ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:49:d9 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:3e:31 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:43:dd ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:6d:c4 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:27:90 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:5b:ba ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:7c:a7 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:5b:f5 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:5f:44 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:52:9a ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:24:18 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:3a:ee ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:6f:68 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:a:31 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:5a:52 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:a:31 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:5a:52 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:4a:76 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[7][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:71:83 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] f4:cf:e2:87:e8:d2 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:61:c4 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:a:bf ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:44:2b ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:61:d2 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:b:c1 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:72:a4 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:44:6 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:65:ee ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:74:5d ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:3a:c5 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:3:fb ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:52:d3 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:3d:ff ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:5a:b3 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:16:96 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:11:60 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:13:cd ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:7c:f5 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:2d:25 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:28:31 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:1:31 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:22:d8 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:7b:68 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:a:da ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:1:10 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv4][""] 0:50:56:94:30:7 ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[8][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:50:56:ff:fe:94:3a:28"] 0:50:56:94:3a:28 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] Used IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress
SQL[SELECT mac_id, mac_address, ip_address, ip_version, ifIndex FROM ip_mac AS M LEFT JOIN ports AS I ON M.port_id = I.port_id WHERE I.device_id = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00080609s] ........................................................................................................................................................................................................
o Duration 0.0244s
##### Module Start: junose-atm-vp #####
o Duration 0.0003s
##### Module Start: bgp-peers #####
o Duration 0.0008s
##### Module Start: mac-accounting #####
o Duration 0.0002s
##### Module Start: cisco-vrf #####
o Duration 0.0004s
##### Module Start: sla #####
o Discovering MIBs DISMAN-PING-MIB DISMAN-PING-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m DISMAN-PING-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' pingCtlEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0065s] STDOUT[ pingCtlEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `slas` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00008893s]
o Duration 0.0092s
##### Module Start: pseudowires #####
o Discovering MIBs SQL[SELECT * FROM `pseudowires` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00007606s] PW-STD-MIB PW-STD-MIB CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m PW-STD-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' pwID]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0068s] STDOUT[ pwID = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
o Duration 0.0098s
##### Module Start: virtual-machines #####
Virtual machines:
o Duration 0.0008s
##### Module Start: cisco-cbqos #####
Cisco Class-based QoS: SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports_cbqos` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00041699s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/cisco 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' cbQosIfType]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0334s] STDOUT[ cbQosIfType = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response] QoS not configured.
o Duration 0.0358s
##### Module Start: ucd-diskio #####
UCD Disk IO : CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m UCD-DISKIO-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' diskIOEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0047s] STDOUT[ diskIOEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ucd_diskio` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00009203s]
o Duration 0.0067s
##### Module Start: wifi #####
Wifi: SQL[SELECT * FROM `wifi_radios` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004482s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `wifi_wlans` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003290s]
o Duration 0.0012s
##### Module Start: p2p-radios #####
o Duration 0.0001s
##### Module Start: graphs #####
o Duration 0.0006s
Module [ services ] disabled globally. Module [ raid ] disabled globally.
SQL[UPDATE `devices` set `last_discovered` =NOW(),`type` ='server',`last_discovered_timetaken` ='0.867',`force_discovery` ='0' WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.01385307s]
SQL[INSERT INTO `devices_perftimes` (`device_id`,`operation`,`start`,`duration`) VALUES ('500','discover','1470901483.5918','0.86717796325684')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00625205s] ##### kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra [500] completed discovery modules at 2016-08-11 09:44:44 #####
o Discovery time 0.867 seconds
SQL[DELETE FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_pid` = '12711' AND `process_name` = 'discovery.php' AND `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00642204s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `groups` ORDER BY `entity_type`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00007105s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `groups_assoc`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005889s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `group_table` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004792s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_tests`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00007105s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_assoc`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004697s]
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `devices` AS d WHERE d.`device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00020790s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_table` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00006914s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE device_id = '500' AND `deleted` != '1' AND `device` = ' *'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00014806s] ERROR[Error in query: (Unknown column 'device' in 'where clause') 1054] ##### Finished discovery run at 2016-08-11 09:44:44 #####
SQL[INSERT INTO `perf_times` (`type`,`doing`,`start`,`duration`,`devices`) VALUES ('discover','kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra','1470901482.9851','1.504','1')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00484300s] ./discovery.php: kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra - 1 devices discovered in 1.504 secs NOTE, $config['snmp']['hide_auth'] is set to TRUE, snmp community and snmp v3 auth hidden from debug output. o Devices Discovered 1 o Discovery Time 1.504 secs o Memory usage 10MB (peak: 10MB) o MySQL Usage Cell[75/0.056s] Row[14/0.007s] Rows[64/0.027s] Column[0/0s] Update[6/0.024s] Insert[3/0.014s] Delete[1/0.007s] o RRDTool Usage root@observium:/opt/observium# ./poller.php -d -h kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra DEBUG!
SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'dbSchema';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00021911s]
SQL[SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;] SQL RUNTIME[0.00006199s]
SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'current_rev';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00009489s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `config`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004697s]
CMD[/bin/hostname -f]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0023s] STDOUT[ observium.riksbyggen.intra ]
___ _ _ / _ \ | |__ ___ ___ _ __ __ __(_) _ _ _ __ ___ | | | || '_ \ / __| / _ | '__|\ \ / /| || | | || '_ ` _ \ | |_| || |_) |__ | __/| | \ V / | || |_| || | | | | | ___/ |_.__/ |___/ ___||_| _/ |_| __,_||_| |_| |_| Observium Professional http://www.observium.org
SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_ver';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00016284s]
SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_rev';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004005s]
SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'latest_rev_date';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00015092s]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.053s] STDOUT[ Linux|4.2.0-16-generic|amd64|Ubuntu|15.10 ]
CMD[/usr/bin/env python --version 2>&1]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0022s] STDOUT[ Python 2.7.10 ]
SQL[SELECT version();] SQL RUNTIME[0.00016713s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget --version 2>&1]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0017s] STDOUT[ NET-SNMP version: 5.7.3 ]
CMD[/usr/bin/rrdtool --version |head -n1]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0057s] STDOUT[ RRDtool 1.5.4 Copyright by Tobias Oetiker ]
CMD[date "+%:z"]
CMD[/usr/bin/env apache2 -v | awk '/Server version:/ {print $3}']
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0213s] STDOUT[ Apache/2.4.12 ]
SQL[SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;] SQL RUNTIME[0.00018907s]
SQL[SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_connection'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00092196s]
##### Software versions #####
o OS Linux 4.2.0-16-generic [amd64] (Ubuntu 15.10) o Apache 2.4.12 o PHP 5.6.11-1ubuntu3.4 (OPcache: DISABLED) o Python 2.7.10 o MySQL 10.1.16-MariaDB-1~wily (extension: mysqli 10.1.16-MariaDB) o SNMP NET-SNMP 5.7.3 o RRDtool 1.5.4
##### MySQL mode #####
##### Charset info #####
o PHP UTF-8 o MySQL utf8
##### Timezones info #####
o Date Thursday, 11-Aug-16 09:44:59 CEST o PHP +02:00 o MySQL +02:00
SQL[SELECT * FROM `alerts_maint` WHERE `maint_start` '1470901499'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00035000s] ##### Starting polling run at 2016-08-11 09:44:59 #####
SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `disabled` = 0 AND `hostname` LIKE 'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra' ORDER BY `device_id` ASC] SQL RUNTIME[0.00036478s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00026107s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00006008s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_name` = 'poller.php' AND `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00017715s]
CMD[/bin/ps -ww -o pid,ppid,uid,gid,tty,stat,time,lstart,args -p 12888]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0051s] STDOUT[ PID PPID UID GID TT STAT TIME STARTED COMMAND 12888 14527 0 0 pts/0 S+ 00:00:00 Thu Aug 11 09:44:58 2016 php ./poller.php -d -h kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra ]
CMD[/bin/ps -ww -o pid,ppid,uid,gid,tty,stat,time,lstart,args -p 14527]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0047s] STDOUT[ PID PPID UID GID TT STAT TIME STARTED COMMAND 14527 14526 0 0 pts/0 S 00:00:00 Thu Aug 11 08:28:32 2016 bash ]
SQL[INSERT INTO `observium_processes` (`process_pid`,`process_name`,`process_ppid`,`process_uid`,`process_command`,`process_start`,`device_id`) VALUES ('12888','poller.php','14527','0','php ./poller.php -d -h kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra','1470901498','500')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00230098s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_tests` WHERE 1] SQL RUNTIME[0.00007510s] Cached 1 alert rules.
SQL[SELECT * FROM `alert_table` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00006509s] ##### kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra [500] #####
o OS linux o OS Group unix o Last poll duration 0.49 seconds o Last Polled 2016-08-11 09:44:37 o SNMP Version v2c
CMD[/usr/bin/fping -t 500 -c 1 -q 2>&1]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0017s] STDOUT[ : xmt/rcv/%loss = 1/1/0%, min/avg/max = 0.26/0.26/0.26 ]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUst -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' sysObjectID.0 sysUpTime.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0046s] STDOUT[ sysObjectID.0 = enterprises.12196.250.10 sysUpTime.0 = 230567 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] o Device status Device is reachable by PING (0.26ms) and SNMP (4.58ms) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/status.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/status.rrd N:1] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.02] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ping.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ping.rrd N:0.26] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.03] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ping_snmp.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ping_snmp.rrd N:4.58] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.03] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `device_graphs` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00006890s] o Modules Excluded aruba-controller o Disabled Globally unix-agent, ipmi, bgp-peers, junose-atm-vp, printersupplies, p2p-radios, ospf, cisco-ipsec-flow-monitor, cisco-remote-access-monitor,cisco-cef, sla, pseudowires, mac-accounting, arista-software-ip-forwarding, cipsec-tunnels,cisco-cbqos, cisco-eigrp, netscaler-vsvr, cisco-vpdn, wmi o Modules Enabled system, os, sensors, status, processors, mempools, storage, netstats, hr-mib, ucd-mib, ipSystemStats, ports, ucd-diskio, wifi,loadbalancer, entity-physical, applications, fdb-table, graphs, oids
including: includes/polling/system.inc.php ##### Module Start: system #####
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' sysUpTime.0 sysLocation.0 sysContact.0 sysName.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0046s] STDOUT[ sysUpTime.0 = 0:0:38:25.68 sysLocation.0 = Primusgatan 21 sysContact.0 = infra@riksbyggen.se sysName.0 = Kemphlb01 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Oqv -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' sysDescr.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.004s] STDOUT[ Linux Kemphlb01 3.10.71 #1 SMP Mon Sep 28 19:49:21 UTC 2015 i686 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Oqvn -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' sysObjectID.0]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Ovqn -m SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' snmpEngineID.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0039s] STDOUT[ "80 00 1F 88 80 D3 C1 6E 6C FA 23 AC 57 " ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `observium_attribs`] SQL RUNTIME[0.00008893s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Oqv -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' hrSystemUptime.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0062s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpget' AND `snmp_options` = '-Oqv' AND `mib` = 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB' AND `oid` = 'hrSystemUptime.0';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00030613s]
SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='6',`updated` ='1470901499' WHERE `error_id` = '8724'] SQL RUNTIME[0.03620577s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OUqv -m SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' snmpEngineTime.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0042s] STDOUT[ 2305 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] Using SNMP Agent sysUpTime (2305 sec. => 38m 25s) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/uptime.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/uptime.rrd N:2305] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.10] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
o Uptime 38m 25s
$uptimes - /opt/observium/poller.php:170
/opt/observium/includes/polling/system.inc.php:188 =============================================== array( [sysUpTime] => int(2305) [hrSystemUptime] => bool(false) [use] => string(9) "sysUpTime" [snmpEngineTime] => string(4) "2305" [uptime] => int(2305) [formatted] => string(7) "38m 25s" [message] => string(26) "Using SNMP Agent sysUpTime" [previous] => string(4) "2282" [diff] => int(-23) [rebooted] => int(0) ) o sysObjectID . o snmpEngineID 80001F8880D3C16E6CFA23AC57 o sysDescr Linux Kemphlb01 3.10.71 #1 SMP Mon Sep 28 19:49:21 UTC 2015 i686 o sysName kemphlb01 o Location Primusgatan 21
SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices_locations` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00008416s] o Module time 0.0743s
including: includes/polling/os.inc.php ##### Module Start: os #####
SQL[SELECT * FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `entPhysicalContainedIn` = '0'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004911s] o OS Poller Group
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Oqv -m MIB-Dell-10892 -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/dell 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' chassisModelName.1]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0124s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpget' AND `snmp_options` = '-Oqv' AND `mib` = 'MIB-Dell-10892' AND `oid` = 'chassisModelName.1';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00028205s]
SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='6',`updated` ='1470901499' WHERE `error_id` = '8725'] SQL RUNTIME[0.04138088s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Oqv -m CPQSINFO-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/hp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' cpqSiProductName.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0111s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpget' AND `snmp_options` = '-Oqv' AND `mib` = 'CPQSINFO-MIB' AND `oid` = 'cpqSiProductName.0';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00035787s]
SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='6',`updated` ='1470901499' WHERE `error_id` = '8726'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00453997s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Oqv -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' .]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0049s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpget' AND `snmp_options` = '-Oqv' AND `mib` = 'UCD-SNMP-MIB' AND `oid` = '.';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00025487s]
SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='6',`updated` ='1470901500' WHERE `error_id` = '8727'] SQL RUNTIME[0.05512619s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Oqv -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' .]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0045s] STDOUT[ No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpget' AND `snmp_options` = '-Oqv' AND `mib` = 'UCD-SNMP-MIB' AND `oid` = '.';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00032187s]
SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='6',`updated` ='1470901500' WHERE `error_id` = '8728'] SQL RUNTIME[0.03782606s] o Hardware Generic x86 [32bit] o Version 3.10.71 o Features o Serial o Asset
o Module time 0.1831s
including: includes/polling/sensors.inc.php ##### Module Start: sensors #####
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `sensor_deleted` = '0';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00006390s] o Sensor Count 0 o Module time 0.0008s
including: includes/polling/status.inc.php ##### Module Start: status #####
SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `status` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `status_deleted` = '0';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004387s] o Status Count 0 o Module time 0.0006s
including: includes/polling/processors.inc.php ##### Module Start: processors #####
SQL[SELECT `processors`.*, `processors-state`.`processor_usage`, `processors-state`.`processor_polled` FROM `processors` LEFT JOIN `processors-state` USING(`processor_id`) WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00031519s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OvQ -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ssCpuIdle.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0045s] STDOUT[ 95 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/processor-ucd-old-0.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/processor-ucd-old-0.rrd N:5] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.30] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
SQL[UPDATE `processors-state` set `processor_usage` ='5',`processor_polled` ='1470901500' WHERE `processor_id` = '2241'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00021601s]
$data - /opt/observium/includes/polling/functions.inc.php:681
/opt/observium/includes/alerts.inc.php:61 ===================================================== array( [processor_usage] => double(5) ) +-------+---------+-------+-------+ | Label | Type | Index | Usage | +-------+---------+-------+-------+ | CPU | ucd-old | 0 | 6% | +-------+---------+-------+-------+
o Module time 0.0175s
including: includes/polling/mempools.inc.php ##### Module Start: mempools #####
SQL[SELECT * FROM `mempools` LEFT JOIN `mempools-state` USING (`mempool_id`) WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00032306s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' mem]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0056s] STDOUT[ memIndex.0 = 0 memErrorName.0 = swap memTotalSwap.0 = 0 memAvailSwap.0 = 0 memTotalReal.0 = 2034188 memAvailReal.0 = 1490308 memTotalFree.0 = 1490308 memMinimumSwap.0 = 16000 memShared.0 = 0 memBuffer.0 = 1232 memCached.0 = 57896 memSwapError.0 = error memSwapErrorMsg.0 = Running out of swap space (0) ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/mempool-ucd-snmp-mib-0.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/mempool-ucd-snmp-mib-0.rrd N:2022461440:60547072] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.32] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
SQL[UPDATE `mempools-state` set `mempool_polled` ='1470901500',`mempool_used` ='2022461440',`mempool_perc` ='97.09',`mempool_free` ='60547072',`mempool_total` ='2083008512' WHERE `mempool_id` = '1267'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00015688s]
- /opt/observium/includes/polling/functions.inc.php:681 /opt/observium/includes/alerts.inc.php:61 ================================================== array( [mempool_perc] => double(97.09) [mempool_free] => int(60547072) [mempool_used] => int(2022461440) ) +-----------------+--------------+-------+--------+--------+--------+--------+ | Label | Type | Index | Total | Used | Free | Perc | +-----------------+--------------+-------+--------+--------+--------+--------+ | Physical memory | ucd-snmp-mib | 0 | 1.94GB | 1.88GB | 57.7MB | 97.09% | +-----------------+--------------+-------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
o Module time 0.0159s
including: includes/polling/storage.inc.php ##### Module Start: storage #####
SQL[SELECT `storage`.*, `storage-state`.storage_polled FROM `storage` LEFT JOIN `storage-state` ON `storage`.storage_id = `storage-state`.storage_id WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00025105s] o Module time 0.0007s
including: includes/polling/netstats.inc.php ##### Module Start: netstats #####
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ipInReceives.0 ipOutRequests.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0073s] STDOUT[ ipInReceives.0 = 4294967295 ipOutRequests.0 = 4294967295 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ipForwDatagrams.0 ipInDelivers.0 ipInDiscards.0 ipOutDiscards.0 ipOutNoRoutes.0 ipReasmReqds.0 ipReasmOKs.0 ipReasmFails.0 ipFragOKs.0 ipFragFails.0 ipFragCreates.0 ipInUnknownProtos.0 ipInHdrErrors.0 ipInAddrErrors.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0073s] STDOUT[ ipForwDatagrams.0 = 0 ipInDelivers.0 = 4294967295 ipInDiscards.0 = 0 ipOutDiscards.0 = 0 ipOutNoRoutes.0 = 0 ipReasmReqds.0 = 802023 ipReasmOKs.0 = 400946 ipReasmFails.0 = 131 ipFragOKs.0 = 0 ipFragFails.0 = 0 ipFragCreates.0 = 0 ipInUnknownProtos.0 = 0 ipInHdrErrors.0 = 0 ipInAddrErrors.0 = 0 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/netstats-ip.rrd N:0:4294967295:4294967295:4294967295:0:0:0:802023:400946:131:0:0:0:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.34] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
o Ip Graphs netstat_ip netstat_ip_frag
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' icmp]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0103s] STDOUT[ icmpInMsgs.0 = 15991316 icmpInErrors.0 = 7 icmpInDestUnreachs.0 = 0 icmpInTimeExcds.0 = 77 icmpInParmProbs.0 = 21 icmpInSrcQuenchs.0 = 0 icmpInRedirects.0 = 0 icmpInEchos.0 = 0 icmpInEchoReps.0 = 6249589 icmpInTimestamps.0 = 9741629 icmpInTimestampReps.0 = 0 icmpInAddrMasks.0 = 0 icmpInAddrMaskReps.0 = 0 icmpOutMsgs.0 = 0 icmpOutErrors.0 = 15994975 icmpOutDestUnreachs.0 = 0 icmpOutTimeExcds.0 = 3593 icmpOutParmProbs.0 = 116 icmpOutSrcQuenchs.0 = 0 icmpOutRedirects.0 = 0 icmpOutEchos.0 = 0 icmpOutEchoReps.0 = 9741677 icmpOutTimestamps.0 = 6249589 icmpOutTimestampReps.0 = 0 icmpOutAddrMasks.0 = 0 icmpOutAddrMaskReps.0 = 0 icmpStatsInMsgs.ipv4 = 15991316 icmpStatsInMsgs.ipv6 = 355591 icmpStatsInErrors.ipv4 = 7 icmpStatsInErrors.ipv6 = 0 icmpStatsOutMsgs.ipv4 = 0 icmpStatsOutMsgs.ipv6 = 44 icmpStatsOutErrors.ipv4 = 15994975 icmpStatsOutErrors.ipv6 = 0 icmpMsgStatsInPkts.ipv4.0 = 9741629 icmpMsgStatsInPkts.ipv4.3 = 77 icmpMsgStatsInPkts.ipv4.8 = 6249589 icmpMsgStatsInPkts.ipv4.11 = 21 icmpMsgStatsInPkts.ipv6.133 = 2259 icmpMsgStatsInPkts.ipv6.136 = 353332 icmpMsgStatsOutPkts.ipv4.0 = 6249589 icmpMsgStatsOutPkts.ipv4.3 = 3593 icmpMsgStatsOutPkts.ipv4.8 = 9741677 icmpMsgStatsOutPkts.ipv4.11 = 116 icmpMsgStatsOutPkts.ipv6.135 = 11 icmpMsgStatsOutPkts.ipv6.143 = 33 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/netstats-icmp.rrd N:15991316:0:7:15994975:0:0:6249589:9741677:0:0:21:77:0:0:9741629:0:0:0:3593:116:0:0:6249589:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.36] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
o Icmp Graphs netstat_icmp netstat_icmp_info
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m TCP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' tcpInSegs.0 tcpOutSegs.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0046s] STDOUT[ tcpInSegs.0 = 3610111435 tcpOutSegs.0 = 4294381551 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m TCP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' tcpActiveOpens.0 tcpPassiveOpens.0 tcpAttemptFails.0 tcpEstabResets.0 tcpCurrEstab.0 tcpRetransSegs.0 tcpInErrs.0 tcpOutRsts.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0041s] STDOUT[ tcpActiveOpens.0 = 282512336 tcpPassiveOpens.0 = 171312265 tcpAttemptFails.0 = 5462206 tcpEstabResets.0 = 59940380 tcpCurrEstab.0 = 7852 tcpRetransSegs.0 = 60514289 tcpInErrs.0 = 43 tcpOutRsts.0 = 47650322 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/netstats-tcp.rrd N:282512336:171312265:5462206:59940380:7852:3610111435:4294381551:60514289:43:47650322] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.37] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
o TCP Graphs netstat_tcp_stats netstat_tcp_segments netstat_tcp_currestab
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m UDP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' udpInDatagrams.0 udpOutDatagrams.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.004s] STDOUT[ udpInDatagrams.0 = 26697017 udpOutDatagrams.0 = 26519036 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m UDP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' udpInErrors.0 udpNoPorts.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0038s] STDOUT[ udpInErrors.0 = 0 udpNoPorts.0 = 2557 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/netstats-udp.rrd N:26697017:26519036:0:2557] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.38] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
o UDP Graphs netstat_udp_datagrams netstat_udp_errors
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' snmp]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0048s] STDOUT[ snmpInPkts.0 = 13832 snmpOutPkts.0 = 13831 snmpInBadVersions.0 = 0 snmpInBadCommunityNames.0 = 0 snmpInBadCommunityUses.0 = 0 snmpInASNParseErrs.0 = 0 snmpInTooBigs.0 = 0 snmpInNoSuchNames.0 = 0 snmpInBadValues.0 = 0 snmpInReadOnlys.0 = 0 snmpInGenErrs.0 = 0 snmpInTotalReqVars.0 = 29781 snmpInTotalSetVars.0 = 0 snmpInGetRequests.0 = 717 snmpInGetNexts.0 = 12145 snmpInSetRequests.0 = 0 snmpInGetResponses.0 = 0 snmpInTraps.0 = 0 snmpOutTooBigs.0 = 0 snmpOutNoSuchNames.0 = 0 snmpOutBadValues.0 = 0 snmpOutGenErrs.0 = 0 snmpOutGetRequests.0 = 0 snmpOutGetNexts.0 = 0 snmpOutSetRequests.0 = 0 snmpOutGetResponses.0 = 13833 snmpOutTraps.0 = 0 snmpEnableAuthenTraps.0 = disabled snmpSilentDrops.0 = 0 snmpProxyDrops.0 = 0 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/netstats-snmp.rrd N:13832:13831:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:29781:0:717:12145:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:13833:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.39] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
o SNMP Graphs netstat_snmp_stats netstat_snmp_packets o Module time 0.0640s
including: includes/polling/hr-mib.inc.php ##### Module Start: hr-mib #####
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OUQs -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' hrSystemProcesses.0 hrSystemNumUsers.0]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.008s] STDOUT[ hrSystemProcesses.0 = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID hrSystemNumUsers.0 = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpget' AND `snmp_options` = '-OUQs' AND `mib` = 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB' AND `oid` = 'hrSystemProcesses.0 hrSystemNumUsers.0';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00089717s]
SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='6',`updated` ='1470901500' WHERE `error_id` = '8729'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00437999s] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] o Collecting o Module time 0.0156s
including: includes/polling/ucd-mib.inc.php ##### Module Start: ucd-mib #####
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' systemStats]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0054s] STDOUT[ ssIndex.0 = 1 ssErrorName.0 = systemStats ssSwapIn.0 = 0 ssSwapOut.0 = 0 ssIOSent.0 = 0 ssIOReceive.0 = 0 ssSysInterrupts.0 = 5648 ssSysContext.0 = 3871 ssCpuUser.0 = 2 ssCpuSystem.0 = 2 ssCpuIdle.0 = 95 ssCpuRawUser.0 = 63918320 ssCpuRawNice.0 = 14 ssCpuRawSystem.0 = 54352767 ssCpuRawIdle.0 = 4116523842 ssCpuRawWait.0 = 2037 ssCpuRawKernel.0 = 0 ssCpuRawInterrupt.0 = 5585 ssIORawSent.0 = 17296342 ssIORawReceived.0 = 312106 ssRawInterrupts.0 = 1269373795 ssRawContexts.0 = 736732973 ssCpuRawSoftIRQ.0 = 8718105 ssRawSwapIn.0 = 0 ssRawSwapOut.0 = 0 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_cpu.rrd N:63918320:54352767:14:4116523842] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.41] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssIORawSent.rrd N:17296342] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.42] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssIORawReceived.rrd N:312106] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.42] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssRawInterrupts.rrd N:1269373795] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.42] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssRawContexts.rrd N:736732973] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.42] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssRawSwapIn.rrd N:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.42] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssRawSwapOut.rrd N:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.42] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssCpuRawUser.rrd N:63918320] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.42] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssCpuRawNice.rrd N:14] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.42] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssCpuRawSystem.rrd N:54352767] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.43] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssCpuRawIdle.rrd N:4116523842] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.43] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssCpuRawInterrupt.rrd N:5585] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.43] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssCpuRawSoftIRQ.rrd N:8718105] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.43] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssCpuRawKernel.rrd N:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.43] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_ssCpuRawWait.rrd N:2037] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.43] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' mem]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0049s] STDOUT[ memIndex.0 = 0 memErrorName.0 = swap memTotalSwap.0 = 0 memAvailSwap.0 = 0 memTotalReal.0 = 2034188 memAvailReal.0 = 1490308 memTotalFree.0 = 1490308 memMinimumSwap.0 = 16000 memShared.0 = 0 memBuffer.0 = 1232 memCached.0 = 57896 memSwapError.0 = error memSwapErrorMsg.0 = Running out of swap space (0) ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_mem.rrd N:0:0:2034188:1490308:1490308:0:1232:57896] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.44] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' laLoadInt]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0042s] STDOUT[ laLoadInt.1 = 11 laLoadInt.2 = 7 laLoadInt.3 = 8 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ucd_load.rrd N:11:7:8] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.45] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
o Module time 0.0414s
including: includes/polling/ipSystemStats.inc.php ##### Module Start: ipSystemStats #####
o Collecting ipSystemStats
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ipSystemStats]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0103s] STDOUT[ ipSystemStatsInReceives.ipv4 = 3778121940 ipSystemStatsInReceives.ipv6 = 3828524 ipSystemStatsHCInReceives.ipv4 = 29547925716 ipSystemStatsHCInReceives.ipv6 = 3828524 ipSystemStatsInOctets.ipv6 = 565875024 ipSystemStatsHCInOctets.ipv6 = 565875024 ipSystemStatsInHdrErrors.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInHdrErrors.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsInNoRoutes.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInNoRoutes.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsInAddrErrors.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInAddrErrors.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsInUnknownProtos.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInUnknownProtos.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsInTruncatedPkts.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInTruncatedPkts.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsInForwDatagrams.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInForwDatagrams.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCInForwDatagrams.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCInForwDatagrams.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsReasmReqds.ipv4 = 802023 ipSystemStatsReasmReqds.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsReasmOKs.ipv4 = 400946 ipSystemStatsReasmOKs.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsReasmFails.ipv4 = 131 ipSystemStatsReasmFails.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsInDiscards.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInDiscards.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsInDelivers.ipv4 = 3670445265 ipSystemStatsInDelivers.ipv6 = 355591 ipSystemStatsHCInDelivers.ipv4 = 29440249041 ipSystemStatsHCInDelivers.ipv6 = 355591 ipSystemStatsOutRequests.ipv4 = 101579196 ipSystemStatsOutRequests.ipv6 = 44 ipSystemStatsHCOutRequests.ipv4 = 30166350268 ipSystemStatsHCOutRequests.ipv6 = 44 ipSystemStatsOutNoRoutes.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutNoRoutes.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutForwDatagrams.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutForwDatagrams.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCOutForwDatagrams.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCOutForwDatagrams.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutDiscards.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutDiscards.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragReqds.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragReqds.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragOKs.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragOKs.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragFails.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragFails.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragCreates.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragCreates.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutTransmits.ipv4 = 101579196 ipSystemStatsOutTransmits.ipv6 = 44 ipSystemStatsHCOutTransmits.ipv4 = 30166350268 ipSystemStatsHCOutTransmits.ipv6 = 44 ipSystemStatsOutOctets.ipv6 = 4312 ipSystemStatsHCOutOctets.ipv6 = 4312 ipSystemStatsInMcastPkts.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInMcastPkts.ipv6 = 3828524 ipSystemStatsHCInMcastPkts.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCInMcastPkts.ipv6 = 3828524 ipSystemStatsInMcastOctets.ipv6 = 565875024 ipSystemStatsHCInMcastOctets.ipv6 = 565875024 ipSystemStatsOutMcastPkts.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutMcastPkts.ipv6 = 77 ipSystemStatsHCOutMcastPkts.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCOutMcastPkts.ipv6 = 77 ipSystemStatsOutMcastOctets.ipv6 = 7920 ipSystemStatsHCOutMcastOctets.ipv6 = 7920 ipSystemStatsInBcastPkts.ipv4 = 100553213 ipSystemStatsHCInBcastPkts.ipv4 = 100553213 ipSystemStatsOutBcastPkts.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCOutBcastPkts.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime.ipv4 = 0:0:00:00.00 ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime.ipv6 = 0:0:00:00.00 ipSystemStatsRefreshRate.ipv4 = 60000 ipSystemStatsRefreshRate.ipv6 = 60000 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] o Address Families ipv4 RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ipSystemStats-ipv4.rrd N:29547925716:0:0:0:0:802023:400946:131:0:29440249041:30166350268:0:0:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.46] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
ipv6 RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/ipSystemStats-ipv6.rrd N:3828524:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:355591:44:0:0:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.46] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
o Graphs ipsystemstats_ipv4 ipsystemstats_ipv4_frag ipsystemstats_ipv6 ipsystemstats_ipv6_frag o Module time 0.0154s
including: includes/polling/ports.inc.php ##### Module Start: ports #####
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00021195s]
SQL[SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '500';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00026703s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'port' AND `entity_id` IN ('7126','7127','7128','7129','7130','7131','7132','7133')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00004411s]
SQL[SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '500' AND `attrib_type` = 'ports_ignored_count'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00003314s] o Caching Oids Used full table ifEntry/ifXEntry snmpwalk. ifEntry CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ifEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0122s] STDOUT[ ifIndex.1 = 1 ifIndex.2 = 2 ifIndex.3 = 3 ifIndex.4 = 4 ifIndex.5 = 5 ifIndex.6 = 6 ifIndex.7 = 7 ifIndex.8 = 8 ifDescr.1 = lo ifDescr.2 = bond0 ifDescr.3 = ip6tnl0 ifDescr.4 = ip6gre0 ifDescr.5 = eth0 ifDescr.6 = eth1 ifDescr.7 = eth2 ifDescr.8 = eth3 ifType.1 = softwareLoopback ifType.2 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.3 = tunnel ifType.4 = other ifType.5 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.6 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.7 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.8 = ethernetCsmacd ifMtu.1 = 1500 ifMtu.2 = 1500 ifMtu.3 = 1452 ifMtu.4 = 1448 ifMtu.5 = 1500 ifMtu.6 = 1500 ifMtu.7 = 1500 ifMtu.8 = 1500 ifSpeed.1 = 10000000 ifSpeed.2 = 0 ifSpeed.3 = 0 ifSpeed.4 = 0 ifSpeed.5 = 1000000000 ifSpeed.6 = 1000000000 ifSpeed.7 = 1000000000 ifSpeed.8 = 1000000000 ifPhysAddress.1 = ifPhysAddress.2 = 8a:6c:90:b5:1f:28 ifPhysAddress.3 = ifPhysAddress.4 = ifPhysAddress.5 = 0:10:f3:21:2b:38 ifPhysAddress.6 = 0:10:f3:21:2b:39 ifPhysAddress.7 = 0:10:f3:21:2b:3a ifPhysAddress.8 = 0:10:f3:21:2b:3b ifAdminStatus.1 = up ifAdminStatus.2 = down ifAdminStatus.3 = down ifAdminStatus.4 = down ifAdminStatus.5 = up ifAdminStatus.6 = up ifAdminStatus.7 = up ifAdminStatus.8 = up ifOperStatus.1 = up ifOperStatus.2 = down ifOperStatus.3 = down ifOperStatus.4 = down ifOperStatus.5 = up ifOperStatus.6 = up ifOperStatus.7 = up ifOperStatus.8 = up ifLastChange.1 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifLastChange.2 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifLastChange.3 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifLastChange.4 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifLastChange.5 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifLastChange.6 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifLastChange.7 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifLastChange.8 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifInOctets.1 = 3593999689 ifInOctets.2 = 0 ifInOctets.3 = 0 ifInOctets.4 = 0 ifInOctets.5 = 738830874 ifInOctets.6 = 3972758156 ifInOctets.7 = 4264390433 ifInOctets.8 = 1253791392 ifInUcastPkts.1 = 30129264 ifInUcastPkts.2 = 0 ifInUcastPkts.3 = 0 ifInUcastPkts.4 = 0 ifInUcastPkts.5 = 3450633512 ifInUcastPkts.6 = 2444814812 ifInUcastPkts.7 = 600018271 ifInUcastPkts.8 = 1919929369 ifInNUcastPkts.1 = 0 ifInNUcastPkts.2 = 0 ifInNUcastPkts.3 = 0 ifInNUcastPkts.4 = 0 ifInNUcastPkts.5 = 9844131 ifInNUcastPkts.6 = 1099009 ifInNUcastPkts.7 = 38 ifInNUcastPkts.8 = 167 ifInDiscards.1 = 0 ifInDiscards.2 = 0 ifInDiscards.3 = 0 ifInDiscards.4 = 0 ifInDiscards.5 = 351 ifInDiscards.6 = 30 ifInDiscards.7 = 31 ifInDiscards.8 = 981 ifInErrors.1 = 0 ifInErrors.2 = 0 ifInErrors.3 = 0 ifInErrors.4 = 0 ifInErrors.5 = 3675 ifInErrors.6 = 44 ifInErrors.7 = 2 ifInErrors.8 = 3 ifInUnknownProtos.1 = 0 ifInUnknownProtos.2 = 0 ifInUnknownProtos.3 = 0 ifInUnknownProtos.4 = 0 ifInUnknownProtos.5 = 0 ifInUnknownProtos.6 = 0 ifInUnknownProtos.7 = 0 ifInUnknownProtos.8 = 0 ifOutOctets.1 = 3593999689 ifOutOctets.2 = 0 ifOutOctets.3 = 0 ifOutOctets.4 = 0 ifOutOctets.5 = 196503283 ifOutOctets.6 = 1483922635 ifOutOctets.7 = 525726481 ifOutOctets.8 = 1519097520 ifOutUcastPkts.1 = 30129264 ifOutUcastPkts.2 = 0 ifOutUcastPkts.3 = 0 ifOutUcastPkts.4 = 0 ifOutUcastPkts.5 = 1685404836 ifOutUcastPkts.6 = 1687951510 ifOutUcastPkts.7 = 373737089 ifOutUcastPkts.8 = 747043122 ifOutNUcastPkts.1 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts.2 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts.3 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts.4 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts.5 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts.6 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts.7 = 0 ifOutNUcastPkts.8 = 0 ifOutDiscards.1 = 0 ifOutDiscards.2 = 0 ifOutDiscards.3 = 0 ifOutDiscards.4 = 0 ifOutDiscards.5 = 0 ifOutDiscards.6 = 0 ifOutDiscards.7 = 0 ifOutDiscards.8 = 0 ifOutErrors.1 = 0 ifOutErrors.2 = 0 ifOutErrors.3 = 0 ifOutErrors.4 = 0 ifOutErrors.5 = 0 ifOutErrors.6 = 0 ifOutErrors.7 = 0 ifOutErrors.8 = 0 ifOutQLen.1 = 0 ifOutQLen.2 = 0 ifOutQLen.3 = 0 ifOutQLen.4 = 0 ifOutQLen.5 = 0 ifOutQLen.6 = 0 ifOutQLen.7 = 0 ifOutQLen.8 = 0 ifSpecific.1 = zeroDotZero ifSpecific.2 = zeroDotZero ifSpecific.3 = zeroDotZero ifSpecific.4 = zeroDotZero ifSpecific.5 = zeroDotZero ifSpecific.6 = zeroDotZero ifSpecific.7 = zeroDotZero ifSpecific.8 = zeroDotZero ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE] ifXEntry CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' ifXEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0092s] STDOUT[ ifName.1 = lo ifName.2 = bond0 ifName.3 = ip6tnl0 ifName.4 = ip6gre0 ifName.5 = eth0 ifName.6 = eth1 ifName.7 = eth2 ifName.8 = eth3 ifInMulticastPkts.1 = 0 ifInMulticastPkts.2 = 0 ifInMulticastPkts.3 = 0 ifInMulticastPkts.4 = 0 ifInMulticastPkts.5 = 9844131 ifInMulticastPkts.6 = 1099009 ifInMulticastPkts.7 = 38 ifInMulticastPkts.8 = 167 ifInBroadcastPkts.1 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts.2 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts.3 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts.4 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts.5 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts.6 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts.7 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts.8 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts.1 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts.2 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts.3 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts.4 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts.5 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts.6 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts.7 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts.8 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts.1 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts.2 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts.3 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts.4 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts.5 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts.6 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts.7 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts.8 = 0 ifHCInOctets.1 = 12183934281 ifHCInOctets.2 = 0 ifHCInOctets.3 = 0 ifHCInOctets.4 = 0 ifHCInOctets.5 = 23580109285914 ifHCInOctets.6 = 2108506733196 ifHCInOctets.7 = 588379942689 ifHCInOctets.8 = 1749305480864 ifHCInUcastPkts.1 = 30129264 ifHCInUcastPkts.2 = 0 ifHCInUcastPkts.3 = 0 ifHCInUcastPkts.4 = 0 ifHCInUcastPkts.5 = 24925469992 ifHCInUcastPkts.6 = 2444814812 ifHCInUcastPkts.7 = 600018271 ifHCInUcastPkts.8 = 1919929369 ifHCInMulticastPkts.1 = 0 ifHCInMulticastPkts.2 = 0 ifHCInMulticastPkts.3 = 0 ifHCInMulticastPkts.4 = 0 ifHCInMulticastPkts.5 = 9844131 ifHCInMulticastPkts.6 = 1099009 ifHCInMulticastPkts.7 = 38 ifHCInMulticastPkts.8 = 167 ifHCInBroadcastPkts.1 = 0 ifHCInBroadcastPkts.2 = 0 ifHCInBroadcastPkts.3 = 0 ifHCInBroadcastPkts.4 = 0 ifHCInBroadcastPkts.5 = 0 ifHCInBroadcastPkts.6 = 0 ifHCInBroadcastPkts.7 = 0 ifHCInBroadcastPkts.8 = 0 ifHCOutOctets.1 = 12183934281 ifHCOutOctets.2 = 0 ifHCOutOctets.3 = 0 ifHCOutOctets.4 = 0 ifHCOutOctets.5 = 26637583673075 ifHCOutOctets.6 = 731628362955 ifHCOutOctets.7 = 193799254801 ifHCOutOctets.8 = 366591317680 ifHCOutUcastPkts.1 = 30129264 ifHCOutUcastPkts.2 = 0 ifHCOutUcastPkts.3 = 0 ifHCOutUcastPkts.4 = 0 ifHCOutUcastPkts.5 = 27455208612 ifHCOutUcastPkts.6 = 1687951510 ifHCOutUcastPkts.7 = 373737089 ifHCOutUcastPkts.8 = 747043122 ifHCOutMulticastPkts.1 = 0 ifHCOutMulticastPkts.2 = 0 ifHCOutMulticastPkts.3 = 0 ifHCOutMulticastPkts.4 = 0 ifHCOutMulticastPkts.5 = 0 ifHCOutMulticastPkts.6 = 0 ifHCOutMulticastPkts.7 = 0 ifHCOutMulticastPkts.8 = 0 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts.1 = 0 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts.2 = 0 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts.3 = 0 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts.4 = 0 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts.5 = 0 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts.6 = 0 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts.7 = 0 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts.8 = 0 ifHighSpeed.1 = 10 ifHighSpeed.2 = 0 ifHighSpeed.3 = 0 ifHighSpeed.4 = 0 ifHighSpeed.5 = 1000 ifHighSpeed.6 = 1000 ifHighSpeed.7 = 1000 ifHighSpeed.8 = 1000 ifPromiscuousMode.1 = false ifPromiscuousMode.2 = false ifPromiscuousMode.3 = false ifPromiscuousMode.4 = false ifPromiscuousMode.5 = false ifPromiscuousMode.6 = false ifPromiscuousMode.7 = false ifPromiscuousMode.8 = false ifConnectorPresent.2 = true ifConnectorPresent.3 = true ifConnectorPresent.4 = true ifConnectorPresent.5 = true ifConnectorPresent.6 = true ifConnectorPresent.7 = true ifConnectorPresent.8 = true ifAlias.1 = ifAlias.2 = ifAlias.3 = ifAlias.4 = ifAlias.5 = ifAlias.6 = ifAlias.7 = ifAlias.8 = ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.1 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.2 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.3 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.4 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.5 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.6 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.7 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.8 = 0:0:00:00.00 ] SNMP STATUS[TRUE]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `entity_attribs` WHERE `entity_type` = 'device' AND `entity_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00010920s] ADSL-LINE-MIB SQL[SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `ifType` IN ('adsl', 'vdsl')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00030494s] EtherLike-MIB dot3StatsDuplexStatus CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m EtherLike-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' dot3StatsDuplexStatus]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0058s] STDOUT[ dot3StatsDuplexStatus = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpwalk' AND `snmp_options` = '-OQUs' AND `mib` = 'EtherLike-MIB' AND `oid` = 'dot3StatsDuplexStatus';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00021601s]
SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='6',`updated` ='1470901500' WHERE `error_id` = '8730'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00323606s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m Q-BRIDGE-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' dot1qPortVlanTable]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0126s] STDOUT[ dot1qPortVlanTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpwalk' AND `snmp_options` = '-OQUs' AND `mib` = 'Q-BRIDGE-MIB' AND `oid` = 'dot1qPortVlanTable';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00031996s]
SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='6',`updated` ='1470901500' WHERE `error_id` = '8731'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00289583s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m Q-BRIDGE-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.013s] STDOUT[ dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpwalk' AND `snmp_options` = '-OQUs' AND `mib` = 'Q-BRIDGE-MIB' AND `oid` = 'dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00030780s]
SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='6',`updated` ='1470901500' WHERE `error_id` = '8732'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00282788s]
64-bit, IFLASTCHANGE = 1470901499s - 2305s + 0s
ifInOctets (21568 B) 937.73913043478 Bps 23 secs
ifOutOctets (21568 B) 937.73913043478 Bps 23 secs
ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInUcastPkts (44 B) 1.9130434782609 Bps 23 secs
ifOutUcastPkts (44 B) 1.9130434782609 Bps 23 secs
ifInNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00009203s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `device_graphs` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005198s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-1.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-1.rrd N:12183934281:12183934281:0:0:30129264:30129264:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.55] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
- /opt/observium/includes/polling/functions.inc.php:681 /opt/observium/includes/alerts.inc.php:61 ================================================== array( [ifInOctets_rate] => double(937.73913043478) [ifInOctets_delta] => int(21568) [ifOutOctets_rate] => double(937.73913043478) [ifOutOctets_delta] => int(21568) [ifInErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifInErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifInUcastPkts_rate] => double(1.9130434782609) [ifInUcastPkts_delta] => int(44) [ifOutUcastPkts_rate] => double(1.9130434782609) [ifOutUcastPkts_delta] => int(44) [ifInNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifInBits_rate] => double(7502) [ifOutBits_rate] => double(7502) [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" [ifAdminStatus] => string(2) "up" [ifMtu] => string(4) "1500" [ifSpeed] => string(8) "10000000" [ifHighSpeed] => string(2) "10" [ifInOctets_perc] => double(0) [ifOutOctets_perc] => double(0) [rx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [tx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [ifOctets_rate] => double(1875.4782608696) [ifUcastPkts_rate] => double(3.8260869565217) [ifNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifDiscards_rate] => int(0) )
SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `poll_time` ='1470901500',`poll_period` ='23',`ifInOctets` ='12183934281',`ifInOctets_rate` ='937.73913043478',`ifOutOctets` ='12183934281',`ifOutOctets_rate` ='937.73913043478',`ifInErrors` ='0',`ifInErrors_rate` ='0',`ifInErrors_delta` ='0',`ifOutErrors` ='0',`ifOutErrors_rate` ='0',`ifOutErrors_delta` ='0',`ifInUcastPkts` ='30129264',`ifInUcastPkts_rate` ='1.9130434782609',`ifOutUcastPkts` ='30129264',`ifOutUcastPkts_rate` ='1.9130434782609',`ifInNUcastPkts` ='0',`ifInNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInMulticastPkts` ='0',`ifInMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInDiscards` ='0',`ifInDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifOutDiscards` ='0',`ifOutDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifInOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOutOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOctets_rate` ='1875.4782608696',`ifUcastPkts_rate` ='3.8260869565217',`ifErrors_rate` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '7126'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00257301s] 64-bit, IFLASTCHANGE = 1470901499s - 2305s + 0s
ifInOctets (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutOctets (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-2.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-2.rrd N:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.55] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
- /opt/observium/includes/polling/functions.inc.php:681 /opt/observium/includes/alerts.inc.php:61 ================================================== array( [ifInOctets_rate] => int(0) [ifInOctets_delta] => int(0) [ifOutOctets_rate] => int(0) [ifOutOctets_delta] => int(0) [ifInErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifInErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifInUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifInBits_rate] => double(0) [ifOutBits_rate] => double(0) [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" [ifAdminStatus] => string(4) "down" [ifMtu] => string(4) "1500" [ifSpeed] => string(1) "0" [ifHighSpeed] => string(1) "0" [ifInOctets_perc] => double(0) [ifOutOctets_perc] => double(0) [rx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [tx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [ifOctets_rate] => int(0) [ifUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifDiscards_rate] => int(0) )
SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `poll_time` ='1470901500',`poll_period` ='23',`ifInOctets` ='0',`ifInOctets_rate` ='0',`ifOutOctets` ='0',`ifOutOctets_rate` ='0',`ifInErrors` ='0',`ifInErrors_rate` ='0',`ifInErrors_delta` ='0',`ifOutErrors` ='0',`ifOutErrors_rate` ='0',`ifOutErrors_delta` ='0',`ifInUcastPkts` ='0',`ifInUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutUcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInNUcastPkts` ='0',`ifInNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInMulticastPkts` ='0',`ifInMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInDiscards` ='0',`ifInDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifOutDiscards` ='0',`ifOutDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifInOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOutOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOctets_rate` ='0',`ifUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifErrors_rate` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '7127'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00206304s] 64-bit, IFLASTCHANGE = 1470901499s - 2305s + 0s
ifInOctets (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutOctets (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-3.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-3.rrd N:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.56] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
- /opt/observium/includes/polling/functions.inc.php:681 /opt/observium/includes/alerts.inc.php:61 ================================================== array( [ifInOctets_rate] => int(0) [ifInOctets_delta] => int(0) [ifOutOctets_rate] => int(0) [ifOutOctets_delta] => int(0) [ifInErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifInErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifInUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifInBits_rate] => double(0) [ifOutBits_rate] => double(0) [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" [ifAdminStatus] => string(4) "down" [ifMtu] => string(4) "1452" [ifSpeed] => string(1) "0" [ifHighSpeed] => string(1) "0" [ifInOctets_perc] => double(0) [ifOutOctets_perc] => double(0) [rx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [tx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [ifOctets_rate] => int(0) [ifUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifDiscards_rate] => int(0) )
SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `poll_time` ='1470901500',`poll_period` ='23',`ifInOctets` ='0',`ifInOctets_rate` ='0',`ifOutOctets` ='0',`ifOutOctets_rate` ='0',`ifInErrors` ='0',`ifInErrors_rate` ='0',`ifInErrors_delta` ='0',`ifOutErrors` ='0',`ifOutErrors_rate` ='0',`ifOutErrors_delta` ='0',`ifInUcastPkts` ='0',`ifInUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutUcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInNUcastPkts` ='0',`ifInNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInMulticastPkts` ='0',`ifInMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInDiscards` ='0',`ifInDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifOutDiscards` ='0',`ifOutDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifInOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOutOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOctets_rate` ='0',`ifUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifErrors_rate` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '7128'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00327802s] 64-bit, IFLASTCHANGE = 1470901499s - 2305s + 0s
ifInOctets (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutOctets (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-4.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-4.rrd N:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.56] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
- /opt/observium/includes/polling/functions.inc.php:681 /opt/observium/includes/alerts.inc.php:61 ================================================== array( [ifInOctets_rate] => int(0) [ifInOctets_delta] => int(0) [ifOutOctets_rate] => int(0) [ifOutOctets_delta] => int(0) [ifInErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifInErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifInUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifInBits_rate] => double(0) [ifOutBits_rate] => double(0) [ifOperStatus] => string(4) "down" [ifAdminStatus] => string(4) "down" [ifMtu] => string(4) "1448" [ifSpeed] => string(1) "0" [ifHighSpeed] => string(1) "0" [ifInOctets_perc] => double(0) [ifOutOctets_perc] => double(0) [rx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [tx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [ifOctets_rate] => int(0) [ifUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifDiscards_rate] => int(0) )
SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `poll_time` ='1470901500',`poll_period` ='23',`ifInOctets` ='0',`ifInOctets_rate` ='0',`ifOutOctets` ='0',`ifOutOctets_rate` ='0',`ifInErrors` ='0',`ifInErrors_rate` ='0',`ifInErrors_delta` ='0',`ifOutErrors` ='0',`ifOutErrors_rate` ='0',`ifOutErrors_delta` ='0',`ifInUcastPkts` ='0',`ifInUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutUcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInNUcastPkts` ='0',`ifInNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInMulticastPkts` ='0',`ifInMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInDiscards` ='0',`ifInDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifOutDiscards` ='0',`ifOutDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifInOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOutOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOctets_rate` ='0',`ifUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifErrors_rate` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '7129'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00385499s] 64-bit, IFLASTCHANGE = 1470901499s - 2305s + 0s
ifInOctets (64648185 B) 2810790.6521739 Bps 23 secs
ifOutOctets (80637526 B) 3505979.3913043 Bps 23 secs
ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInUcastPkts (61832 B) 2688.347826087 Bps 23 secs
ifOutUcastPkts (74833 B) 3253.6086956522 Bps 23 secs
ifInNUcastPkts (15 B) 0.65217391304348 Bps 23 secs
ifOutNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInMulticastPkts (15 B) 0.65217391304348 Bps 23 secs
ifOutMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-5.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-5.rrd N:23580109285914:26637583673075:3675:0:24925469992:27455208612:9844131:0:351:0:0:0:0:9844131:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.57] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
- /opt/observium/includes/polling/functions.inc.php:681 /opt/observium/includes/alerts.inc.php:61 ================================================== array( [ifInOctets_rate] => double(2810790.6521739) [ifInOctets_delta] => int(64648185) [ifOutOctets_rate] => double(3505979.3913043) [ifOutOctets_delta] => int(80637526) [ifInErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifInErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifInUcastPkts_rate] => double(2688.347826087) [ifInUcastPkts_delta] => int(61832) [ifOutUcastPkts_rate] => double(3253.6086956522) [ifOutUcastPkts_delta] => int(74833) [ifInNUcastPkts_rate] => double(0.65217391304348) [ifInNUcastPkts_delta] => int(15) [ifOutNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_rate] => double(0.65217391304348) [ifInMulticastPkts_delta] => int(15) [ifOutMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifInBits_rate] => double(22486325) [ifOutBits_rate] => double(28047835) [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" [ifAdminStatus] => string(2) "up" [ifMtu] => string(4) "1500" [ifSpeed] => string(10) "1000000000" [ifHighSpeed] => string(4) "1000" [ifInOctets_perc] => double(2) [ifOutOctets_perc] => double(3) [rx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [tx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [ifOctets_rate] => double(6316770.0434783) [ifUcastPkts_rate] => double(5941.9565217391) [ifNUcastPkts_rate] => double(0.65217391304348) [ifErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifMulticastPkts_rate] => double(0.65217391304348) [ifDiscards_rate] => int(0) )
SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `poll_time` ='1470901500',`poll_period` ='23',`ifInOctets` ='23580109285914',`ifInOctets_rate` ='2810790.6521739',`ifOutOctets` ='26637583673075',`ifOutOctets_rate` ='3505979.3913043',`ifInErrors` ='3675',`ifInErrors_rate` ='0',`ifInErrors_delta` ='0',`ifOutErrors` ='0',`ifOutErrors_rate` ='0',`ifOutErrors_delta` ='0',`ifInUcastPkts` ='24925469992',`ifInUcastPkts_rate` ='2688.347826087',`ifOutUcastPkts` ='27455208612',`ifOutUcastPkts_rate` ='3253.6086956522',`ifInNUcastPkts` ='9844131',`ifInNUcastPkts_rate` ='0.65217391304348',`ifOutNUcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInMulticastPkts` ='9844131',`ifInMulticastPkts_rate` ='0.65217391304348',`ifOutMulticastPkts` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInDiscards` ='351',`ifInDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifOutDiscards` ='0',`ifOutDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifInOctets_perc` ='2',`ifOutOctets_perc` ='3',`ifOctets_rate` ='6316770.0434783',`ifUcastPkts_rate` ='5941.9565217391',`ifErrors_rate` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '7130'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00266814s] 64-bit, IFLASTCHANGE = 1470901499s - 2305s + 0s
ifInOctets (2781169 B) 120920.39130435 Bps 23 secs
ifOutOctets (431625 B) 18766.304347826 Bps 23 secs
ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInUcastPkts (2944 B) 128 Bps 23 secs
ifOutUcastPkts (1683 B) 73.173913043478 Bps 23 secs
ifInNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-6.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-6.rrd N:2108506733196:731628362955:44:0:2444814812:1687951510:1099009:0:30:0:0:0:0:1099009:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.58] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
- /opt/observium/includes/polling/functions.inc.php:681 /opt/observium/includes/alerts.inc.php:61 ================================================== array( [ifInOctets_rate] => double(120920.39130435) [ifInOctets_delta] => int(2781169) [ifOutOctets_rate] => double(18766.304347826) [ifOutOctets_delta] => int(431625) [ifInErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifInErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifInUcastPkts_rate] => int(128) [ifInUcastPkts_delta] => int(2944) [ifOutUcastPkts_rate] => double(73.173913043478) [ifOutUcastPkts_delta] => int(1683) [ifInNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifInBits_rate] => double(967363) [ifOutBits_rate] => double(150130) [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" [ifAdminStatus] => string(2) "up" [ifMtu] => string(4) "1500" [ifSpeed] => string(10) "1000000000" [ifHighSpeed] => string(4) "1000" [ifInOctets_perc] => double(0) [ifOutOctets_perc] => double(0) [rx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [tx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [ifOctets_rate] => double(139686.69565217) [ifUcastPkts_rate] => double(201.17391304348) [ifNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifDiscards_rate] => int(0) )
SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `poll_time` ='1470901500',`poll_period` ='23',`ifInOctets` ='2108506733196',`ifInOctets_rate` ='120920.39130435',`ifOutOctets` ='731628362955',`ifOutOctets_rate` ='18766.304347826',`ifInErrors` ='44',`ifInErrors_rate` ='0',`ifInErrors_delta` ='0',`ifOutErrors` ='0',`ifOutErrors_rate` ='0',`ifOutErrors_delta` ='0',`ifInUcastPkts` ='2444814812',`ifInUcastPkts_rate` ='128',`ifOutUcastPkts` ='1687951510',`ifOutUcastPkts_rate` ='73.173913043478',`ifInNUcastPkts` ='1099009',`ifInNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInMulticastPkts` ='1099009',`ifInMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInDiscards` ='30',`ifInDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifOutDiscards` ='0',`ifOutDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifInOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOutOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOctets_rate` ='139686.69565217',`ifUcastPkts_rate` ='201.17391304348',`ifErrors_rate` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '7131'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00247383s] 64-bit, IFLASTCHANGE = 1470901499s - 2305s + 0s
ifInOctets (11848 B) 515.13043478261 Bps 23 secs
ifOutOctets (9144 B) 397.5652173913 Bps 23 secs
ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInUcastPkts (84 B) 3.6521739130435 Bps 23 secs
ifOutUcastPkts (121 B) 5.2608695652174 Bps 23 secs
ifInNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-7.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-7.rrd N:588379942689:193799254801:2:0:600018271:373737089:38:0:31:0:0:0:0:38:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.58] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
- /opt/observium/includes/polling/functions.inc.php:681 /opt/observium/includes/alerts.inc.php:61 ================================================== array( [ifInOctets_rate] => double(515.13043478261) [ifInOctets_delta] => int(11848) [ifOutOctets_rate] => double(397.5652173913) [ifOutOctets_delta] => int(9144) [ifInErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifInErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifInUcastPkts_rate] => double(3.6521739130435) [ifInUcastPkts_delta] => int(84) [ifOutUcastPkts_rate] => double(5.2608695652174) [ifOutUcastPkts_delta] => int(121) [ifInNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifInBits_rate] => double(4121) [ifOutBits_rate] => double(3181) [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" [ifAdminStatus] => string(2) "up" [ifMtu] => string(4) "1500" [ifSpeed] => string(10) "1000000000" [ifHighSpeed] => string(4) "1000" [ifInOctets_perc] => double(0) [ifOutOctets_perc] => double(0) [rx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [tx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [ifOctets_rate] => double(912.69565217391) [ifUcastPkts_rate] => double(8.9130434782609) [ifNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifDiscards_rate] => int(0) )
SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `poll_time` ='1470901500',`poll_period` ='23',`ifInOctets` ='588379942689',`ifInOctets_rate` ='515.13043478261',`ifOutOctets` ='193799254801',`ifOutOctets_rate` ='397.5652173913',`ifInErrors` ='2',`ifInErrors_rate` ='0',`ifInErrors_delta` ='0',`ifOutErrors` ='0',`ifOutErrors_rate` ='0',`ifOutErrors_delta` ='0',`ifInUcastPkts` ='600018271',`ifInUcastPkts_rate` ='3.6521739130435',`ifOutUcastPkts` ='373737089',`ifOutUcastPkts_rate` ='5.2608695652174',`ifInNUcastPkts` ='38',`ifInNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInMulticastPkts` ='38',`ifInMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInDiscards` ='31',`ifInDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifOutDiscards` ='0',`ifOutDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifInOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOutOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOctets_rate` ='912.69565217391',`ifUcastPkts_rate` ='8.9130434782609',`ifErrors_rate` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '7132'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00352502s] 64-bit, IFLASTCHANGE = 1470901499s - 2305s + 0s
ifInOctets (16718889 B) 726908.2173913 Bps 23 secs
ifOutOctets (2417352 B) 105102.26086957 Bps 23 secs
ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInUcastPkts (18123 B) 787.95652173913 Bps 23 secs
ifOutUcastPkts (4919 B) 213.86956521739 Bps 23 secs
ifInNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifInDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs
ifOutDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 23 secs RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-8.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/port-8.rrd N:1749305480864:366591317680:3:0:1919929369:747043122:167:0:981:0:0:0:0:167:0] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.59] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
- /opt/observium/includes/polling/functions.inc.php:681 /opt/observium/includes/alerts.inc.php:61 ================================================== array( [ifInOctets_rate] => double(726908.2173913) [ifInOctets_delta] => int(16718889) [ifOutOctets_rate] => double(105102.26086957) [ifOutOctets_delta] => int(2417352) [ifInErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifInErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifOutErrors_delta] => int(0) [ifInUcastPkts_rate] => double(787.95652173913) [ifInUcastPkts_delta] => int(18123) [ifOutUcastPkts_rate] => double(213.86956521739) [ifOutUcastPkts_delta] => int(4919) [ifInNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutNUcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutBroadcastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifInMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifOutMulticastPkts_delta] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifInDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_rate] => int(0) [ifOutDiscards_delta] => int(0) [ifInBits_rate] => double(5815266) [ifOutBits_rate] => double(840818) [ifOperStatus] => string(2) "up" [ifAdminStatus] => string(2) "up" [ifMtu] => string(4) "1500" [ifSpeed] => string(10) "1000000000" [ifHighSpeed] => string(4) "1000" [ifInOctets_perc] => double(1) [ifOutOctets_perc] => double(0) [rx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [tx_ave_pktsize] => bool(false) [ifOctets_rate] => double(832010.47826087) [ifUcastPkts_rate] => double(1001.8260869565) [ifNUcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifErrors_rate] => int(0) [ifBroadcastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifMulticastPkts_rate] => int(0) [ifDiscards_rate] => int(0) )
SQL[UPDATE `ports` set `poll_time` ='1470901500',`poll_period` ='23',`ifInOctets` ='1749305480864',`ifInOctets_rate` ='726908.2173913',`ifOutOctets` ='366591317680',`ifOutOctets_rate` ='105102.26086957',`ifInErrors` ='3',`ifInErrors_rate` ='0',`ifInErrors_delta` ='0',`ifOutErrors` ='0',`ifOutErrors_rate` ='0',`ifOutErrors_delta` ='0',`ifInUcastPkts` ='1919929369',`ifInUcastPkts_rate` ='787.95652173913',`ifOutUcastPkts` ='747043122',`ifOutUcastPkts_rate` ='213.86956521739',`ifInNUcastPkts` ='167',`ifInNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutNUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifInBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts` ='0',`ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInMulticastPkts` ='167',`ifInMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts` ='0',`ifOutMulticastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInDiscards` ='981',`ifInDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifOutDiscards` ='0',`ifOutDiscards_rate` ='0',`ifInOctets_perc` ='1',`ifOutOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOctets_rate` ='832010.47826087',`ifUcastPkts_rate` ='1001.8260869565',`ifErrors_rate` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '7133'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00293493s] +---------+---------+----------+--------+----------+----------+---------+----------+--------+---------+----+ | ifIndex | Label | Type | Speed | BPS In | BPS Out | Data In | Data Out | PPS In | PPS Out | HC | +---------+---------+----------+--------+----------+----------+---------+----------+--------+---------+----+ | 1 | lo | Loopback | 10Mbps | 7.5kbps | 7.5kbps | 21.0kB | 21.0kB | 1.91 | 1.91 | Y | | 2 | bond0 | Ethernet | 0bps | 0bps | 0bps | 0B | 0B | 0 | 0 | Y | | 3 | ip6tnl0 | Tunnel | 0bps | 0bps | 0bps | 0B | 0B | 0 | 0 | Y | | 4 | ip6gre0 | Other | 0bps | 0bps | 0bps | 0B | 0B | 0 | 0 | Y | | 5 | eth0 | Ethernet | 1Gbps | 22.4Mbps | 28.0Mbps | 61.6MB | 76.9MB | 2.69k | 3.25k | Y | | 6 | eth1 | Ethernet | 1Gbps | 967kbps | 150kbps | 2.65MB | 421kB | 128 | 73.1 | Y | | 7 | eth2 | Ethernet | 1Gbps | 4.12kbps | 3.18kbps | 11.5kB | 8.93kB | 3.65 | 5.26 | Y | | 8 | eth3 | Ethernet | 1Gbps | 5.82Mbps | 840kbps | 15.9MB | 2.31MB | 787 | 213 | Y | +---------+---------+----------+--------+----------+----------+---------+----------+--------+---------+----+
o Module time 0.1673s
including: includes/polling/ucd-diskio.inc.php ##### Module Start: ucd-diskio #####
SQL[SELECT * FROM `ucd_diskio` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00008512s] o Module time 0.0005s
including: includes/polling/wifi.inc.php ##### Module Start: wifi #####
o Module time 0.0001s
including: includes/polling/loadbalancer.inc.php ##### Module Start: loadbalancer #####
o MIBs o Module time 0.0007s
including: includes/polling/entity-physical.inc.php ##### Module Start: entity-physical #####
o Module time 0.0002s
including: includes/polling/applications.inc.php ##### Module Start: applications #####
SQL[SELECT * FROM `applications` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00007510s] o Module time 0.0003s
including: includes/polling/fdb-table.inc.php ##### Module Start: fdb-table #####
SQL[SELECT `ifIndex`,`port_id`,`port_label_short` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00032496s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `vlans_fdb` WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00005913s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OqsX -m Q-BRIDGE-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra':'161' dot1qTpFdbEntry]
CMD EXITCODE[0] CMD RUNTIME[0.0153s] STDOUT[ dot1qTpFdbEntry No Such Object available on this agent at this OID ] SNMP STATUS[FALSE] SNMP ERROR[#1000 - Failed response]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `snmp_errors` WHERE `device_id` = '500' AND `error_code` = '1000' AND `snmp_cmd` = 'snmpwalk' AND `snmp_options` = '-OqsX' AND `mib` = 'Q-BRIDGE-MIB' AND `oid` = 'dot1qTpFdbEntry';] SQL RUNTIME[0.00030613s]
SQL[UPDATE `snmp_errors` set `error_count` ='6',`updated` ='1470901500' WHERE `error_id` = '8733'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00275302s]
o Module time 0.0214s
including: includes/polling/graphs.inc.php ##### Module Start: graphs #####
o Module time 0.0006s
including: includes/polling/oids.inc.php ##### Module Start: oids #####
SQL[SELECT * FROM `oids_assoc` LEFT JOIN `oids` USING(`oid_id`) WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00007391s] o Module time 0.0004s
##### kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra [500] completed poller modules at 2016-08-11 09:45:00 #####
o Graphs [checked] ping, ping_snmp, uptime, processor, mempool, netstat_ip, netstat_ip_frag, netstat_icmp, netstat_icmp_info, netstat_tcp_stats,netstat_tcp_segments, netstat_tcp_currestab, netstat_udp_datagrams, netstat_udp_errors, netstat_snmp_stats,netstat_snmp_packets, ucd_cpu, ucd_ss_cpu, ucd_swap_io, ucd_io, ucd_contexts, ucd_interrupts, ucd_memory,ucd_load, ipsystemstats_ipv4, ipsystemstats_ipv4_frag, ipsystemstats_ipv6, ipsystemstats_ipv6_frag, bits,fdb_count, poller_perf o Poller time 0.6486 seconds
SQL[INSERT INTO `devices_perftimes` (`device_id`,`operation`,`start`,`duration`) VALUES ('500','poll','1470901499.8298','0.64858913421631')] SQL RUNTIME[0.04471278s] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/perf-poller.rrd already exists - no need to create.
RRD CMD[update /opt/observium/rrd/kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra/perf-poller.rrd N:0.6486] RRD RUNTIME[0.0011s] RRD STDOUT[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:0.71] RRD_STATUS[TRUE]
Updating kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra -
======== array( [uptime] => int(2305) [last_polled] => array( [0] => string(5) "NOW()" ) [last_polled_timetaken] => double(0.6486) [device_state] => string(1508) "a:4:{s:15:"poller_mod_perf";a:20:{s:6:"system";d:0.074300000000000005;s:2:"os";d:0.18310000000000001;s:7:"sensors";d:0.00080000000000000004;s:6:"status";d:0.00059999999999999995;s:10:"processors";d:0.017500000000000002;s:8:"mempools";d:0.015900000000000001;s:7:"storage";d:0.00069999999999999999;s:8:"netstats";d:0.064000000000000001;s:6:"hr-mib";d:0.015599999999999999;s:7:"ucd-mib";d:0.041399999999999999;s:13:"ipSystemStats";d:0.0154;s:5:"ports";d:0.1673;s:10:"ucd-diskio";d:0.00050000000000000001;s:4:"wifi";d:0.0001;s:12:"loadbalancer";d:0.00069999999999999999;s:15:"entity-physical";d:0.00020000000000000001;s:12:"applications";d:0.00029999999999999997;s:9:"fdb-table";d:0.021399999999999999;s:6:"graphs";d:0.00059999999999999995;s:4:"oids";d:0.00040000000000000002;}s:10:"ucd_ss_cpu";a:8:{s:12:"ssCpuRawUser";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:1.5062568317830298;}s:12:"ssCpuRawNice";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:3.2991473563389054E-7;}s:14:"ssCpuRawSystem";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:1.2808413396982463;}s:12:"ssCpuRawIdle";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:97.007276790288373;}s:17:"ssCpuRawInterrupt";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:0.00013161241417966276;}s:15:"ssCpuRawSoftIRQ";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:0.20544509330739277;}s:14:"ssCpuRawKernel";a:1:{s:4:"perc";i:0;}s:12:"ssCpuRawWait";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:4.8002594034731079E-5;}}s:7:"ucd_mem";a:7:{s:10:"swap_total";s:1:"0";s:10:"swap_avail";s:1:"0";s:9:"mem_total";s:7:"2034188";s:9:"mem_avail";s:7:"1490308";s:10:"mem_shared";s:1:"0";s:10:"mem_buffer";s:4:"1232";s:10:"mem_cached";s:5:"57896";}s:8:"ucd_load";s:1:"7";}" )
SQL[UPDATE `devices` set `uptime` ='2305',`last_polled` =NOW(),`last_polled_timetaken` ='0.6486',`device_state` ='a:4:{s:15:"poller_mod_perf";a:20:{s:6:"system";d:0.074300000000000005;s:2:"os";d:0.18310000000000001;s:7:"sensors";d:0.00080000000000000004;s:6:"status";d:0.00059999999999999995;s:10:"processors";d:0.017500000000000002;s:8:"mempools";d:0.015900000000000001;s:7:"storage";d:0.00069999999999999999;s:8:"netstats";d:0.064000000000000001;s:6:"hr-mib";d:0.015599999999999999;s:7:"ucd-mib";d:0.041399999999999999;s:13:"ipSystemStats";d:0.0154;s:5:"ports";d:0.1673;s:10:"ucd-diskio";d:0.00050000000000000001;s:4:"wifi";d:0.0001;s:12:"loadbalancer";d:0.00069999999999999999;s:15:"entity-physical";d:0.00020000000000000001;s:12:"applications";d:0.00029999999999999997;s:9:"fdb-table";d:0.021399999999999999;s:6:"graphs";d:0.00059999999999999995;s:4:"oids";d:0.00040000000000000002;}s:10:"ucd_ss_cpu";a:8:{s:12:"ssCpuRawUser";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:1.5062568317830298;}s:12:"ssCpuRawNice";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:3.2991473563389054E-7;}s:14:"ssCpuRawSystem";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:1.2808413396982463;}s:12:"ssCpuRawIdle";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:97.007276790288373;}s:17:"ssCpuRawInterrupt";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:0.00013161241417966276;}s:15:"ssCpuRawSoftIRQ";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:0.20544509330739277;}s:14:"ssCpuRawKernel";a:1:{s:4:"perc";i:0;}s:12:"ssCpuRawWait";a:1:{s:4:"perc";d:4.8002594034731079E-5;}}s:7:"ucd_mem";a:7:{s:10:"swap_total";s:1:"0";s:10:"swap_avail";s:1:"0";s:9:"mem_total";s:7:"2034188";s:9:"mem_avail";s:7:"1490308";s:10:"mem_shared";s:1:"0";s:10:"mem_buffer";s:4:"1232";s:10:"mem_cached";s:5:"57896";}s:8:"ucd_load";s:1:"7";}' WHERE `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00519586s] o Updated Data uptime, last_polled, last_polled_timetaken, device_state
- /opt/observium/poller.php:170 /opt/observium/includes/alerts.inc.php:61 ====================================== array( [device_status] => string(1) "1" [device_status_type] => string(0) "" [device_ping] => string(4) "0.26" [device_snmp] => string(4) "4.58" [device_uptime] => string(4) "2282" [device_rebooted] => int(0) [device_duration_poll] => string(4) "0.49" )
SQL[DELETE FROM `observium_processes` WHERE `process_pid` = '12888' AND `process_name` = 'poller.php' AND `device_id` = '500'] SQL RUNTIME[0.00264502s]
SQL[INSERT INTO `perf_times` (`type`,`doing`,`start`,`duration`,`devices`) VALUES ('poll','kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra','1470901499.7111','0.824','1')] SQL RUNTIME[0.00260592s] ./poller.php: kemphlb01.riksbyggen.intra - 1 devices polled in 0.824 secs ##### Completed polling run at 2016-08-11 09:45:00 #####
NOTE, $config['snmp']['hide_auth'] is set to TRUE, snmp community and snmp v3 auth hidden from debug output. o Devices Polled 1 o Poller Time 0.824 secs o Memory usage 9.5MB (peak: 9.75MB) o MySQL Usage Cell[7/0.003s] Row[20/0.01s] Rows[23/0.01s] Column[1/0.001s] Update[21/0.227s] Insert[3/0.05s] Delete[1/0.003s] o RRDTool Usage update[39/0.042s]
root@observium:/opt/observium# _______________________________________________ observium mailing list observium@observium.org http://postman.memetic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/observium
Dear Adam,
Thank you for the infos!
I tried the test_alert, and I got this:
o Notifying [pagerduty] NOC Standby Alerting: {"service_key":"5a73c37ca5d44511a1eb3333b1226185"} PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_SL, expecting ')' in /opt/observium/includes/alerting/pagerduty.inc.php on line 25
This file is that I patched earlier but yesterday when I ran the “svn update” the svn asked me and it looks like I made an user error, the svn saved the new file but wrote the diff between the patched and the original INTO the saved new file. There are some non PHP compatible line in the .php file…. That is why the PHP didn’t run…
Now I deleted this DIFF message from the .inc.php, and the test_alert run and I got the message via Pager Duty.
After that I created again the CPU problem manually, and now it alerted via PD and I see that “Alert notification sent”.
So it looks like if the PD alerting file (or I think any other alerting file) doesn’t run if an alert event would like to use it can lock all of the alering and the status of this alert message never change to ALERT_NOTIFY. Yes I know, don’t touch this files… but may be this locking is a problem because in this case I didn’t receive this alert via email too, so if an alert contact (pagerduty) doesn’t work, any other (email) doesn’t work too!
Thank You!
BR Laszlo
From: observium observium-bounces@observium.org on behalf of Adam Armstrong adama@memetic.org Reply-To: Observium Network Observation System observium@observium.org Date: Wednesday 10 August 2016 at 18:20 To: "observium@observium.org" observium@observium.org Subject: Re: [Observium] alerting problem
Hi Laszlo,
Nothing has changed on the sending of alerts.
You can force sending an alert or recovery notice with ./test_alert.php -a <alert_id>
The alert_id is the id on the page with the alert entry availability graphs (click the cog on the right hand side of the alert table entry)
If you also use -d, you'll get some debugging output.
Thanks, adam.
On 10/08/2016 09:01:50, Laszlo Nemeth laszlo.nemeth@emarsys.com wrote: Hello,
At the morning I was on the 7933 but 2 hours ago I updated to 8039.
I used a CPU alert for my routers. In the older version it is worked, I got the alerts via mail and PagerDuty as I set up.
Now after the upgrade I would like to test the alerting because on 7933 i “pached” the pagerduty.inc.php for more info in the PD message (the default file just send like “something wrong somewhere” :)
So. After the upgrade with the original (nor pached) PD file I would like a test to see how looks out a PD message now. I set a lower value for the CPU alerting (from 50% to 15%) to generate alerting (now the cpu load is 18-25%)
After a few minutes I see in the Alers / Processor that my deviced appear and show that the status is FAILED. It is ok. In the Alert Logging I get the “Checks failed” so it is great.
But. I never get “Alert notification sent” messages. (I get “Alert notification sent” for other events, so the alerting is working for other services).
I see in the Alerts that the router’s status is Failed, Checked 18s Changed 20m 36s, Alerted: never.
What I have to do for send the alerts? Or for the debug?
BR Laszlo
_______________________________________________ observium mailing list observium@observium.org http://postman.memetic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/observium
There's no real solution for you creating a syntax error which crashes php ;p
Thanks Adam.
Sent from BlueMail
On 11 Aug 2016, 03:50, at 03:50, Laszlo Nemeth laszlo.nemeth@emarsys.com wrote:
Dear Adam,
Thank you for the infos!
I tried the test_alert, and I got this:
o Notifying [pagerduty] NOC Standby Alerting: {"service_key":"5a73c37ca5d44511a1eb3333b1226185"} PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_SL, expecting ')' in /opt/observium/includes/alerting/pagerduty.inc.php on line 25
This file is that I patched earlier but yesterday when I ran the “svn update” the svn asked me and it looks like I made an user error, the svn saved the new file but wrote the diff between the patched and the original INTO the saved new file. There are some non PHP compatible line in the .php file…. That is why the PHP didn’t run…
Now I deleted this DIFF message from the .inc.php, and the test_alert run and I got the message via Pager Duty.
After that I created again the CPU problem manually, and now it alerted via PD and I see that “Alert notification sent”.
So it looks like if the PD alerting file (or I think any other alerting file) doesn’t run if an alert event would like to use it can lock all of the alering and the status of this alert message never change to ALERT_NOTIFY. Yes I know, don’t touch this files… but may be this locking is a problem because in this case I didn’t receive this alert via email too, so if an alert contact (pagerduty) doesn’t work, any other (email) doesn’t work too!
Thank You!
BR Laszlo
From: observium observium-bounces@observium.org on behalf of Adam Armstrong adama@memetic.org Reply-To: Observium Network Observation System observium@observium.org Date: Wednesday 10 August 2016 at 18:20 To: "observium@observium.org" observium@observium.org Subject: Re: [Observium] alerting problem
Hi Laszlo,
Nothing has changed on the sending of alerts.
You can force sending an alert or recovery notice with ./test_alert.php -a <alert_id>
The alert_id is the id on the page with the alert entry availability graphs (click the cog on the right hand side of the alert table entry)
If you also use -d, you'll get some debugging output.
Thanks, adam.
On 10/08/2016 09:01:50, Laszlo Nemeth laszlo.nemeth@emarsys.com wrote: Hello,
At the morning I was on the 7933 but 2 hours ago I updated to 8039.
I used a CPU alert for my routers. In the older version it is worked, I got the alerts via mail and PagerDuty as I set up.
Now after the upgrade I would like to test the alerting because on 7933 i “pached” the pagerduty.inc.php for more info in the PD message (the default file just send like “something wrong somewhere” :)
So. After the upgrade with the original (nor pached) PD file I would like a test to see how looks out a PD message now. I set a lower value for the CPU alerting (from 50% to 15%) to generate alerting (now the cpu load is 18-25%)
After a few minutes I see in the Alers / Processor that my deviced appear and show that the status is FAILED. It is ok. In the Alert Logging I get the “Checks failed” so it is great.
But. I never get “Alert notification sent” messages. (I get “Alert notification sent” for other events, so the alerting is working for other services).
I see in the Alerts that the router’s status is Failed, Checked 18s Changed 20m 36s, Alerted: never.
What I have to do for send the alerts? Or for the debug?
BR Laszlo
observium mailing list observium@observium.org http://postman.memetic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/observium
observium mailing list observium@observium.org http://postman.memetic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/observium
:)) yes of course, but it is normal that if I use 2 contact (an PD and an email) and if the PD crash, no email from the original problem? So the second event depend on that the frist run correctly?
Thanks Laszlo
From: observium observium-bounces@observium.org on behalf of Adam Armstrong adama@memetic.org Reply-To: Observium Network Observation System observium@observium.org Date: Thursday 11 August 2016 at 10:58 To: Observium Network Observation System observium@observium.org Subject: Re: [Observium] alerting problem
There's no real solution for you creating a syntax error which crashes php ;p
Thanks Adam.
Sent from BlueMailhttp://www.bluemail.me/r On 11 Aug 2016, at 03:50, Laszlo Nemeth <laszlo.nemeth@emarsys.commailto:laszlo.nemeth@emarsys.com> wrote: Dear Adam,
Thank you for the infos!
I tried the test_alert, and I got this:
o Notifying [pagerduty] NOC Standby Alerting: {"service_key":"5a73c37ca5d44511a1eb3333b1226185"} PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_SL, expecting ')' in /opt/observium/includes/alerting/pagerduty.inc.php on line 25
This file is that I patched earlier but yesterday when I ran the “svn update” the svn asked me and it looks like I made an user error, the svn saved the new file but wrote the diff between the patched and the original INTO the saved new file. There are some non PHP compatible line in the .php file…. That is why the PHP didn’t run…
Now I deleted this DIFF message from the .inc.php, and the test_alert run and I got the message via Pager Duty.
After that I created again the CPU problem manually, and now it alerted via PD and I see that “Alert notification sent”.
So it looks like if the PD alerting file (or I think any other alerting file) doesn’t run if an alert event would like to use it can lock all of the alering and the status of this alert message never change to ALERT_NOTIFY. Yes I know, don’t touch this files… but may be this locking is a problem because in this case I didn’t receive this alert via email too, so if an alert contact (pagerduty) doesn’t work, any other (email) doesn’t work too!
Thank You!
BR Laszlo
From: observium observium-bounces@observium.org on behalf of Adam Armstrong adama@memetic.org Reply-To: Observium Network Observation System observium@observium.org Date: Wednesday 10 August 2016 at 18:20 To: "observium@observium.org" observium@observium.org Subject: Re: [Observium] alerting problem
Hi Laszlo,
Nothing has changed on the sending of alerts.
You can force sending an alert or recovery notice with ./test_alert.php -a <alert_id>
The alert_id is the id on the page with the alert entry availability graphs (click the cog on the right hand side of the alert table entry)
If you also use -d, you'll get some debugging output.
Thanks, adam.
On 10/08/2016 09:01:50, Laszlo Nemeth laszlo.nemeth@emarsys.com wrote: Hello,
At the morning I was on the 7933 but 2 hours ago I updated to 8039.
I used a CPU alert for my routers. In the older version it is worked, I got the alerts via mail and PagerDuty as I set up.
Now after the upgrade I would like to test the alerting because on 7933 i “pached” the pagerduty.inc.php for more info in the PD message (the default file just send like “something wrong somewhere” :)
So. After the upgrade with the original (nor pached) PD file I would like a test to see how looks out a PD message now. I set a lower value for the CPU alerting (from 50% to 15%) to generate alerting (now the cpu load is 18-25%)
After a few minutes I see in the Alers / Processor that my deviced appear and show that the status is FAILED. It is ok. In the Alert Logging I get the “Checks failed” so it is great.
But. I never get “Alert notification sent” messages. (I get “Alert notification sent” for other events, so the alerting is working for other services).
I see in the Alerts that the router’s status is Failed, Checked 18s Changed 20m 36s, Alerted: never.
What I have to do for send the alerts? Or for the debug?
BR Laszlo
_______________________________________________ observium mailing list observium@observium.org http://postman.memetic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/observium
observium mailing list observium@observium.org http://postman.memetic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/observium
There are no sensible workarounds to survive a syntax error. If you break code, everything is broken.
adam. On 11/08/2016 04:04:39, Laszlo Nemeth laszlo.nemeth@emarsys.com wrote: :)) yes of course, but it is normal that if I use 2 contact (an PD and an email) and if the PD crash, no email from the original problem? So the second event depend on that the frist run correctly? Thanks Laszlo From: observium observium-bounces@observium.org on behalf of Adam Armstrong adama@memetic.org Reply-To: Observium Network Observation System observium@observium.org Date: Thursday 11 August 2016 at 10:58 To: Observium Network Observation System observium@observium.org Subject: Re: [Observium] alerting problem There's no real solution for you creating a syntax error which crashes php ;p Thanks Adam. Sent from BlueMail [http://www.bluemail.me/r] On 11 Aug 2016, at 03:50, Laszlo Nemeth <laszlo.nemeth@emarsys.com [mailto:laszlo.nemeth@emarsys.com]> wrote: Dear Adam, Thank you for the infos! I tried the test_alert, and I got this: o Notifying [pagerduty] NOC Standby Alerting: {"service_key":"5a73c37ca5d44511a1eb3333b1226185"} PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_SL, expecting ')' in /opt/observium/includes/alerting/pagerduty.inc.php on line 25 This file is that I patched earlier but yesterday when I ran the “svn update” the svn asked me and it looks like I made an user error, the svn saved the new file but wrote the diff between the patched and the original INTO the saved new file. There are some non PHP compatible line in the .php file…. That is why the PHP didn’t run… Now I deleted this DIFF message from the .inc.php, and the test_alert run and I got the message via Pager Duty. After that I created again the CPU problem manually, and now it alerted via PD and I see that “Alert notification sent”. So it looks like if the PD alerting file (or I think any other alerting file) doesn’t run if an alert event would like to use it can lock all of the alering and the status of this alert message never change to ALERT_NOTIFY. Yes I know, don’t touch this files… but may be this locking is a problem because in this case I didn’t receive this alert via email too, so if an alert contact (pagerduty) doesn’t work, any other (email) doesn’t work too! Thank You! BR Laszlo From: observium observium-bounces@observium.org on behalf of Adam Armstrong adama@memetic.org Reply-To: Observium Network Observation System observium@observium.org Date: Wednesday 10 August 2016 at 18:20 To: "observium@observium.org" observium@observium.org Subject: Re: [Observium] alerting problem Hi Laszlo, Nothing has changed on the sending of alerts. You can force sending an alert or recovery notice with ./test_alert.php -a <alert_id> The alert_id is the id on the page with the alert entry availability graphs (click the cog on the right hand side of the alert table entry) If you also use -d, you'll get some debugging output. Thanks, adam. On 10/08/2016 09:01:50, Laszlo Nemeth laszlo.nemeth@emarsys.com wrote: Hello,
At the morning I was on the 7933 but 2 hours ago I updated to 8039.
I used a CPU alert for my routers. In the older version it is worked, I got the alerts via mail and PagerDuty as I set up.
Now after the upgrade I would like to test the alerting because on 7933 i “pached” the pagerduty.inc.php for more info in the PD message (the default file just send like “something wrong somewhere” :)
So. After the upgrade with the original (nor pached) PD file I would like a test to see how looks out a PD message now. I set a lower value for the CPU alerting (from 50% to 15%) to generate alerting (now the cpu load is 18-25%)
After a few minutes I see in the Alers / Processor that my deviced appear and show that the status is FAILED. It is ok. In the Alert Logging I get the “Checks failed” so it is great.
But. I never get “Alert notification sent” messages. (I get “Alert notification sent” for other events, so the alerting is working for other services).
I see in the Alerts that the router’s status is Failed, Checked 18s Changed 20m 36s, Alerted: never.
What I have to do for send the alerts? Or for the debug?
BR Laszlo
_______________________________________________ observium mailing list observium@observium.org http://postman.memetic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/observium
observium mailing list observium@observium.org http://postman.memetic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/observium [http://postman.memetic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/observium]
participants (3)
Adam Armstrong
Laszlo Nemeth
Rowlands Mark